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Wow 5K reads. Never thought I'd make it this far. :) Wanna use up some of the peeps' time who are reading this just to say:

Thank you.

I am currently working on 2 books guys. One of them is this one and the other one is called

In love with my bud. Go check it out in the "My works" Column of my profile page. To me, I think I did a better job in writing that because I have a more precisely planned story instead of writing crap in this one.

Here's the actual situation:

The process of writing A Fiolee Love story♥:

Me: "Ah wait...wait...wait for it..." *a very small idea pops out of my mind* "YAS I GOT IT" *writes that stupid idea into this book and thus making this book full of grammar mistakes and plot holes.*

The process of writing In love with my bud:

Me: "Hmm...First it should go like this, then like that..I should keep thinkingtomorrow." *Tomorrow* "this should go like this...hmm...more tomorrow.." * Tomorrow x2* "Yes I got it. Now I can write."

See what I mean? I planned the story in In love with my bud instead of this one.

And tbh, I love that story more than this one


Like seriously. Whoever is reading this please go check it out. I am seriously serious that you will love that one more/as much as you love this one. AND PLEASE VOTE LIKE DAMN THAT STORY IS EVEN BETTER THAN THIS ONE BUT IT HAS LESSER READS :(

peace out


A Fiolee love story♥Where stories live. Discover now