A Scare And A Discussion

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I take a sip of my coffee before rummaging through my bag for the gallery's keys. I'm almost sleep walking, barely awake and definitely not ready for the day, but I just can't stop painting. It's the ultimate escape.

I close the door behind me, heading straight for the stairs up to my studio, not bothering to switch on the gallery's lights. Trying to skip up the steps, my thoughts wander to Max.

He comes home today, and said he had something to discuss with me, which sounded sort of serious. He didn't say the time he lands, so his arrival will be a mystery to me, just like the topic he wants to discuss.

A shiver runs down my spine, and I try to push the thought from my head. The studio is extremely quiet, so I dock my iPod into my speakers and play It Ain't Me by Kygo ft. Selena Gomez. I pick up my brush, and mix three shades of red to use on the almost complete canvas. I start stroking my brush on the canvas, matching the rhythm of the music playing, getting lost in the moment.

Until I hear a sound.

It sounded like a thud from downstairs, and as the idiot I am, I forgot to lock the door behind me! I panic, and start looking around for a sharp object to defend myself with, but all I could find is a broken end of a paint brush. Great, I'm going to die.

I hear slow, heavy footsteps from down below, and decide to try and hide. I quickly kick out my shoes and tiptoe behind the cabinet containing my sculpting kits. It's conveniently set behind the staircase, so I'll see the intruder before he sees me. I clutch the broken brush to my chest as the footsteps reach the metal staircase. They speed up, making their way up to kill me.

Please Lord, I pray in my head, I'm too young too die.

The figure appears, looking around in my studio.

"Babe are you here?" The familiar voice asks.

"Max, I swear to god I almost killed you right now! You can't just waltz in here, I thought you were going to kill me! Argh!" I yell getting up from behind the cabinet, feeling relieved that I'm not dying yet.

Max burst out of laughter, and I could feel the anger rising up in me.

"What's so funny?" I ask, pointing the brush to his chest. He lifts his hands, retreating.

"You're just so cute when your mad. And I missed you so much." He smiles, pulling me closer to him. I wrap my arms around his waist, feeling my heart rate return to normal.

"I missed you too. When did you get back?" I ask looking up at him.

"We literally landed 20 minutes ago, I asked the driver to bring me here first so I could see you. My bags are downstairs and everything." He grins, pulling away from the embrace.

So that was the thud-noise.

We both sit down, Max on my desk, and I take the chair. I take a deep breath before continuing.

"You said you wanted to talk to me about something?" I say, biting my lip. His eyes suddenly grow weary, and his beautiful smile fades. Oh no.

"Actually Als," he starts, looking uncomfortable, "It's about Mila. She stayed in the same hotel as my family and I, and there was an incident at the pool. Between me and her." He says, staring me dead in the eyes. I feel my stomach churn.

"What happened..." I ask, lowering my gaze, fearing the worst.

"She came onto me, flirting and saying things that aren't true. She made it really uncomfortable for Vic too." He finished, searching my eyes. I sigh, getting up and running my hands through my hair.

"Do you want me to talk to her?" I ask him, biting my lip again.

"You don't have too, but I just wanted you to know the truth. I love no one but you." He grins, taking my hand as I stand beside him. I smile down at him, calming down completely.

"Enough of this seriousness." I announce, pulling him to his feet. "Let's go home and make a huge brunch. The kids miss you." I wink a him, and he chuckles. I pick up my bag and we proceed to his car that I parked in the parking lot. I throw him the keys, getting in the passenger side. He just smiles and starts the engine.

"Oh by the way, Vic has school break right now, so she's coming to visit for a few days." Max informs me, and I smile like crazy.

"That's great, I miss her so much. I'll get the guestroom ready for her." I say as I watch the buildings fly past us as we drive home. The rest of the drive was comfortable silence, both of us being tired as hell.

When we open the apartment door Senna and Picasso attacks us with wagging tails and doggy kisses. Max falls down on the couch with the two pups, playing and stroking them, using his baby voice on them.

I start preparing the brunch consisting of pancakes, omelets and a fruit salad. I hear Max on the phone with his mom, telling her he's home safe, and that Victoria could come over tomorrow, giving him time to rest. When he hung up, he sat down on a barstool by the kitchen counter, stealing pieces of strawberry out of the salad.

"I will cut you!" I threaten, pointing a sharp knife at him. He looks me dead in the eye and takes another piece. We both start laughing, and I shake my head.

"Such a rebel you are. What did I do to get stuck with you?" I wink as I set his plate in front of him. I slide on the stool next to him, eating my salad out of a bowl.

"Oh shut up, you love me." He says before taking a huge bite of omelet. We eat in silence for a while, until I'm finished with my salad.

"Hey, I got the new American Horror Story episodes, let's cuddle and watch those?" I ask him while clearing the counter.

"Yeah sure, but don't get mad if I pass out because I'm really tired. These practices really get the best of me." He says handing me his plate.

"You can sleep for all I care, I just want you near me." I answer, grinning at him.

"Cheesy much?" He asks,  getting up and walking to the couch.

"Oh you love me." I mimic him, before snuggling up in his arms.

Nothing is as good as home feels.

Texting Verstappen || A Max Verstappen FanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant