A Club And A Garrix Concert.

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I need to see this girl again, I think whilst driving my car to the hotel.

"Call Martin", I command my car's media interface. Within seconds I hear Martin's groggy voice.

"Max, oh my god it's like 11 am! I'm sleeping for my show tonight!!" Martin yells through the phone.

"Hi buddy, I love you too. Look, I need to ask you a favor for tonight. Can I bring a date? She's really cute and I kind of li..." Martin cuts me short.

"Yeah sure, Brie is gonna need some company too tonight, so bring her. Sorry Bud, I really gotta go. See you in the VIP booth tonight, OK?" Martin sounds tired.

"Okay Martin, see you later, bye." I hang up just as I pull up to the hotel.

The valet takes the keys of my Audi R8 and drives it away whilst I walk into the hotel foyer. I can hear a commotion coming from the front desk, sounding like... Victoria?

"Yes, well you just make sure when Mr Verstappen returns he gets my message!" my sister yells at the receptionist.

"What message, Vic?" I ask her, putting my arms around her and hugging her tightly.

"Max Emillian Verstappen, you scared me!" she says, playfully hitting me on the shoulder. "I've missed you, loser. Let's go up to your room and talk." she grabs my arm and drags me toward the elevator.

There is no getting around this one.

"I missed you too Vic, it's been two months since I last saw you and the rest of the family. How is everyone?" I ask, walking toward my hotel room door. She follows with fast strides to match my longer ones.

"Oh good, the house is so quiet since you moved, with no one to irritate the rest of us normal people." She sets herself down on the nearest couch, and pulls me down with her.

"Anyway, I'm only here to say hi and bye, I'm on my way to Milano Fashion week, they asked me to do a speech about the fashion influences of the Dutch culture. Faaansay, wouldn't you say brother dearest?" She says the last part in a royal-voice, pinching her face together. We both burst out in laughter.

"So when do you get back home?" I ask after our laughter has died down.

"The last two days of your visit at home. So we won't be seeing each other that much, but you don't mind, seeing as you always hide in your room with your trophies." She winks at me and I can't help but laugh.

"Vic, I met a girl yesterday. A really wonderful girl. I almost killed her dog, but I'd really do that over if it means I'll get to see her again." I confess to my sister. Victoria looks at me as if I have lost my mind.

"Max, you are such a player, you've barely broke up with Joyce, now this?" Victoria shakes her head before continuing, "Is she a model, or also a racing driver?"

I shake my head.

"I believe she called herself a professional Netflixer, Vic. She's really funny, and she doesn't know I'm famous. So she's not after that or my money." I say confidently.

"Oh no, is she blind?" Vic asks, and we both laugh. "Who doesn't know you, Max, you're a legend, people are comparing you to Ayrton Senna!" Vic continues.

"Thats the best part sis, her dog is called Senna. Come on, this is fate!" I convince Victoria, laughing.

"Fine Max, just don't get hurt, softy. I have to go, my plane leaves in an hour, and the hotel said they'll call me a cab around now." Vic says while standing up.

"You look happy, big brother. Stay this way, okay?" Vic mumbles while I hug her goodbye.
"Be safe, little one. See you soon okay?"

Victoria nods, and with that, she leaves the room towards the foyer.

Alone again.

Except for Ally. I still need to get her address.

Max: hello Miss Ally.. Having a change of mind? ;)

Ally: omg no, are you changing your mind??

Max: nono, I was just wondering cause you still haven't sent your address..

Ally: don't hate me!! I'm sending you the map location now :)

Max: thank you milady. Can't wait to see you tonight x

Ally: i have nothing to wear tho :/

Max: you'll look breathtaking in a potato sack

Ally: Flattery will get you everywhere, darling :)

Max: see you in 6 hours and 23 minutes, schatje x

Ally: what does that mean, you weird dutchman??

Ally: no reply I see

Ally: it better be a cute word :|

Tonight's concert it more like a get together for friends, but I'm excited to let Ally see that side of me, and that I don't always step on dogs. I'm really glad she doesn't hate me for the latter.

I take out my iPhone and check my emails from the team. Race dates, flight dates and holidays. I also have one from the team leader. Daniel and I have been invited to the yacht party of one of Red Bull's sponsors, and I start thinking whether or not I should ask Ally today join me.

While I was reading the emails, I felt my eyes starting to get heavy, and before I could stop myself I was asleep.

I dreamt about Ally with her crazy curly hair, running away from me, and I was laughing whilst I was trying to catch her. We fell on the soft grass of the park, and she playfully wrestled with me, and I tickled her until we were both out of breath. We looked at each other, and suddenly I lowered my lips on hers, and we were kissing. I felt like there was a swarm butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

It couldn't be more perfect, until... My phone buzzed, and woke me up out of my dream.

"Hallo?" I ask sleepily over the phone.

"You stood my up, Verstappen." Ally doesn't sound amused.

"What? I haven't stood you up?" I ask, and sit up confused.

"It's half ten, yeah you did." She sounds hurt.

My heart starts racing, and I check the time. It's 21:32, and I'm late.

"Oh gosh, Ally stay right there, I'll be there in ten minutes. DON'T MOVE!" I hang up the phone, and run to the closet. I put on my jeans and a gray cardigan with my favourite MV snapback cap. I run to the elevator, and all the way to the foyer, begging the valet to hurry up with my audi.

I don't want to mess this date up.

Texting Verstappen || A Max Verstappen FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz