A Family And A Good Time

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''And also, he likes a bedtime snack, but he will let you know when he wants it. And his toy, Ellie. Just put it by his bed, and he'll sleep like a baby.'' Ally tells our new dog sitter, Sierra. Sierra nods for the seventh time, still smiling.

''Ally, I think she understood the first few times.'' I say, guiding her to the door.

''Wait, let me just say goodbye!'' She pulls away, kneeling next to Senna. I just shake my head.

''I'm going to miss you boy, please be good. I'll be back before you know it.'' Ally says softly, scratching Senna's ears. I also kneel down, patting his head.

''Be good boy. Als, let's go. We are going to be late!'' I laugh, as we both get up.

''Stop rushing meee! We are going with your private jet, we can't be late.'' Ally states matter-of-factly as she gives Senna a final wave.

''I wished you loved me as much as you love Senna...'' I trail off while we walk to the car.

''Yes, me too.'' Ally says, and we both laugh.

''No chill, hey?''

''That's why you love me.'' She says simply, leaning over to kiss me. I grin, and we start our journey to the airport.

''Ughhh I'm going to sleep on the jet, all this stressing about meeting your family has me beat.'' Ally sighs, resting her head against the window.

I chuckle softly.

''The flight is only about an hour.'' I comment, and Ally's  eyes grow wide.

''I was never ready.'' She sighs, laughing.

''You've already met Victoria, it's just my mom for today. Tomorrow we can worry about my dad and Blue Jaye.'' I reassure her as we stop at the airport.

''I want them to like me.'' She pouts. I lean over, kissing her.

''I like you. That's all that matters.'' I smile at her, and we both get out of the car.
We walk straight to the hangar, and I let Ally board first. As I enter the plane, I see her snuggled in a corner seat, looking nervous. I look at her, smiling, and she rolls her eyes.

''Take offs and landings are the worst.'' She almost whispers, biting her lip.

''If I kiss you throughout the whole flight, will you feel better?'' I ask, sliding into the seat next to hers. She giggles, taking my hand.

''At least you're here. If I die, you go down with me.'' She kisses my cheek.

''So morbid, so early in the day.'' I shake my head, just as the pilot tells us to buckle up.

Ally rests her head on my shoulder, closing her eyes tightly.

''Your heart is beating fast.'' Ally comments after the plane starts moving.

''That's because I'm with you.'' I say smoothly, just as the plane takes off. She laughs, and I kiss the top of her head.


''ALLY!'' I hear Victoria's voice over the buzz of the airport. The two girls hug each other, smiling broadly.

''How have you been, Vic?'' Ally asks, walking side by side with Victoria. The two girls start chatting, and I have to jog to keep up.

''Excuse me, ladies. I'm right back here.'' I wave at them, catching up to them.

''We know Max. Oh, and you're driving. I want to catch up with Ally.'' Victoria tells me, handing me the keys. Great.

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