The battle

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Fionna's POV

After listening to some boring sciency stuff and almost not any important facts about the Lich , Cake Marshall and I decided to look for him. It was only for a few minutes, then we found his trail.

The sky was pure black, Flashes of lightning everywhere but in a evil green colour, the wind was so strong that I almost got blown away but Marshall caught me. Everything was covered with a word "death". Grass, all withered. Trees as well.

Then far ahead, a terrible looking monster with horns on his head, a half torn flesh which showed his teeth completely, and a old looking cape.

It was the Lich.

"Hey!" I shouted.  The Lich looked at me ane I heard him in my head  'The heroine of AAA , a place full of beautiful and wonderful things, now going to be destroyed by me,and nobody even you, human, will stop me.'

I was trapped in a pitch black place and the Lich was standing in front of me. he raised his hand up , slowly closing it and I felt my head aching."Stop! Stop! Please!" It was so unbearable tears were flowing down my cheeks rapidly.

Marshall's POV

"Fi? Fi! What happened!?" I shook Fionna as hard as I could. "Fionna! Baby! Wake up!" Cake shouted and held Fionna close to her. Fi's face was emotionless, her eyes were staring into a blank space without her eyes blinking once at all. "What the fuck did you do to her!" I shouted.

And suddenly the Lich looked at me with his green evil eyes.

Fionna's POV

I curled up in a ball,holding my head, the pain...argh... I thought I was going to die, and suddenly I was back in Aaa again, laying on the dead grass, my face without any emotion at all, I let out a tear, I was completely paralysed by the pain the Lich had caused.

Marshall's POV

'Ahh, Marshall Lee Abadeer, the next in line to rule the most deathly place on earth, the Nightosphere, Also a killer and a Vampire King,What are you doing with this foolish human? Standing up against evil? You are the son of a demon, the Prince of the Nightosphere, you are part of evil itself. Yet, you give up everything and chose to live in Aaa, and even fall in love with a disgusting human? What a fool."

"Shut up!" I woke up from my head and transformed into my demon bat form and flew towards the Lich.

He raised his hand while I was flying to him and he did a gesture like he slowly closed his hand, and suddenly my head was feeling like it was gonna burst.

Fionna's POV

I regained my eye sight , it was blurred out  by the pain " Fionna baby are you alright?" Cake held me to her. "Im alri--" and suddenly I saw Marshall floating in mid-air screaming in pain in his human form,  the Lich was holding his hand up.I knew what he was doing to Marshall. Cake looked at Marshall in terror,  standing still on the ground not doing anything because of the Lich.

"Marshall!" I shouted, seeing him being hurt in an unbearable way made my heart so painful as well.

I grabbed my demon sword, chanted ancient spell mom told us to use on the sword to make it more powerful in case of emergency while I was running to the Lich. Then suddenly the Sword lit up with red bursting flames.

"Lich! Get your hands off my Marshall!" I jumped up and pierced the sword into the flesh of the Lich, a big cut appeared while I was holding on the flaming sword and pushing the sword down with all my might to make the biggest deepesr cut as possible. The Lich cried in pain and vanished.

"Marshall..." I ran to him and put his head on my lap, he was very weak, I knew how painful was it. "Fi..." he mumbled "Im ok, a-are you?" I said and he forced a smile on his face. My tears ran down my face as soon as I knew he was ok. Cake became large and she put Marshall and me on her back and ran to the treehouse.

She put marshall on the bed and said " I'm gonna make some hot chocolate for you guys" "Thanks cake" I said, letting out a smile on my face. "Marshall are you feeling better?" I asked him. "As long as you're by my side, and yea im fine." he said while touching my hand. I laid down next to him and snuggled close and took a nap.

A Fiolee love story♥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora