A New House And A New Memory

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(A.N: Chapters got switched againn! Please read A Private Jet And A Sad Goodbye before this chapter. Xx)


My eyes slowly flutter open, blinded by the light filtering in through my curtains. I turn my head, only to be met with the most beautiful sight ever; Ally fast asleep next to me, curls framing her face. I can hear Senna's snoring from his pillow on the ground next to my side of the bed.

I smile to myself, quietly getting out of the bed, grabbing my gym clothes out of the wardrobe. I dress in the bathroom, and head out for my morning jog down to the beach. As I take a steady pace, my thoughts wander back to last night. After all her things were carried into her room, Ally looked at the boxes, and started crying her eyes out. I had to carry her to bed, holding her until she calmed down, and eventually fell asleep. I just sat there for hours, staring at her, realising that this is all too real. We moved in together. She's mine.

'I need to find a way to make her feel more at home,' I thought to myself as I headed back home. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I know exactly what to do. I speed up my pace, soon reaching the apartment.

When I open the apartment door, I see Ally sitting on the balcony, with a blanket tossed loosely around her shoulders, Senna at her feet. I walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist, kissing her cheek.

''Good morning roommate.'' She giggles, turning my way.

''Good morning my love, how are you feeling?'' I ask, carefully lifting her, leading her to the kitchen. I pour us both a cup of coffee.

''Better than yesterday. I'm going to try to unpack all my stuff today, otherwise I'll never do it.'' She winks at me, taking a sip of her coffee. I smile at her.

''I'll help you with that, but right now I have to check my emails, I'll be with you in half an hour?'' I ask, kissing her hand.

''That's fine, I'm going to go shower first anyway. I'm on the Procrastination Station.'' She laughs, disappearing into the hallway.

I grin, taking out my laptop, opening Amazons website. I order the surprise I have in mind for Ally, smiling through the whole purchase. She is going to love this. I make the order out to Allison Verstappen, always a classy touch. And it's still early, so the package should arrive around noon.


I walk over to Ally's room, only to find her sitting crossed legged on the floor, staring at the boxes. I stand still in the doorway.

''You know, just looking at them isn't going to make them unpack themselves.'' I comment, and she sighs loudly.

''Where do I start, Max? Everything is just so overwhelming.'' She says, taking her head in her hands.

I walk over to her, placing my hand on a box marked: ''Senna's Box Of Stuff''.

''Let's start with this one? Senna misses his elephant chew toy.'' I say, chuckling softly. Ally has a small smile playing on her lips, and a little bit of hope In her eyes.

''Let's do it.'' She agrees, kissing my cheek, handing me a boxcutter. I slice open the top, and take out the gray playtoy Senna loves so much. Ally takes it, and throws it towards Senna, whose tail is wagging like crazy.

Ally turns to me, with a relieved smile on her face.

''Thank you for trying to make things easier.'' She mumbles, wrapping her arms around my neck. I lean down, resting my lips on hers. Her warm body presses against me as the kiss gets fiery. I feel her tongue fighting with mine, sending sparks through my veins. My hands rest on the small of her back, pulling her even closer to me. I detach our lips, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses from her collarbone to the edge of her shoulder. She closes her eyes, smiling contently.

''I can get used to this.'' She sighs, playing with my hair.

My arms are still wrapped around her slender waist, and I smile down at her.

''Plenty of time to get used to that, but right now, we have to unpack.'' I wink at her, picking up the box cutter, proceeding to slice open the rest of the boxes. Slowly but surely Ally and I start to make to progress, one box at a time.

''Why did you bring the clothes you never wear?'' I ask, shaking my head in confusion. Ally glares at me, mock angry.

''I'm starting a new lifestyle with you, so I thought maybe I'll wear it now.'' She states, taking out a bunch of dresses out of the last box. She throws it on the bed, and plops down next to it.

''We are officially done. I am moved in, Verstappen.'' She says, sighing. I walk over to the bed, sitting down on Ally's legs, and I hear her groan.

''Get offfffff, my legs are being crushed.'' She laughs as I rest my full weight on her.

''Are you saying I'm fat?'' I ask, laying back on her.

''Yes. What are you going to do about it.'' She asks daringly with a wink. I get up without a word, walking towards the door. I feel Ally's confused look following me, then I hear her get up to join me.

''I was just joking babe...'' She trails off. I smile deviously.

''I know!'' I exclaim as I hoist her over my shoulder, carrying her to the lounge. I hear her laughing, shouting at me to put her down. I gently throw her on the couch, and we both just start laughing. Right at that moment, Senna woke up, lazily padding over to where Ally and I were sitting.

''Good afternoon, you sleepyhead!'' Ally tells him, scratching his neck. I pick up my laptop, connecting with my home sounds stem and I play some of Martin's music softly. Just them the doorbell rings.

''Ally love, would you get that?'' I plead, acting busy on my laptop.

''But it's your house.'' She pouts.

''It's our house, remember?'' I chuckle softly. She gets up to open the door.

''Package for Mrs Ally Verstappen.'' The delivery boy states. Ally turns her head back at me, glaring. I just grin, shrugging. She signs the paper, and returns with the package.

''I wonder who this came from, hmm?'' She says, staring me down.

''Yeah, who'd want to give you something?'' I ask back, and she playfully punches my arm.

''Open it upppp.'' I urge her, and she starts ripping open the package. The noise attracts Senna, who then sits down on my lap.

''You got me a Polaroid cameraaaaaa!'' She gasps, looking at the light blue Instax Camera I got her.

''So we could save our new memories.'' I say cheesily, and she laughs.

''You like it?'' I ask her.

''I love it so much!'' She yells, eyes sparkling. I smile, stroking Senna's back, and Ally snaps her first picture. She takes the small film, shaking it until the picture is developed.

''My two favourite boys in one picture.'' She smiles broadly.

''Here's to new memories.'' I say, pulling Ally next to me, kissing her slowly.

''This is what perfect feels like...'' Ally says in between our kisses.

''I couldn't agree more.'' I agree, staring at her beautiful eyes.

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