The McGarrett Sister

By madisonalea

119K 1.8K 55

"Tragedy is something that will take its toll on everyone sometime in their life. For some, it happens sooner... More

prologue: begining
prologue: middle
prologue: end


7.8K 116 0
By madisonalea

"Honolulu, Sir." He nodded.

"Hawaii? Do you mind if I ask why?"

"It's alright. Did you happen to hear about Lieutenant Joshua Tyler?" I cringe a little when I say his name, but the pilot nodded, finally turned around and in the direction of the island I loved at one point in my life. "He was my best friend, I am going back to Hawaii to work on my brother's task force." I thought for a second, but then included this: "I had no other plans for my life, except the NAVY. I was planning to fight until they made me leave, but shit happens, right?"

He nodded with a brief smile on his face,"Indeed it does Ma'am." I chuckle and turn my head to the crisp waters I could see in the distance. "It shouldn't be more than a 6 hour flight, Lieutenant." I nodded my head and sat back for the ride.

Emily McGarrett's POV

I swore to myself that after my father's death, I would never go back to Hawaii. Yet, here I am, on my way to the island of Oahu.

Life has a funny way of kicking you in the ass.

My name is Emily McGarrett and I a-was a Navy SEAL. I was offered a job from my older brother who was also in the Navy, but now has a task force in Hawaii.

The last time I actually spoke to him in person was three years ago, at our father's funeral.

We landed shortly after the pilot's lot prediction. I called a taxi while walking out of the fenced-in runway.

He arrived within 15 minutes, a nice little Asian man with a smile on his face. "Hello Miss. Would you like for me to help you with your things?" I shook my head with a smile.

"I travel light." I gesture towards the two duffles that were on the ground.

"Where to?" He asked after I closed the door.

"Iolani Palace." He gave a large smile.

"Did you know that is where Hawaii's finest is located?" I chuckled. "Five-0. They do so much good work for Hawaii." I nodded in response."So, what brings you there?" Once again, I let out a brief laugh.

"Steven McGarrett. He runs the task force. He is my older brother and he offered me a job." His eyes widened slightly.

"Well it is an honor Ms. McGarrett." I laughed once again.

"I can assure you, I am nothing special." He shook his head.

"Maybe not you, but your actions mean everything to this island." I pondered this the rest of the ride, which turned out to only be a few minutes.

"Mahalo..." I stopped as I realized I didn't know his name.


"Tama." He nods with a smile.

"$12. Ms." I hand him a 20 and quickly get out before he can say anything. "Mahalo!" He shouts out of his window before driving off.

I walk into the large building, almost immediately confronted by security. After receiving instructions from the security guard and reassuring him that I could find my way, I walked into the elevator.

Exiting the elevator, I walk further down the hallway before coming face-to-face with large glass doors.

I paused before walking in, taking notice that there were four people inside. Three men and a woman in front of a desk, one being my brother.

I pushed open the door slowly, not making a sound. Quietly walking in, I closing the door behind me.

"No escort, Steven?" Everyone turned around at the sound of my voice, all of them drawing their guns.

But as soon as my brother saw me, a smile erupted on his face. He holstered his gun and stalked toward me. I set the duffle bags on the ground and met him halfway.

The others must be extremely confused. I walk in, everyone gets ready to shoot at me, and then Steve hugs me. I would be confused as hell.

We embraced each other for a few seconds, but someone ruined the reunion by speaking.

"Is this another girlfriend?" We broke away and Steven shot a glare at the man.

"No, this is my little sister. Her name is Emily. A former Navy SEAL." To say they were a little shocked would be an understatement.

"Sister! You have another sister? At that, another SEAL?" Exclaimed the same man who interrupted our hug.

I took a longer look at him, noticing his appearance. He was shorter than my brother, but only a little shorter than myself, his blonde hair looked as if he had been in front of a giant fan for way too long.

"Yeah I do. And if you guys don't mind, I would like for her to join the team." Steve said before looking at them all individually.

"Why are you wearing a tie, you do realize this is Hawaii, right?" I said, ignoring the answer the others might give, laughing slightly at his attire. He gave me an irritated look while the others just laughed.

Behind the tie-guy, were the last two people in the room. Both looked as if they were Hawaii-natives.

"Chin Ho Kelly, it's nice to meet you. It would be great to have you here." I shook his hand as well, then glanced to the woman.

"Kono Kalakaua, it's nice to meet you. It could be refreshing to have another girl around here." We shook hands and I smiled brightly at her, turning back to the tie-man.

"Danny Williams, I really hope you're nothing like him." I chuckled at the look in his eyes when he held his hand out for me to shake.

"We are pretty much the same person, so, sorry about that." He groaned and looked at Steve.

"I feel sure that I am going to regret this so much," he turned to me and continued,"but if it makes Steven happy, we would be happy to have you join Five-0." I turned to Steve and smiled.

"Okay, what's the case?" Steven laughed, but I looked at the TV.

Chin answered,"We got the case earlier this morning. It's a serial killer, he is raping and killing the women, there are four total victims so far."

"He also has a type. Caucasian women with brown and blonde hair, blue eyes, and around 5'5 in height." Kono spoke.

Danny continues, "We have a suspect, Todd Rosing. He has a record in Arizona, accused of rape. Rosing was seen with all four of our victims the night before each were murdered. We used facial recognition to find them on the security cameras of the Hilton. We also called the hotel to ask how long he had been there, but he must be using an alias."

I look at the women on the screen. All four had been beaten, and their clothes torn. There is no way I could let that happen to another innocent woman. So I looked back to my brother, but he already knew what I was thinking.

"No way, Emily, you just got here and you already want to get yourself killed!"

"Woah. Why are you yelling at her?" Danny asked, looking questioningly towards us, along with Chin and Kono.

"Considering this guy has a type, which seems to be me, why don't I go undercover and see if we can catch him?"

Chin, Danny and Kono looked like they were thinking about it, but my brother just looked irritated.

"Are you sure?" Steve asked. I nodded.

"Think about these women, their families. Besides, if anything goes wrong, you will be there to save the day."

"Wait here." He went into his office, pulled out a drawer and walked back over to us. "This is for you." I looked down at the shield and a small smile fell onto my face.

"Mahalo." He nodded.

"What's next?"

"The Hilton Hawaiian Village Bar seems to be where each of our victims meet Rosing. So you will go there, get him to take notice of you, and let him take you to wherever he offers. We will have HPD walking around the perimeter of the hotel, Chin will be undercover inside as well. Then, hopefully, he will be caught in the act." Steven speaks quickly.

Danny turned to look at me after pulling up his picture on the screen in front of us. "We will be there with you the entire time, we can hear you, but you cannot hear us." I nodded while focusing on the picture, trying to memorize his face.

"Got it, when do we leave?"

"An hour from now." I stared at Chin with shock.

"You expect me to impress a serial killer with that amount of time?" The boys chuckle while Kono rolls her eyes at them.

"Kono and I can leave now, you guys get the hotel's security camera feed, that is how you will watch me while I'm at the bar." The boys nodded and we dispersed.

Danny Williams's POV

An hour later.

We all stared at the doors as she walked through. She was beautiful, absolutely gorgeous. I knew my mouth was wide open, I couldn't help it. It was short, tight, she looked amazing in red and her heels made her legs look like they never ended.

"Daniel, close your mouth. You wouldn't want to catch flies, would you?" Emily snickered and Kono chuckled, but I blushed slightly and looked away, only to receive a glare from Steven. "Okay I'm ready to go, what are we waiting on?"

"Nothing, let's go. You will ride with Chin. Once you arrive, enter the bar, order a drink, and stay at the bar. He should find you there. Sound good?" Steve looked at Emily with a wary expression, but Emily just nodded. I knew she was scared about this, a lot of things could go wrong.

We all left for our cars, Steven, of course, driving. I closed the door and he drove off.

After parking across the street in front of the hotel, I turned to look a Steve. He glanced at me, feeling my gaze. "What?"

"When did you think it was important to tell me you had another sister? Or were you planning to tell me at all?"

"It was a need-to-know, and you did not need to know." I rolled my eyes, typical.

"We know a lot about each other, Steven. So why didn't you tell me you had a sister in the Navy? Or had another sister in general?" He looked at the doorway to the hotel, watching Emily walk in the front door.

"She wasn't going to come back." I grew confused, but he looked out the front window and continued,"Emily, she wasn't going to come back to Hawaii. She was really close to our father. Even after our mother 'died' and we all moved away, she kept in close contact with him."

He sighed again but I stayed silent, pushing him to continue. "Five minutes after the phone call with Victor Hesse, and the confirmed call from HPD, I called Emily to break the news to her. I knew she would take it the hardest, but she needed to know. She broke down on the phone and grabbed the next flight to Oahu." He took a breath, but continued nevertheless,"I took her to the Naval base to catch her flight back to the ship. But, she stopped me before I could leave, and told me she wasn't going to come back to Hawaii, that there were too many memories here. I didn't tell you after we met because I thought the two of you would never meet." 

"Why did she come back?"

"Not sure. I spoke with Joe White, but the only thing he would say is that a mission had gone bad." He turned back to watching the doors, ending our conversation by turning up the chatter from Emily's wire.

Emily McGarrett's POV

This wire was bugging me to death. It was just inside my bra lining, and it was itchy as hell.

I walked through the door of the hotel, casually making my way to the bar. I sat on one of the barstools carefully, seeing as I didn't want to flash everyone in here with my dress. The bartender made his way towards me after I looked at him.

"What can I get for you to drink, Ms?"

"Scotch. On the rocks, please." He nodded.

The bartender sat the glass in front of me, and I smiled in thanks. Taking a few sips, I sat, and waited.

He probably won't even show. It's like noon. Who drinks at noon?

I look down at my drink and sigh. I do.

Not two minutes later, I hear a man's voice next to me,"Is this seat taken, darling?" I turn my head to the voice, matching with the face of Rosing.

I smiled innocently and replied with my voice purring,"Not for you, sailor." He grinned at my answer and sat down, while I almost gagged at how naive I sounded.

"What is a beautiful woman like yourself doing here all alone?"

"Waiting for someone like you to sweep me off of my feet." He chuckled.

"How long have you been in Hawaii?" He looked down to my tan thighs and I could've knocked him out the second his gaze diverted.

Instead of ruining the plan, I smiled at him and scooted my chair a little closer. "Only a few hours, how about you?" My statement was true.

"I've been here for about three days."

"How long do you think you are staying? If tonight goes well, maybe we could have drinks again?" His smile widened at this statement.

"Another couple of weeks." I nodded as my fake smile rose again. "Excuse me?" The bartender rushed over when he realized Rosing was speaking to him.

"Yes sir, would you care for a drink?"

"Another scotch for my lady, and something strong for me." I giggled when he called me 'his lady.' But it honestly made me want to cringe. He smiled and began to speak once the bartender moved to the side to make our drinks. "So, what is your name, darling?"

"Emily." His eyes lit up when I spoke. 

"What a beautiful name! Makes sense as to why, you are the most gorgeous woman in Hawaii."

I blushed at this, even if it was coming from a serial killer, a compliment is a compliment. He chuckled at my cheeks and thanked the bartender as he sat the drinks in front of us. 

"So, what is your name, handsome?"


"That's a nice name, suits you." He chuckled and pushed my drink towards me, subtly trying to get me drunk.

"We should get outta here." I smiled at him in confusion. He downed his drink, before gesturing for me to do the same. I did, and waited for him to make a move. He sat a $20 down on the bar. "Why don't we go up to my hotel room?"

I smiled in response. He placed a hand right above my ass, making me want to snap him like a twig.

On the way past the front door, I looked out and smiled at Steve and Danny who were sitting in a car across the street. We hopped into the elevator after it opened in front of us. But as soon as the elevator doors were closing, a hand appeared before the doors could close. Chin walked in with a suitcase after the doors reopened.

"I'm sorry about that, you going up?"  But before either of us could reply, he had already answered himself,"Woah, no way! We're on the same floor, must be luck!" Rosing smiled but didn't reply. I gave Chin a thankful glance and he calmed down in the other corner of the elevator. 

The doors opened and we all stepped out, Rosing guiding me to the left, while Chin stayed behind at the elevators for a moment, pretending to be lost.

We made our way to the end of the corridor. He turned to the door facing away from the elevator.

He held the door open for me as soon as it was unlocked. I nodded in thanks and walked into the room, leaving enough space for him to walk in and shut the door, but I didn't get too close to the bed.

"Go ahead and have a seat, sweetheart. I'm going to the restroom, I would love to come back out here with you naked." He smirked mischievously and went into the attached ensuite.

He just gets right to it, doesn't he?

Quickly after the door was closed and locked, I started whispering to my wire, even though they couldn't speak to me, I sure as hell was going to speak to them.

"Room 583, fifth floor, it's on the left side of the hallway." I wasn't going to get naked, which I knew would infuriate him, and that would not be good.

"I'm back." He literally sang as he walked in. When his eyes made contact with mine, I could see the fury light them up. "I thought you were going to be undressed." He seems nonchalant about it, but I knew he was ready to kill me. 

"I'm just a little embarrassed, besides we only met today. I mean, you are wonderful, but I don't think I'm ready for that." I tried to sound as innocent but drunk as possible.

He chuckled dryly, but gave me a look that could kill. "Okay, bitch, there is no way I'm taking that answer. If you won't take your clothes off, I will." 

He slapped me, his gold ring leaving a stinging pain in my right cheek. Then he started to rip my dress like crazy. Damn! It was a pretty dress too. "Wh-what are you doing?!"

It was pretty obvious what he was doing, but buying time is the best strategy I've got.

He smirked viciously,"Well, sweetheart, you are either going to give me what I want, or I will kill you." Out of nowhere he pulls out a knife. What the hell.

He presses it to my neck, making me flinch away slightly. "Did you get the message?" I nodded as he continued to remove my clothing. 

"Bitch, you are going to enjoy this." He gives me a questioning look when I didn't reply. Then presses the knife further into my throat.

"Okay, okay." He nods in approval before reaching behind me at the back of my bra.

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