A Fiolee love story♥

By myfriendwontfindthis

34.3K 853 186

*I own the cover* ■Warning■ There are coarse language and sexual scenes in this book. What happens when Marsh... More

Do I like him?
What's Tier 15?
The confession
The Lich
The battle
The date
The amulet
The lich's return
A night with Marshall
The Holy Sword
The amulets!?
The marriage
The birthday
The ball
Remember me?
Chapter 19
The plan
The wedding
Death, Rebirth
The gem
The Battle
Meet the band
No way...
The news
He needs to know
Author's Note - new book
Land of Dead
Not a chapter
Author's Note

The story of his life

741 17 5
By myfriendwontfindthis

Chapter 28: The story of his life

Fionna's POV

"I'm gonna go take a shower." Marshall said and took towel before he walked inside the bathroom.

I laid down on his bed. Thinking how fast the day had passed. "His friends seemed to like me...so it's not a problem anymore once I meet them again." I thought.  The water from the shower head could be heard very clearly in Marshall's room. Steam sneaked out the gap of the door.

"Hmm...I wonder Marshall can feel the heat from the shower." I thought and Marshall probably heard me thinking out loud. "Nope, I can't.  So maybe the water's a hundred degrees now but I don't care." He said loud enough so his voice could be heard even the shower head was on.

"Now that I think of it, I know what Marshall is like but don't know him that well exactly." I thought. Marshall came out of the bathroom with a towel covering his lower body but his upper part was totally visible.

He was soaking wet, water was dripping from his messy hair making it look more attractive than it originally was. I know we went to tier 15 but this is a whole new level, he was wet, and hot.

"Wow Fi I never knew you could focus on something for so long." Marshall said and I looked up to see the signature smirk of his on his face, not knowing that i was keeping my eyes on his abs. My face was starting to heat up so I grabbed a towel and rushed into the bathroom. I slammed the door and heard a chuckle from outside. "Shut up Marsh." I said jokingly and removed my clothes to take a shower.

"Marshall can you give me some clothes?" I asked. "If you need clothes, you'll need to come out." Marshall said. Ugh, I knew I should've brought the clothes with me in the first place.

I opened the door slightly to peek out. Marshall was sitting on his bed, drying his hair with a hair dryer. His back was facing me so I knew I could sprint across, get the clothes, and go back into the bathroom to change.

"1, 2...3!" I whispered to myself and ran to the foot of his and snatched the clothes he folded for me. When I turned around Marshall was standing in front of me with his messy hair covering his eyes and he was smiling like some phyco in a killer movie.

"You're creeping me out, I have to change." I said and walked past him. Hs hugged me from behind and his hand was trying to pull my towel. "Marshall, don't, okay? I'm wet. (Not that kind of wet to all perverts -.-) I need to change." I tried struggling out of his grip but he hugged me tighter.

"How long have we not done that? I missed the feeling of it..." His chin was pressing down on my collar bone and his cool breath was hitting my neck. "Let me change first? Marsh?" I said with a baby voice. "I love it when you call me that." Marshall said and let go of me. "The hungry lion has given up on his prey." I looked back and Marshall was floating backwards with his hands behind his head.

I chuckled a bit and went back into the bathroom to change.  Once I came out, Marshall looked at me with a big grin on his face. "You look cute in that. Oh wait, you're already cute." Marshall said and laughed at his own joke.

I was wearing a dark purple hoodie and a pair of baggy pants. I walked towards him and snuggled next to him under the covers.

"Marshall? Could you, maybe tell me something about your past?" I asked him.

"What do you wanna know?" He said. "Well, I've always been wondering how you became a vampire since you're a demon-" Marshall cut me off and said "Half demon. I was half demon and half human." My eyes widend at the word human. I jumped up and turned back to look at him. 

"You were part human? A human like me?" I said, his face had a shocked expression when he saw me jump up. "Well, yea..." Marshall said. "Tell me all about it, please?" I begged him. His past had always been a mystery to me and I was so eager to hear about it.

He seemed a little not sure about telling me at first,even though I was his girlfriend, but soon sighed and gestured me to lay down next to him.

"Tell you all about it, huh?" Marshall said.

3rd person's POV

There was once a half demon, born by the name of Marshall Lee Abadeer. He was the heir to the throne of the Nightosphere, but for some reason, he never wanted to rule it, never would he even think of ruling it. His mother was a very busy ruler, queen of the Nightosphere, and never has the time to care for her son. His father was a human, serving in the military in the human world and passed away during the great Mushroom War.

"He's dead? So? All I need is someone to rule this place, why was I so stupid to fall for him...Get out, I need some time alone." Marshall Lee was eavesdropping his mother and her secretary, Miranda's conversation behind a door.

"Yes madam." Miranda said and opened the door to reveal a little half demon who was crouching down beside the door. "Marshall? Were you..." Miranda crouched down as well to meet the height of the little child.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Don't tell Mommy please! I just wanted to ask her to play with me and I heard you talking to..." Marshall begged and Miranda smiled warmly. "It's fine, why don't you ask her now since our conversation has already ended, huh?" Miranda patted his head softly and he skipped happily into the room.

"Mommy?" Marshall tip-toed and tried to look at his mother who was sitting at a very tall desk. "Great...what do you want?" She complained and stood up to look at him. "Mommy can you please play with me? Just for today?" Marshall said while looking into his mother's eyes.

"Look, Mommy's busy, play with your toys and junk, okay?" She whined and sat back down on her chair and continued working at her desk - writing new punishment methods for the demons with wishes.

Marshall stepped out of the room, disappointed, and went to look for Miranda. Little did his mother know when she didn't want to play with him, he would look for her secretary instead.

"Miranda? Miranda can you play with me please?" Marshall knocked on Miranda's study room door. Miranda opened it and saw little Marshall at her door. "Hey little Marshmallow, Mommy couldn't play with you?" She asked and Marshall nodded. "Well, what do you want to do today?"

"Can we go for a walk please?" He asked and Miranda gladly accepted. They were walking near the outskirts of the Nightosphere, which was very near the gates to the Vampire Kingdom.

"Miranda, what happened to daddy?" Marshall suddenly asked, making Miranda's footsteps stop in a second. "He...He is not coming back because..." Miranda stuttered, trying to keep the truth from Marshall. "He's dead." Marshall said and Miranda nodded unwilling.

"All he left for me was Hambo..." Marshall said and tears began to form in his eyes, blurring his vision. He wiped the tears and suddenly ran towards the gates of the Vampire Kingdom. "Marshall! Marshall get back here! Where are you going!?" Miranda shouted and began floating after him.

Once Marshall reached the gate, there were two guards guarding the door. "Hey kid, what the hell are you doing here, huh?" One of the guards asked. "I wanna go to your kingdom, anywhere's better than here. Mommy won't play with me, I don't have a daddy anymore..." Marshall explained naively and the other guard stopped him from continuing his explanation. 

"Kid, we asked you because you can't get inside without the key that we have in our pocket, not to listen to your fucking life story, geez. " He rolled his eyes and Marshall's anger boiled up. He shape shifted into a monster with tentacles and took down the two guards easily. That's when he heard Miranda's shouting becoming louder.

"Marshall! Don't go in there!" Miranda tried to stop him by flying faster, but it was too late. Marshall had already taken the key from a guard's pocket and inserted it into the keyhole, twisting it and pushed the door open, revealing the Vampire City.

"Marshall!" Miranda shouted for the last time and Marshall stepped inside before closing the doors. The door vanished after being closed and Marshall kept the key close to him.

He was in an ally, the city was with many lights and signs hanging around the buildings. It was always evening in the vampire city, morning would burn all of the vampires immediately and slowly kill them.

"Where can I go..." Marshall was wondering around the streets until he thought of a place to go. "What about the castle? The castle back home was big and it was fun to run around!" Marshall exclaimed happily and started running, but he was clueless on how to get there, until he saw some guards walking in a same direction.

'Maybe if I followed them I could find the castle.' Marshall thought and followed the guards and avoiding any vampire from seeing him as well. Vampires and Demons were arch enemies, never had they ever get along. For centuries, millenniums, they were rivals because the Vampire King was once the lover of the queen of the Nightosphere, that is until she met a human.

And Marshall was right, they led him straight to the castle and it was almost the same size as the castle in the Nightosphere, but smaller.  He followed the guards and squeezed through the gates of the castle before it closed.

"Wow, this guy is so goth." Marshall mumbled to himself. The castle was decorated with the color black everywhere, occasionally with a dash of red or green, but mostly black.

He roamed around the corridors of the castle, finding many portraits of a same man hanging on each wall. "I guess that's the king." Marshall said to himself. Finally, he cane across a black double door with fancy decorations on it.

He slowly pushed open the door and tip-toed inside the room. There was a throne at the far end of the room. It was in blood red and was decorated with some black patterns. "This room is super goth..." Marshall mumbled to himself and walked towards the throne.

"Now what is a little demon doing in the Vampire Kingdom?" Marshall heard a voice and turned around to see the man who was in the portraits in the corridors. "Are you the king?" Marshall asked. "Oh, how naive are you. Yes, I am the king. The king, The Vampire King." He said proudly and walked towards Marshall and the throne.

"And may I ask who you exactly are, child? " The Vampire King asked. "Marshall Lee Abadeer." Marshall replied, not knowing that would rage the king. "Hannah Abadeer's son, are you? That wench...the bitch who fell for a low-life." The Vampire King shouted and darted his eyes to Marshall. 

"Why are you here, Abadeer?" He came ro Marshall and lifted him up by his collar.  "I...I just wanted to stay away from home for awhile. You won't kill me, will you?" Marshall stuttered. "Oh, I won't. But I will challenge you to a fight. Single combat. How will I kill you...that would be a question. " The Vampire King said and rubbed his hands.

"Oh no." Marshall mumbled unded his breath when the Vampire King made his first move to attack him, but Marshall dodged it just in time. "Why evade me, child?  You're the heir to the throne of the Nightosphere for Pete's sake, fight me you little coward!" The Vampire King hissed and tried to attack for the second time but failed.

Marshall pushed open the double doors and ran out the room. He sprinted accross the corridors, knocking down every single portrait on the walls to try to slow the king down but his was flying in a high speed and managed to catch up to Marshall eventually.

Once Marshall ran out of the castle, he turned back to see the Vampire King was flying towards him when Marshall closed the gate and heard an angry roar from the other side of it. "You can't hide from me forever kid." The Vampire King slammed his fists on the gate and Marshall felt terrified.

Marshall ran away from the castle as fast as he could and ended up outside a bar built with wood. Then, a memory hit his mind. Miranda used to tell him stories about how dangerous the Vampire Kingdom was to Demons, and told him how to kill them - by stabbing their hearts with a piece of wooden stake.

"Hey kid! Where the fuck are you?" He heard the Vampire King shouted from a few blocks away and he had to do something soon before he gets killed. He snapped a piece of wood from the bar and held it up to his chest and was ready to attack at anytime.

"Surprise!" A head peeked out from the corner of the bar and it fkew towards Marshall to attack him. Marshall held his piece of wood high and hoped ir would work, and it did. The Vampire King let out a last breath before he turned into dust, the piece of wood dropped onto the floor.

Marshall was terrified and shocked about what had happened and looked around to see if anyone was watching. He didn't know when he was running from the Vampire King, his cover was already blown from running around the city.  "Is that the king?" "So is the kid king now?"  "But he's a demon.." Many vampires were whispering to one another and they witnessed the death of the Vampire King.

Marshall was too young to process everything that had happened and passed out. When he woke up again, he found himself in his own bedroom and a firmiliar silhouette appeared as soon as his vision was clear again.

"Miranda? What? What happened?" Marshall said as he was struggling to get uo from his bed but couldn't. "After you went inside, I found another key in the other guard's pocket and went after you. And when I found out a demon kid fainted outside a bar, I flew to every single bar in the city and finally found you and brought you home." Miranda explained. "And you killed the Vampire King? Wow, do you know there were vampire trashing the city as soon as the news was out? It's in total chaos now!" Miranda added. "And the people needs their king."

"But, I'm just a kid." Marshall said and Miranda smiled. "I'm here silly, so let's go back and set things right, okay?"

"Okay!" Marshall replied enthusiasticly.

Marshall's POV

"Yea, that's how I became the Vampire King." I said and looked at Fi. She was still processing all the story info I had just blurted all out to her.

"Wait, so where did that bite mark come from?" She said and pointed towards my neck. "Oh, sometimes I like to go to the Vampire Kingdom for a visit, but one day one of my vamp friends was caught in some kinda drug money trouble, and I helped fight back the drug dealers but ended up being bitten by one of them." I explained and she mouthed 'Ohh'.

"Well that was interesting, can I sleep now?" Fi asked me and put her head on my chest. "Sure bunny, good night. Love you." I said and kissed her head.

"I love you too. Night Marsh."


Well folks, that was the end of chapter 27. it took me some time to come up with the back story of Marshall. I know the part where he got bitten was lousy, sorry :/

So if you liked it,




and follow me♥

Big thanks to my loyal readers! ♥


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