A Kidnapping And A Racedag

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Hold on sweetheart, don't give up. I'll find you and I'll never let you go...

I woke up suddenly, those last words echoing inside my head. It was Max. I was dreaming of him... He was saving me.

My head was hurting like hell, and my ribs hurt when I breathed, but my heart was still beating, that was th only thing that mattered.

"Where am I..." I muttered in a confused tone, trying to analyze my surroundings. I'm laying on a soft surface... A mattress maybe? The room was dark, so obviously it was night time.

How long did I sleep?

"You're safe my dear," a cold, rough voice whispered from the darkness. It made a chills run down my spine.

"What do you want from me?!" I try to ask boldly, but it ends up being slightly louder than a whisper.

"Oh Allison, I want nothing from you. It's Max I'm after," the voice chuckles emotionless, scaring me even more.

"You see, Max broke my little girl's heart, and also got her locked up in a mental institution. He has to pay for ruining her."

Suddenly, familiar memories start spinning in my brain and the pieces fall together.

"Oh my god, you're Mila's father..." I say, horror washing over me.

A figure steps out of the dark corner, and I recognize some of her features in him.

"Max will find me and he will send you to the crazy house with your daughter!" I threaten, but he just laughs it off.

"You're very cute when you get angry," he says with a sinister smile that disappears in an instant.

"But do not anger me my dear, you are still disposable..." he sneers while grasping my arm, causing me to wince.

I look down and see a neat white bandage wrapped around my forearm, with red spots seeping through it.

"What did you do to me?" I ask, trying to pull my arm away from him, but he keeps it firmly in place.

"I just left your boyfriend a message of what will happen to you if he doesn't play by my rules."

Max must be worried out of his mind.

"What makes you think that Max will do anything you say?" I challenge him with a serious face.

He slowly leans down towards me, squatting down on my level. In his right hand he has a iPhone pointing towards me, and in his left hand is a black object.

"What are you doi..." I try to speak, but a deep pain in my leg makes me give an ear piercing scream. Tears flow down my cheeks as I realize the man stuck a knife in my thigh. Blood was streaming out, and I could feel myself getting sick.

"Your precious fiancé will bleed out unless you act fast, Max..." The old man snickers before putting his phone away.

"Okay dear, this my hurt just a little..." the man says, and before I could comprehend what was happening, he pulled the knife out of my thigh.

I scream in honest agony, the pain too much to bare.

"Don't worry, I'll stop the bleeding," the man informs me in a matter-of-fact way. He pulls a black duffle bag closer to him, taking out gauze and bandage, quickly wrapping it around the wound.

"Why don't you just let me die?" I cry, trying my best not to be so scared.

"I'm not a murderer Allison, I'm just trying to hurt him. And I can only do that by hurting you. I think he'll rather enjoy that video, maybe he will realize I mean it when I say I want revenge."

He gets up, and walks towards a desk standing in the far corner of the still dark room.

"You're allowed to move around, you know. But with that wound, it might be a slight bit difficult," the old man laughs while rummaging through the drawers of the desk. After a few minutes he tossed a bottle of water at me.

"You're probably thirsty," he adds while walking towards me. He hands me a plate with bread and an apple.

"Probably hungry too. Since you're pregnant, we can't have you starving, now can we?" he remarks, and for a split second, I thought I heard care in his voice.

We sat in silence, and I didn't dare touch the food, even though I was starving. We stayed quiet for what seemed like hours.

"Let's turn on the TV, and see what they're showing us," the man says innocently, and I knew something was up.

As soon as the screen was on, Max's faced was filling it. He was in his racegear, waving at his fans in Zandvoort.

That means it's Saturday, and I've been missing for two days. Why has nobody found me?!

"Max Verstappen celebrating with his fans after a stellar lap here at Zandvoort," the announcer chirps over the air.

"Verstappen has been off his game, staying inside the Red Bull truck most of the morning, much to the fans' dissapointment. But now he is out and smiling, giving thanks to his many fans," the announcer just continues.

"I just sent him that video, let's give him a few minutes and see his reaction," the old man snickers, making my stomach turn.

But sure enough, only after a few seconds, I could see Victoria pushing through the crowd to reach Max, whispering something in his ear. Even on the screen, I could see his face fill with horror.

He tries to compose himself, excusing himself from the crowds to retreat back to his truck.

"And now we cut over to the Porsche GT3 challenge, right after this break."

Jumbo ads flash on the screen, but the old man turns the TV off before the ads end.

"Now we wait for a response," he states, walking towards a door in the dark corner he came from.

"A response? Did you ask something?" I ask, still struggling to grasp the man's motives.

"Why, yes. I requested €1 million for your freedom. So I can get Mila out of the mess you brought on her. We would go away and lead a new life."

I almost laugh out loud.

"You are crazy, go to hell!" I screech, and for a minute, I sounded really scary. But only for a minute.

"If I was crazy, you'd be dead, dear. Now rest up, we have to shoot a new video tomorrow to send to poor Max."

Before I could say anything, he disappeared through a door, locking it behind him.

There were no windows in the room, only the bed, the desk and the TV.

The TV!

I struggle to my feet, limping heavily towards the desk where the man left the remote. I grab it, instantly switching the TV back on.

Max was on it again, this time on the podium to crown the race winners.

"The question on everyone's mind today: Where is Max's fiancé, Allison Carling? Is her absence a sign of some trouble in paradise? Only time would tell..."

I sigh.

With tears in my eyes I gingerly lay down on the mattress, staring up at Max's televised features.

If only I knew where I was.

"Please save me... " I whisper before sobbing loudly, having the first of many emotional breakdowns.

Texting Verstappen || A Max Verstappen FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz