Texting Verstappen || A Max V...

By TheMusicalGrenade

188K 3.2K 192

Ally is your average british tumblr girl, until she accidentally cross paths with a stranger she could swear... More

Meeting Of A Lifetime
Coffee Dates And Bagel Plates
A Club And A Garrix Concert.
A Little Black Dress And A Max
A Flight And A Lonely Hotel Room
And The Texting Ensues
A Fandom And A Bachelor Pad
A Yacht And The F1 W.A.G.S
A Sister And A Surprise
A Bracelet And A Flight Back
A Fight And A First Kiss
A Visit And A Misunderstanding
A Portrait And A Big Question
A New House And A New Memory
A Private Jet And A Sad Goodbye
A Mob And A Bigger Question
A Family And A Good Time
A Karting Track And A Proud Boyfriend
A Memory Lane And A Phone Call
A Horrible Truth And A Way To Handle It
A Torture Session And A Skype Call
A Tattoo And Eternal Sadness
A New Beginning And A New Portrait
A Daniel And A His/Hers
A Funeral And A Life Choice
A Decision And A Unveiling
A New Friend And A Awkward Meeting
A Gallery And A Clone
A Move And A Celebration
A Fall And A Problem
A Practice And A Temptation
A Scare And A Discussion
A Lost Friend And A Birthday Plan
A Victoria And A Cake
A Party And A Present
A Sickness And A Name
An Airport And A Kiss
A Lesson And A Test
A Small Shoe And A Big Surprise
A News Bulletin And An Uninvited Guest
An Attack And A Surgery
A Doctor And A Home
A Free Practice And An Announcement
A Qualification And A Honey Badger
A Season Start And A Bunch Of Kisses
A Exhibition And A Jealous Vibe
A Bad Kiss And A Locked Door
An Apology And An Appointment
A Feeling And A Fight
A Speech And A Parent Talk
A Doctor And A Shock
A Doctor And A Shock Pt 2
The Surprise And The Question
A Yes And A Dinner
A Quali And A DNF
The Inspiration
A Trip Back Home And An Emergency
A Kidnapping And A Racedag
A Rescue And A Fist Fight
A Death And A White Light
A Bad Race And A Wrong Conversation
A Missing Person And A Huge Fight
A Sorry And A Postponement
A Grocery Trip And An Anniversary
A Date And The Godparents
An Invitation And A Dress
An Argument And A Nursery
A Confession And A Kick
A Complication And A Phone Call
A Late Fight And A Labor Duty

A Beach And A Crowd Scare

1.7K 35 0
By TheMusicalGrenade


"Just a few more, Max. Give me ten more lifts, and then we're done for the morning," Jake encourages me while I groan loudly. I quickly finish the lifts, setting down the bar and flexing my arms.

"Maybe one day I can take you on, Jakey!" I mock. He throws a towel at me and I manage to duck out of the way, leaving Senna to catch the flying towel. Jake and I head into the kitchen so Jake can prepare our supplement shake.

"Ally still sleeping?" He asks while chopping up some green vegetables, causing me to cringe already.

"Yes, this pregnancy thing tires her out, she sleeps a bit more, and eats the weirdest things!" I chuckle quietly, causing Jake to break out a grin.

"Sometimes I think she's crazy, but she's my crazy person," I finish off just as Jake slides a glass full of thick, green liquid in front of me.

"You can't be serious?" I ask, eyes wide on Jake's face. He gives me an evil grin.

"Bottoms up," he says before chugging his drink down. I decide to follow suit, quickly downing the thick puree and shuddering after I've finished it.

"And you're telling me I eat disgusting stuff?" I hear Ally's disgusted voice from the hallway. She has her nose scrunched up, a disgusted looks all over her face.

"Fitness is pain!" Jake jokes while cleaning the two glasses. Ally slides in next to me at the counter, opening up her laptop. She starts editing some kind of invitation, and I leave her in peace, walking Jake to the door.

"See you tomorrow, Max. Tomorrow in core strength, so rest up," Jake reminds me before heading to the elevator. I wave him off before turning back to Ally. I lean down, kissing her forehead, smiling happily.

"Good morning my love, slept well?" I ask cheerily, sitting down across from her. She quickly glances up at me, smiling, before looking back down at her laptop.

"I slept well, but this alien inside me woke me this morning. I hate throwing up," She pouts, still working on her laptop.

"I don't know about you, but I'm starving. Jake's idea of breakfast almost killed me!" I chuckle, earning a small smile from Ally.

"Should I make us omelets?" She asks and I can hear my stomach growling. She giggles, getting up and walking toward me. She stops in front of me, standing on her toes to kiss me slowly. I kiss her back, pulling her waist closer.

"You make breakfast, I'll go shower, and maybe we could go down to the beach later?" I ask, seeing Ally's eyes grow with delight.

"I'd love that, now go shower so we can get going!" Ally squeals, ushering me to our room. She heads back to the kitchen, leaving me to shower quickly and dress for the beach. Boardshorts with a light blue shirt, and my favourite Red Bull cap.

I head back to the kitchen, Picasso on my heels. Ally just finished breakfast, handing me a plate with a huge omelet.

"I just going to get dressed, you go ahead and eat," She smiles kindly, kissing me before running to our room. While she dresses, I finish the food in what felt like three bites, wolfing it down. Ally makes the best food ever!

I grab the dogs' leashes, clipping it to their collars just as Ally appears from our room. She was wearing a loose red summer dress, her curls tumbling down her back, an excited smile playing on her lips.

"Let's get out of here!" She giggles, taking Senna's leash from me, grabbing her beach bag. We head out of the apartment, taking course to the beach with our dogs, and holding hands like the smitten couple we are.

"When should we tell Victoria and Daniel that they're the chosen ones?" Ally asks suddenly, snapping me out of my train of thoughts.

"The chosen ones?" I question, slightly confused.

"The godparents, Max! Keep up will you," She laughs, causing a blush to creep onto my face. We hit the sandy beach, both kicking out our flip-flops and heading closer to the water.

"Probably at the baby shower? Or should we tell them earlier? Or when the baby is born?" I ask, trying to guess the right answer. Ally thinks about it for a few moments, throwing a blanket on the sand for us to sit on.

"Maybe we should invite them over, have a private celebration?" I try again, making her face light up.

"You're a genius, that's perfect!" She exclaims, pulling me closer to kiss my cheek. I grin happily, staring at the beautiful girl beside me. Ally quickly jumps up, pulling the dress over her head to reveal a stunning black bikini. She's standing sideways, and I notice the small, yet prominent, bump in her mid section. When she turns to me, I also see het crimson scar.

"I know I'm getting fat, don't stare!" She mocks, throwing the dress at me. I catch it before it hits my face.

"You look beautiful. Even with a little person inside you," I say, smiling like an idiot. "Now go swim, I'll stay and look after the dogs,"  I ensure her, and with a quick kiss she jogs towards the crystal clear water. I watch her for quite a time, seeing her dip beneath the incoming waves, striding confidently deeper into the ocean. I was mesmerized with how gorgeous she looked, as if a mermaid was swimming in front of me.

Senna pulled me from my daydream, growling in a menacing tone at something behind me.

I whip my head back, only to see a crowd of twenty photographers and reporters taking pictures of Ally and I on the beach. Instantly, my blood boils, but I try to keep calm despite Senna still growling furiously. It turn back to look for Ally, but my heart stops.

She's trying to walk towards me, but a crowd is surrounding her, taking pictures and yelling questions at her as if she is some kind of animal. My temper breaks, and I sprint off towards her, taking a towel so I can cover her.

"Dont say anything, just walk," I whisper in her ear, leading her back to where the dogs are now barking at the paparazzi. She grabs her bag and blanket, and I take the dogs, trying to pass the growing crowd.

"Max, is it true Allison is pregnant?"

"Max, are you the father?"

"Any comment on the past race, Max?"

"Allison, tell us about how you got that scar?"

Questions are being thrown at us, almost deafening us. Luckily, Senna gives a really loud bark while showing his teeth, making the reporters scatter around us. We pick up our pace, practically running back home, trying to escape the paparazzi. Suddenly, a white SUV with tinted windows stops right next to us, the passenger door flying open.

"Get in," I hear Daniel's voice command us, and we waste no time. Both the dogs and I take the back seat, while Ally slips in front with Dan. He speeds away, leaving the reporters far behind.

"You guys okay?" He asks, voice full of concern.

"We're fine, thanks Dan. You practically saved us back there," I thank him, sighing relieved.

I catch him staring worryingly at Ally, who still hasn't said anything. She's pale-faced, hardly breathing, only holding her hands tightly to her stomach.

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