You Capture My Attention (GxG)

By AmyliasElden

399K 12.3K 2K

Valerie Christopher is an extremely talented fashion student. Winning multiple contests and awards for her wo... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty:
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five:
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Seventeen

5K 308 28
By AmyliasElden

Author Note:

Hey guys, it would really mean the world to me if you please vote and or comment.

Thank you! I hope you enjoy!


Lyndsey's POV:

The rest of the plane ride home I tried my hardest not to look in their direction. Every time that I did, my emotions would spiral out of control. It was as if they were balancing dangerously on a tight rope. I bounced my leg up and down; eager to be away from the smiling and laughing duo. I looked out the window, the ground below us seemed just that much closer. 'Hopefully, we were landing soon...' I thought to myself, sighing in annoyance. I bit my lip, my eyes glancing toward my phone as the screen lit up. At first glance, I thought it was from Emalie... but then a brow raised as I noticed the name had said, Valerie. I looked up towards her, surprised to see her looking at me. I sighed once more, sliding my finger on the unlock.

Valerie: You seem upset. You haven't left your seat the entire plane ride.

I clicked my tongue as I read this. Was she just now noticing that? 'God... I sound like a jealous and pathetic teenage boy...' I rubbed my temple for a moment at my odd behavior.

Me: I guess I'm just tired today. I want to be home already.

I placed my phone down upon my leg, but before my hand was removed, she texted me again. I rose my brow at how fast she responded.

Valerie: Understandable...What are you doing when we get back? We're apparently supposed to be at the airport in about thirty minutes.

Me: Well, I'm meeting up with my old friend, Kyle. She's been really busy with movies and such so we haven't seen one another for months. So, we're gonna have a few drinks or whatever.

I'm not sure what compelled me to share this with her... but, as I looked up I noticed that she was still looking over to me. Ana was talking up a storm, yet she was looking at me. I gritted my teeth, sick and tired of these odd feelings that were firing in my veins.

Valerie: Oh cool. I hope you have a fun time :)

Me: Thanks, lol. What about you?

Valerie: I'm not sure. Autumn had mentioned hanging out, but then Ana asked me out to have some dinner. I'm not really in the mood to hang out, but I feel rude saying no? I just don't know who to hang with lol.

My foot tapped rapidly as my eyes ran over her words. I didn't like the fact that I was getting jealous. This wasn't like me. I wasn't that person at all...

Me: You've been spending a lot of time with Ana...

I froze, looking down at the message I was writing. 'Jesus fucking Christ... I cannot send this! My god... what is wrong with me?' So, I deleted it.

Me: Well, whatever you decide on doing, I hope you have an amazing time. ;)

And with that, I turned my phone off and placed it away in my backpack. I looked out the window, wishing that the terminal would hurry up and get here. I felt like the week was going by painfully slow... the day was staring at me in the face, but also seemed so far away at the same time. I gritted my teeth as I thought about that night... it was a horrible memory, that I preferred not to think about. Sometimes, my brain would completely push it out. But then... as the day would come up out of nowhere... I found myself being overwhelmed with the memories. The situation with Valerie was driving my emotions even more out of funk too. I wasn't sure what I was feeling anymore.

"Why'd you turn off your phone?" My eyes almost popped out of my skull, mostly from being scared. I turned over to see the beautiful brunette sitting beside. I felt a knot form in my throat as her intent staring felt like it was burning a hole through me. I held my outward composer, though, raising my brow in confusion at her sudden appearance. "Are you going to answer me?" She asked, raising her brow in return. I clicked my tongue over the roof of my mouth, looking away from her.

"Because I don't want to talk?" I said truthfully, turning my head back towards her. I could see the muscle in her jaw tense slightly as she looked at me. I felt as though her glare would break me down, forcing me to look away. But even when I wasn't looking into her chocolate eyes, I could feel then boring into me; goosebumps making themselves known.

"Okay." She said, resting her head against the headrest now. I closed my eyes, hoping the small action calm my racing heart. "I just wanted to say something. You can choose rather or not if you want to listen to me, obviously." Her voice was quiet, obviously meant for my ears only. I cracked an eye open, trying to pretend as if I didn't really care what she had to say. She moved her bangs away from her eyes, taking a deep breath. "These past few months have been such an amazing experience for me. I know I can never repay you the kindness you showed me by opening your home to me. I promised you a while ago that I'd save up some money for my own place," I felt my finger twitch as I gripped on my leg for a brief moment, "Well... I've been saving. I think with Emalie moving in," She said with a small smile. I turned my head toward her fully, noticing that she was looking down at the hands in her lap. "You two need your privacy and such and I don't want to be in the way." She added, looking up at me with a half-smile on her face.

"This is so random..." I whispered, not even realizing that I was speaking aloud.

"I know, but, it's been on my mind since you told me." She frowned, "I just don't want you to get mad at me for being in the way."

"In the way of what? I'm not even in a relationship, Valerie." I laughed ironically, feeling the anger build in me.

"But Emalie..."

"I thought we already had this discussion?" I questioned, tapping my leg up and down in anger; her eyes falling to my bouncing leg. As I watched her, despite her eyes now connecting with my own, I could see that she had brought this up for a specific reason. Even though we never admitted it to each other... we both remembered the kiss we shared. As we gazed into one another's eyes, neither of us budging on our defenses, I whispered... "Do what makes you happy, Valerie." After that, I turned my head away from hers, indicating that I was done. She didn't even say a word as she stood up. I looked back, watching as she returned to her seat next to Ana. I rubbed my temple in irritation, hating that fact that I felt like I had no choice anymore in my life.


" look like shit." I smiled as I placed my suitcase down next to her. Kyle gave me a toothy grin, giving me a wink as I sat next to her.

"Thanks, you, on the other hand, look sexy as fuck." I winked back, putting my hair back into a high ponytail. Kyle rolled her eyes, flipping her hair as if she was some valley girl or something.

"Typical Gay girl; always calling me sexy." She laughed. I smiled, leaning my elbows on the counter in front of me. As I ordered my drink, we sat in silence. I hadn't seen Kyle in while; her being busy shooting multiple movies at once. She never had time for anyone anymore, which sucked... because I missed her so much. It's funny... thinking back to when she and I first met. We had been working at the same coffee shop for a while before she got a gig as a fill-in on some T.V. show. Though we didn't hook up, I did at one point have a huge crush on her. But, as the years went on, Michele finding me and her agent finding her, we slowly grew apart. However, we somehow always were able to find time to visit with one another. She knew everything about me, even my dark past... one that no one knew about except for Emalie. "So, how have you been?" Her voice rang through, bringing me back to reality. I blinked, taking a drink of my beer.

"I'm alright," I answered, taking another long sip. "I didn't get a chance to tell you this, but Emalie found me."

"Did she now?" Kyle sounded surprised. I took a glance at her to see that she was looking at me with a smile, "That's great, you always missed her." She said as she patted me on the back. I nearly fell off my stool at the force. "I remember how you used to cry over her. When did that happen?" So, I explained the how Emalie found her way to me. But, as I told her everything that had happened, she was eyeing me strangely.


"Well... you just don't seem very excited to have her back in your life is all." She shrugged, finishing her beer and ordering another. My brows furrowed, racking my brain as to what she meant. I sighed, running my fingers through my hair, which proved difficult because of the stupid ponytail. "You're a mess, Lyndsey."

"I'm just lost on my feelings right now." I offered freely. I looked at the blonde sitting beside me, who herself looked rather impressed. "What?"

"Nothing, I'm just shocked hearing you talk like this is all. Why don't you tell me what exactly is bothering you?" She smiled, offering me another beer.

"I mean..." I sighed, running my finger on the edge of the glass, "I'm just so fucked up right now. She's my best friend/lover from back home. And yeah... I left her with no warning, no letter or a phone call. But I felt I had a good reason behind that; I wanted her to be safe..."

"You became a model, Lyndsey. Didn't you think she'd eventually figure it out?" Kyle laughed, waving her hand at the bartender once more. "But, okay so she's back, what's the problem? I thought you loved her? Is she not in love with you still? Because I'd be shocked to hear that considering that trouble to move her entire life her like that...considering...Hey!" She yelled at the bartender, startling me and him, "Can I please get my god damn beer already?!" She roared, causing me to laugh at how impatient she was being. "I swear... anyway, what's the problem?"

"Well...' I frowned, taking a long sip myself, "Then there is Valerie..." I whispered, kind of hoping she hadn't heard me. She stopped mid drink, turning her head towards me.

"Excuse me? Who the fuck is Valerie? Another fuck buddy of yours? Lyndsey, you need to stop with-." I held my hand up to her, enticing a glare from her.

"No, it's not like that with her..." I frowned, causing Kyle to look at me with the utmost shock. So, I explained that whole situation to her; how the company was threatening to get rid of us. How Valerie came and basically saved all of our jobs. How she was living with me... As I spoke about her, I couldn't help but feel a giddy smile wash over my lips. I told her how we met, how she had a cute little ferret named Oswald...and of course the unadmitted kiss we shared...

"My're falling for this girl, Lyndsey." She whispered, her eyes wide in amusement. I rolled my eyes, looking around at her, bringing the glass to my lips.

"No, no no no." I laughed in disbelief. Kyle gave me a knowing look, though, making the anxiety build in my chest as she wouldn't look away from me.

"I've known you for years." She said with a soft voice, making me glance back to her. Her light eyes gave me a sympathetic look, "After all these years of being friends with you... I've never seen you smile over Emalie... like you have talking about Valerie..." She smiled, pointing her thumb towards me. As I sat there, the thought of Valerie was starting to scare me...



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