A Lesson And A Test

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"Okay, so let me get this straight. Sebastian doesn't like you because he's a sore loser?"

"That's one way of putting it." Max grins.

"And Kimmi is just a angry guy on average, so he also doesn't like you?"


"But Nikki Lauda thinks you're the bomb, so what Vettel and Raikonnen thinks does not matter?" I ask again, and Max starts to laugh.

"Seriously, how many video's have you been watching?" He asks, shaking his head, causing me to blush slightly.

"Enough to know that you think Dan is, and I quote, 'such a beautiful guy'." I laugh, causing him to blush this time.

"That team interview was hard, don't judge!" Max chuckles, and I close my laptop, whilst smiling to myself. I throwing myself legs over his, leaning against the back of the couch.

"You know, I think I know now why you keep saying words can't describe me..." I trail off, leaving Max with a confused expression. I keep my face straight and serious.

"I totally agree with Daniel... Your first language is not english!" I say laughing, causing Max to groan.

"Not again! I've barely lived it down and now you bring it back." He mumbles, flashing a sheepish smile. I kissed him on his cheek, and his smile broadens.

"Okay quick test!" Max announces, and I roll my eyes. He has been doing this the whole week.

"Who was my first team mate and what team were we racing?" He asks, narrowing his eyes in an effort to intimidate me.

"Oh please, Carlos was at my birthday. And Scuderia Toro Rosso." I say, mentally high-fiving myself.

"Okay, name one team my dad raced for?" He asks, and my jaw drops.

"Come on, I didn't study your dad!" I smile, feeling exasperated. "It's think you once mentioned a team starting with a B? Like the english surname 'Bennett'?" I ask, looking at Max who is still trying to look intimidating.

"Almost, you're thinking of Benneton." Max grins, wrapping his arms around me, kissing my temple.

"I have a late training session with Jake today, so we could make some dinner later tonight?" He asks me, playing with my hair.

"I'll get something from the restaurant. Carmen loves it when I stop by to say hi." I smile, but Max looks concerned.

"I don't know babe, you got sick last time we got takeout from there." He says, clearly concerned.

"Don't worry, Dutchman. I've spoken to Carmen, and she felt really bad. It was just a one time thing." I reassure him, even though my heart is beating like crazy.

"Are you sure?" He asks, and I nod.

"I have to go to the gallery for a while, but I'll probably be back when you and Jake are done. What should I bring from the restaurant?" I ask him, while getting up and putting my shoes on.

"Oh some pasta would be great, an alfredo or something." He says, also getting up and walking to the kitchen. I join him, looking for my car keys.

"Why do have so many cars Max, honestly." I exclaim after I pick up the second pair of keys that aren't mine.

"Because the car won't complain that I'm cheating on it when I buy a new one." He chuckles, handing my keys to me, planting a kiss in my lips.

"Thanks, see you later." I yell before heading for the front door. It's only when I reach the elevator, that my emotions get the best of me. Tears start forming in my eyes, but I push them back until I reach the car. I waste no time driving to the gallery as fast as I can, neatly parking my Rover and almost running inside.

Once inside my studio, I call Victoria.

"Hey Ally, did you do it?!" Victoria asks, curiosity filling her voice. I have to gulp before I can find my voice to answer her.

"No. But I'm about to." I say, trying my best to sound brave. I open my bag, taking out the small rectangular box.

"Look, we are only suspecting it, but the nausea and the weird cravings may be a sign. But better safe than sorry." Victoria says, trying her best to calm me down, but it's not working.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to do it. I'll call you as soon as I get the result." I say, mentally preparing myself.

"Okay Ally, be strong. I love you, girl!" Vic says right before I hang up. I put down my phone, and start opening the home pregnancy test.

I head to the gallery's bathroom, hoping that the test won't confirm what I'm thinking. I set my timer for five minutes, waiting for a little piece of plastic to tell me how my future is going to be.

How would Max feel about a little us? He's on the top of his game, and I don't want him to make any sacrifices because of me. But, it's a little us. I can just see us, being a happy little family, and Max being the best dad in the world.

When my phone beeped to tell me the time is up, I seriously didn't know what I wanted the test to say. So I drew in a big breath, and tipped the test so I could see what it says. My heart beat slows, a weird feeling filling may whole body. I pick up my phone and redial Vic's number.

"What does it say?!" She practically shouts through the phone. I wait a few seconds before I respond, feeling hot tears stream down my face.

"I'm having a baby, Vic."

Texting Verstappen || A Max Verstappen FanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat