A Funeral And A Life Choice

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After I got the call from Ben, I was in London before daylight broke. I rushed into the Carling house, seeing Ally huddled in Ben's arms; a bundle of emotion. When he saw me, he moved away, letting me hold my girl. Ally's eyes were shut, and it took her a few seconds to register that I was holding her to my chest.

''Max...'' She whispers, her sweet voice barely audible.

''Shh baby, it's okay. I'm here now.'' I say, stroking her hair. Her face was red and swollen from crying, her body limp with emotion. I picked her up, sitting down with her on the couch.

''Don't you worry about a thing, my girl. I'll never let you go.'' I whisper to her. Her hand are clutching the front of my sweater as if she is in unbearable pain. We sit like that for almost an hour. After a while, I feel Ally's breathing getting deeper, signs that she is falling asleep. I move away from her, letting her rest on the couch. Ben comes over to me with a frown.

''It took me forever just to get her to calm down.'' He whispers to me, and I smile grimly.

''Thanks for being here for her. You saved her.'' I whisper back, and he also smiles at me. Dr Grey appears at the front door, beckoning for us to join him outside.

''The funeral home will be here at six to take her to the morgue...'' He trails off, and I see his teary eyes.

''When will the funeral be?'' I ask, looking at the world men beside me.

''Friday.'' I hear Ally's voice behind me, and we all turn.

''She said she wanted it on Friday, because that was her favorite day.'' She wipes a tear away, and I pull her closer to me.

''Ally, Max, you are most welcome to stay at my house until after the funeral. Just till things are sorted out.'' Dr Grey offers, but Ally declines.

''Thank you doctor, but I have to finish a few things here as quickly as possible. Max can't stay here for long.'' Ally says, and I shake my head.

''I'll stay for as long as it is needed.'' I correct her, and she tries to smile.

''We'll stay until the funeral home has left. Right now, you should get some rest Allison. I'll be back later today to help you with the phone calls and arrangements.'' Dr Grey says to Ally, and she nods thankfully.

''Max and I will be in my old room if you need anything.'' She states,before turning and heading back inside. In the early light of dawn, I could see the sadness in Dr Grey's eyes.

''Stay with her, she's going to need you.'' He advises. I nod, and follow Ally to her old room. I find her sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at the blank wall of her room.

''Let's get some sleep, Alls.'' I try to coax her. She automatically lays back, staring up at the ceiling. I cuddle up next to her, pulling her closer. She rests her head in the crook of my neck, and I feel her tears hot on my neck.

''I'm not going to survive.'' She whispers.

''No you're not. We are going to survive together. You're not in this alone.'' I say, holding her even tighter.

''We're just going to take this one day at a time.'' I say, praying that's the truth.


''Thank you so much for being here.'' I hear Ally say to a group of people about her age. Not one of them dressed in the traditional black.

''We wouldn't miss it for the world. Your mom was the best professor I ever had the privilege of working with.'' A blond girl says, with a thick American accent. Ally nods, and the blond girl gives her a hug. She walks back to me, and I give her hand a squeeze.

''Who knew a funeral is so much work.'' Ally sighs, leaning against me. She's wearing a white dress with a daisy flower crowning her curly hair.

''It's almost over, at least we don't have to clear up.'' I smile, and she tries to smile back. We both look back at the few people in the lounge, looking at family photos, or drinking tea. Dr Grey and Ben were amongst them, consoling a few of Ally's mother's friends. Ben walks towards us, and the three of us just stare into space.

''Today was beautiful, Ally.'' He mumbles, giving her a hug.

''It's just like she wanted it. Even the sun was shining so brightly, and you could smell the wild flowers...'' She trails off, thinking of her mum.

''When are you spreading her ashes?'' He asks, and both of us look up at Ally, but she only bites her lip.

''She said I would know when the right time is... So I'm waiting until then.'' She gives a small smile.

''Your mother was one of the best.'' Ben smiled. Dr Grey escorts the last people out, and returns to us.

''I'm proud of you, Ally. You held up good today, now you can relax. Luckily you and your mother have all ready sorted through all her things... Packers will come tomorrow, and pack all the things she destined for charity. Have you already packed the things you want?'' Dr Grey asked Ally, sitting down with her in the lounge.

''Max and I are packing everything I want tonight, we fly back to Monaco tomorrow after the appointment with the lawyer.'' She answers, and he nods.

''Are you going to settle the house and will with the lawyer?''

''Yes, Doctor, my mother and I decided that the house should be sold.'' Ally says, looking at me.

''No use in keeping it when I'm living with Max...'' She smiles at me, and my heart flips.

''That's a wise choice, Ally. Ben and I are going to miss you around here.'' He smiles at Ally whilst getting up. He hugs her, and heads for the door. Ben waves at us, and follows suit. I sit down with Ally, and she lays back against my chest, sighing loudly.

''Your option to kick me out has officially expired.'' She informs me, and I chuckle.

''I wasn't planning on it.'' I wink at her and she just sighs.

''The hard part comes now. Trying to take all the memories I possibly can out of this house.'' She stares up at the ceiling. We both sit in silence, searching for words to explain what we felt.

''Well, let's try and start somewhere.'' She gets up, heading to a stack of empty boxes.

I walk up behind her, turning her around, planting a quick kiss on her lips.

''This is going to sound weirdly cheesy... But I'm going to quote a song from The Chainsmokers.'' I start, and Ally starts giggling.

''If we go down, we go down together. And I mean it Ally, I will be right next to you every step of the way.'' I finish the sentence with a smile.

For a moment, I can see her tired eyes light up with happiness.

''Let's just finish packing so we can go home.'' She smiles, and in my mind, I keep hearing that word.


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