The McGarrett Sister

By madisonalea

119K 1.8K 55

"Tragedy is something that will take its toll on everyone sometime in their life. For some, it happens sooner... More

prologue: begining
prologue: middle
prologue: end


4.4K 55 1
By madisonalea

"Looks like the MAILE Alert paid off. Found our abductors car. Kam Highway, southern edge of Wheeler." We nodded and walked out. Deciding I'd go too, I walked down with Danny and Steve to Danny's car.

Emily McGarrett's POV

Steve took the driver's seat, which caused me to laugh. Danny sighed and held down the passenger seat, almost getting in, but looking up at me first, making me raise an eyebrow.

"You sure about that?" He nodded and got in the back. Shocked, I sat in the front and we zoomed off. As soon as we got out of the parking lot, Steve turned the sirens on. He weaved in and out of cars, a motorcycle following, who I could tell was Chin.

"Hey Steven?"


"Where is my gun?" Danny snickered in the back seat, resulting in me turning around to glare at him.

"I don't have it yet?" He states, almost as a question.

I chuckled,"I'll expect it soon, but for now, your backup's backup will do just fine."

"How did you know I had that."

"It's the same thing I would do. It's in the backseat, right?" He nodded, chuckling slightly.

"Daniel, would you be so kind as to hand me that weapon, please?" He chuckled at my phoney accent.

"Sure." We laughed again and he handed me the gun.

"Are you sure you still remember how to use it?" I glared at my brother, causing Danny to laugh in the backseat. I attached the holster to my belt, next to my badge.

We pulled up to the vehicle twenty minutes later. I jumped from the car just as Chin pulled in front of us. Each of us drew our weapons, searching the car through the windows.

"Nobody, it's empty." Danny looked over to me, but I was already at the trunk.

Steve grabbed a glove from his pocket, opening it slowly. "I got blood." He reached into the trunk with the glove,"And Jen's jacket." The amount of blood on the jacket looked to be quite a lot. "I'll call Max."

I looked over to Danny,"Who's Max?" He chuckled.

"You'll like him." The sarcasm in his voice made me think otherwise.

Twenty minutes later, policemen and a coroner's van had shown up and gotten to work. There was already police tape surrounding the cars.

"What do you got, Max?" Steve looked to the side, encouraging me to walk over to them.

"The amount of blood I found on the jacket and in the trunk is quite troubling. Approximately six to seven pints. The odds of anyone surviving after that much blood loss is quite low." Steve nodded.

"Okay, but you're saying, I mean, it's possible she could still be alive, right?"

"How old is the girl you're looking for?" I learned that this Max character was very factual, it was actually intriguing.

"She's 15, about 90 pounds." Although Steve and Chin were looking at Max, I answered.

"If this is her blood, Steve, it is highly doubtful that she is still alive." They all turned to look at me. Steve rubbed his eyes and then glanced back at Max, who nodded in confirmation.

"Listen, Max, I need you to run this, okay? Because I can't talk to the parents until I know what we have, do you understand?" Steve looked at him sternly but Max nodded.

"I'm on it." Looking over to me, he said,"Dr. Max Bergman, who are you?" I chuckled.

"Emily McGarrett, it's nice to meet you Dr. Bergman." He nodded and left. I chuckled and turned back to Danny.

"I do like him, very factual." He chuckled. I turned back to Steve, he was repeating the car's VIN number to someone on the phone.

"Charlie's got something. The vehicle is registered to a Matt Porter, 4810 Loho Street in Kailua." We nodded and ran back to the car, piled in, and reached the house almost an hour later.

Steve was busting the door down before we all had a chance to even reach the first step. Danny and Chin walked in first, guns drawn, Steve and I following.

"Matthew Porter! Five-0!" Steve was bursting out my eardrum, so I'm sure, if the perp were here, he would hear.

We separated, myself going into the office area. After clearing it, I gasped.

"Clear!" That was Danny.

"All clear in here too!" That was Steven.

"Clear!" Chin this time. I walked out to where they were.

"No sign of Porter or Jen, but you guys should see this." We walked into the room I had searched. It was a stalker wall, with pictures of women all over it.

"That's Jen, right there." I pointed to her picture on the wall. "Who are these other women?" I looked over at Steve.

"Victims." He nodded.

"Yeah. Or potential victims." We looked at the maps as well, when Chin came over.

"Hey, take a look at these." He had I.D.s in his hand. "Sam Baker, Todd Kilgore, Charles Tetchy. He's got like, thirty of these."

Danny looked away from the map, "This guy's been at it a while." Chin threw the fakes on the table.

"Yep," I looked up at everyone before speaking again. "And he knows how to disappear." We left Porter's house and went back to the palace. 

After an hour of going through records of his aliases, Steve walked in on the phone. "That's great, okay. Thank you." We all looked up. He hung up and turned to us. "That was the TSA; they have an alert out on all the names Porter has been using."

Danny nodded,"All right, we check plane tickets?"

I stood up,"Yeah. Nothing has been purchased under these names." 

They nodded,"Okay, good. So Porter might still be on the island." Danny looked at me with hope, but I was about to crush it.

"Right. Unless he got off the island using an alias we don't know about. The ones we found could have only been some of what he has with him. And considering he has so many, what's stopping him from making another?" No one answered, but Chin walked over, and I went to sit back down, searching more on the laptop in front of me.

"Look, I don't know what his real name is, either, but I do know that one of his aliases, Todd Kilgore, is wanted for questioning in a 2009 kidnapping case in Nebraska. "

"Okay, good, good." Steven looked back to me, but I was looking at Danny.

"So that means that Jen isn't his first victim."

"Or his last." We all turned our heads to Chin. "Julie Nells." He handed Steve a photograph. "I managed to get into her voice mail and found a message that Porter left for her yesterday. He asked her to meet him. Tomorrow morning, 9:00 a.m., Wailana Coffee House."

We all nodded,"All right." Steve looked over the photo once again before setting it down.


Steve McGarrett's POV


The next morning, Emily woke up the same way, screaming about a person named Tyler. I know I should ask, but I also know that she won't say a thing.

I made my way to the coffee house, Emily had left a few minutes before I did, making sure we showed up at separate times.

"Julie is in that corner booth, she looks like she is about to jump out of her skin." I nodded and glanced over at her. We had small talk for the next 30 minutes, acting casual.

"Porter's late." I was growing agitated by the second.

"Yeah. He'll show." The waitress filled up my coffee.

"Thank you." She smiled and walked away.

"Don't you just hate that?"

"Hate what?" I was confused, what the hell was she talking about.

"The top off. You know, you get just the right mix going-- coffee, cream, sugar-- all working in perfect harmony. Then, when you're not looking, waitress comes, tops you off. Ruins a perfectly good cup of coffee." I smile. "That's why I drink black, they add more in, but the flavor doesn't change." We both take drinks out of our cups. I groaned and looked down into my cup. "Told you." I added more cream and sugar to my coffee.

"When you're right, you're right." She sighed.

"Usually am when it comes to debates with you." I heard Danny chuckling in the earpiece.

"You know, Daniel, if you would like to come in to finish your date with my sister, that would be fine with me." I spoke into the earpiece as I smirked at Emily. She glared and just slapped my arm.

"You didn't answer his question." I could imagine Chin smirking while he said this.

She looked over her shoulder towards Julie, while I kept my eyes on the window.

"Hey, any sign of Porter out there." I spoke into my earpiece. Only Danny and Chin were attached to the line.


"I will take that as no sign of Porter." I looked over at Julie, she was putting up her phone and grabbing her bag. "I guess she's done waiting."

Emily gets up,"Let me see if I can stall her."

I nod,"Go, go, go."

She walks over, starts to speak, but she starting running. "Julie, wait!"

I speak into the earpiece. "She's running, she's running." I get up and run after her, Emily in front of me, I didn't realize she ran so quickly. We run through traffic and to the other side of the road. Danny and Chin meet up with us there.

"Julie, wait!" I can hear Emily shouting, but Danny catches her.

"Whoa, whoa. Come here, come here." She starts struggling and screaming.

"Get away from me, I'm not going back!" She starts to pull away from Danny.

"Julie it's okay we're not here to hurt you." I look over to Emily for a second.

Julie starts again,"Where's Matt? What did you do to Matt?"

Deciding it was time to interrupt, I did. "Listen to me, hey, hey we're Five-0. Look," I say pointing to my badge and continuing, "we just want to talk to you."

She nods,"What do you want from me?"

Emily interjects,"We're just looking for Matt Porter."


Danny answered,"Because we think he might be trying to hurt you, that's all."

"Matt?" She paused to look at the rest of us,"He wouldn't hurt me. He saved my life." I looked at her with wide eyes, then looked at Danny. "Let's just take you back to the palace, and then we will ask questions." She nodded and we left. As soon as we got there, we looked towards the timer we had set up, 3:47:09. I shook my head. Julie started to speak,"Matt Porter rescued me from a cult in Northern California."

"What do you mean, 'rescued'?" Danny looked for her reaction, but she didn't have one.

"That's what he does. He's an extractor." Danny and I glanced at each other,"Two years ago, I joined this religious movement near the border of California. When things changed, I tried to leave, but they wouldn't let me, and they've been after me ever since, so I called Matt. He was supposed to meet me this morning, to help me disappear for good."

"So why did you run from us?" I looked to Emily as she spoke, her eyes focused on Julie.

"Matt said they might send some people after me. I won't go back there." I nodded, understanding she really was scared.

"Okay, okay. When was the last time you spoke to Matt?" I looked her directly in the eyes.

"Two days ago." Danny's phone started ringing, so he left to answer it.

"Okay, how did you contact him?"

She looked down,"Matt's got a private number he only gives out to people he's helping." I nodded.

"Okay, we're going to need that number." She nodded.

Emily looked back to her,"Thanks... Excuse us for a moment." We got up and walked into my office.

"This doesn't make any sense." I turned to Emily as she closed the door. "I mean, Jen wasn't in a cult. She didn't need to be saved. Why would Porter kidnap her?"

"I don't know." Danny walked in.

"I just got off the phone with Max and he ran tests on the blood we found in the trunk of Porter's car. It's not Jen's."

Emily nodded. "That's great news."

I nodded,"Okay, so she could be alive. Well, that's the good news. The bad news is that the blood we found in the trunk, was a match to a John Doe gunshot victim HPD found this morning. Max ran some DNA and got that hit." He handed me a photo, which I handed to Em afterwards, biting my lip.

"That's Matt Porter." I nodded as she recognized him.

"So where's Jen Hassley?"


Emily McGarrett's POV

"According to Max, Matt Porter was killed and placed in the trunk of his car between 8 and 10 a.m. on Saturday, and more than likely, dumped along the Kamehameha Highway shortly after. Jen was abducted on a Sunday morning, so Porter couldn't have even tried to kill her."

"Guys, I just got a strange hit on an alias that Porter was using." We all turned to Chin.

"Which one?" I turn to look at Danny.

"James Westerfield-- it says here in Jen's adoption records that he was the one who delivered Jen to the Hassley's 15 years ago." He pulled it up on the TV.

"Okay, wait a minute. If Porter was an extractor back then, maybe Jen's parents were actually in a cult."

Danny nodded to Steve's accusation. "What if her parents found out where she was and they just wanted her back?"

Kono agreed as well, "This could be how they found her. She's been in the press a lot lately. Maybe someone put two and two together."

"All right, we need to find out which cult Porter extracted her from because that's where Jen is right now." We all went searching.

20 minutes later, I found something. Walking in to Steve's office, I started to explain. "I think I've found something that may help us narrow down to the places Jen could have been from."

Steven nodded,"Okay."

"She was born with a heart valve condition that required emergency surgery. Those symptoms would have presented hours after she was born. A lot of cults don't allow their members to see doctors or take modern medicine."

"So if Jen was born into a cult, her only chance of survival would actually be getting extracted."

I nodded my head. "That's what I'm thinking. So I ran a search on the list of known cults that prohibit medical treatment. That is the preliminary list and I'm cross-referencing it right now with Porter's files to see if we could narrow it down even further." He nods.

Just as I'm about to walk out of his office, he yells after me,"Hey, Emily." I turn around. "Since when we you so good with computers?" I chuckle, but at the same time, we both say,"That's classified." We laugh and I walk back out.

We were all gathered around the table, when Chin walks in. "So I ran that number Julie gave us. Turns out, it has a voicemail account and this was the only thing on it." We nodded and he played the recording.

'Matt, it's Rhea. I know you said not to call this number, but I need your help. I think my father knows what happened.. Jen's in danger. I need you to make sure he doesn't get to her.'

"Do we know who Rhea is?" Chin looked to me.

Steve replied,"She could be the birth mother."

Chin nodded,"I'm running the name and cross-referencing with everyone in Jen's life."

"Do we know where the call originated?" I looked to Danny when he spoke.

"It came from an unlisted number in Lana'i a couple of days ago."

I recognized that,"Wait, uh, there's a commune on Lana'i that's been red-flagged by several government agencies. They're the only ones on the island."

Steve nodded,"That's got to be where Jen is."

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