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By TheMusicalGrenade

188K 3.2K 192

Ally is your average british tumblr girl, until she accidentally cross paths with a stranger she could swear... More

Meeting Of A Lifetime
Coffee Dates And Bagel Plates
A Club And A Garrix Concert.
A Little Black Dress And A Max
A Flight And A Lonely Hotel Room
And The Texting Ensues
A Fandom And A Bachelor Pad
A Yacht And The F1 W.A.G.S
A Sister And A Surprise
A Bracelet And A Flight Back
A Fight And A First Kiss
A Visit And A Misunderstanding
A Portrait And A Big Question
A New House And A New Memory
A Private Jet And A Sad Goodbye
A Mob And A Bigger Question
A Family And A Good Time
A Karting Track And A Proud Boyfriend
A Memory Lane And A Phone Call
A Horrible Truth And A Way To Handle It
A Torture Session And A Skype Call
A Tattoo And Eternal Sadness
A New Beginning And A New Portrait
A Daniel And A His/Hers
A Funeral And A Life Choice
A Decision And A Unveiling
A New Friend And A Awkward Meeting
A Gallery And A Clone
A Move And A Celebration
A Fall And A Problem
A Practice And A Temptation
A Scare And A Discussion
A Lost Friend And A Birthday Plan
A Victoria And A Cake
A Party And A Present
A Sickness And A Name
An Airport And A Kiss
A Lesson And A Test
A Small Shoe And A Big Surprise
A News Bulletin And An Uninvited Guest
An Attack And A Surgery
A Doctor And A Home
A Free Practice And An Announcement
A Qualification And A Honey Badger
A Season Start And A Bunch Of Kisses
A Exhibition And A Jealous Vibe
A Beach And A Crowd Scare
A Bad Kiss And A Locked Door
A Feeling And A Fight
A Speech And A Parent Talk
A Doctor And A Shock
A Doctor And A Shock Pt 2
The Surprise And The Question
A Yes And A Dinner
A Quali And A DNF
The Inspiration
A Trip Back Home And An Emergency
A Kidnapping And A Racedag
A Rescue And A Fist Fight
A Death And A White Light
A Bad Race And A Wrong Conversation
A Missing Person And A Huge Fight
A Sorry And A Postponement
A Grocery Trip And An Anniversary
A Date And The Godparents
An Invitation And A Dress
An Argument And A Nursery
A Confession And A Kick
A Complication And A Phone Call
A Late Fight And A Labor Duty

An Apology And An Appointment

1.7K 39 1
By TheMusicalGrenade


I knock on the door of Daniel's apartment, patiently waiting for him to open up. On the outside I looked quite calm and collected, even surprising myself. But on the inside I was still fuming. How could Daniel just kiss my girlfriend, who is also the mother of my unborn child? He is one of my very close friends, and I trusted him. I need answers.

I hear footsteps moving closer to the door, and then Daniel's grinning face appears before me. When he sees me his smile instantly disappears, replaced with a look of sadness.

"Are you just gonna stand there or can I come in?" I ask bluntly, causing Daniel to stammer. He motions to his living room for us to sit down, but I just continue standing.

"Daniel, what the hell were you thinking?" I ask quietly, trying to stay reasonable. He sinks down on the sofa, head in his hands.

"Max, I don't know. There was a moment, I wasn't on my game and I..." he tries to explain, but I promptly cut him off.

"Not on your game?! You weren't drunk, you weren't even tired, that's not an excuse," I point out, raising my voice.

"Max, I've spent so much time with her. I got to know her just as you did. She's an amazing girl, and I guess I fell for her..." He trails off, not meeting my icy glare.

"So you fell for the mother of my child, which happens to still be inside of her?!"

This must have done the trick as Daniel closed his eyes, shaking his head violently.

"What have I done..." He sighs, his voice cracking on the last word. His eyes turn red, brimming with tears.

The poor guy.

"Look, Dan. I wanted to come here to punch your face off, but your my friend. And my teammate, and I can't have bad blood between us. But that doesn't make what you did okay," I say flatly, sitting down across from him.

"You're not banned from our apartment, Ally made me swear to invite you to her exhibition in two days. So we still love you, but I probably will run you over with my car if you ever pull a stunt like that. Ever!" I finish off, smiling slightly.

Daniel stays silent, then looks up at me with an apologetic grin.

"I'm sorry I hit on Ally. She reminded me so much of Jemma, it just messed me up. Is she okay though?" He asks sounding concerned.

"She's fine, she's just worried I'll kill you."

"Will you?"

I smirk at him devilishly.

"I'm not sure yet."

"Thanks for the second chance, Max..." He says quietly, looking up at me. I sigh before giving him a tired smile.

"Daniel, I know you're a good guy, and you'd never do something like this without a good reason. And I agree, Ally and Jemma are similar in ways, but it's time for you to move on to better things." I say, patting him on the back.

"Did you just give me a pat on the back?" He asks, laughing.

"Yes indeed, the bromance lives on!" I exclaim, punching his arm.

"Would you please tell Ally I'm sorry?" He asks sincerely.

"She knows, trust me. But listen Dan, I got to go, Ally's at the gallery preparing for the exhibition, and I'm not sure a pregnant girl should be doing all those things. But we'll catch up later, yeah?" I ask before opening the front door.

"Definitely, we have team meetings and such. See ya Maxie!" He greets me, looking ten times better since I've first arrived. I wave back and head down to my car, wasting no time to get back to Ally. She's hanging more painting and I honestly don't want her working that much.

When I stop at the gallery, the doors are wide open and I can hear the familiar sounds of Mumford and Sons from inside. I jog inside, spotting Ally lifting up a large canvas.

"Did we not agree on you trying not two overdo it?" I ask jokingly while taking the canvas from her hands. She smiles apologetically, waving to the far side of the gallery.

"Please take it there, it's the second last one to hang," She babbles, skipping alongside me excitedly. I position the canvas where Ally wants it, and step back to admire it with her.

"It looks amazing," I comment, staring into her sparkling gray eyes.

"Thank you! Now let's hang the last one and then we can go home," She suggest with a smile, pulling my body closer to hers.

"Before or after we kiss?" I mumble while leaning down to kiss her neck.

"Definitely after," She grins, standing on her toes to kiss me. Even though I've kissed her a thousand times, she still makes my heart beat out of my chest. I truly love this girl.

"Okay prince Charming," She mumbles through kisses," let's hang that painting and head on home..."  She trails off, winking at me. I quickly hang the last painting, finishing the setup for her exhibition.

I grab her hand, and we both run to my car, giggling like schoolkids who were very much in love. Ally got into the passenger side, and I started the engine of my Aston Martin.

"Oh Love, before I forget, we have a doctor's appointment in two weeks." Ally mentions, and I raise my eyebrow.

"For what reason?"

"To find out the gender of the baby, of course!" She says nonchalantly. The words hit me hard and suddenly I have to focus on driving.

"So soon?" I ask, my voice trembling almost as much as my hands. Ally gives me one look, and grins at me. She rests her hand on my thigh, speaking in a calm manner.

"We don't have to go if you don't want to know the gender, I just thought you'd want to."

"I want to know," I answer quickly, smiling at her, "It's my baby too, and I want to know everything about it." I try to sound as calm as possible.

"Good, I'm glad you're calm about it." She says, turning her head back to her window.

Inside, I was freaking out.

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