The McGarrett Sister

By madisonalea

119K 1.8K 55

"Tragedy is something that will take its toll on everyone sometime in their life. For some, it happens sooner... More

prologue: begining
prologue: middle

prologue: end

5.9K 117 0
By madisonalea


A week later, I was back to the ship. I might have lied a little to Matt when I told him I had to get back, which I felt awful for doing. But it was better for the both of us.

The day was slow for the most part, but around noon, I was called into Commander Johnson's office. I made my way to the door of his office, his secretary telling me to go in as he was waiting for me. I knock once before opening and walking through the door. I stand in salute before he can say a word.

"At ease, McGarrett. Please take a seat." I nod my head at his command and sit in the chair in front of his large wooden desk.

"McGarrett, I'm going to give you an offer, the same one I will give to Lieutenants Smith and Jax. You leave the Navy, or you can sign another contract. I know that Tyler's death has taken a large toll on you, so I'm offering this because I believe you will accept the one you believe is right for you." I nodded in thanks.

"I'll leave." He didn't need an explanation, he knew why. Commander came around the desk and shook my hand, but I pulled him into a hug. "Mahalo." We pulled away and he had a confused look on his face. "Thank you." He nodded.

"Tell your brother I said hello?" I nodded and left his office. I made my way back to my bunks, finding Smith and Jax were already there. I sighed, knowing I will be leaving my brothers soon.

"I'm leaving the Navy. I'm sorry." They nodded but the tears welled up in my eyes anyway. We each had individual hugs.

"We assumed you might." Smith said quietly.

"I'm really going to miss seeing your bossy face every day." I chuckled at Jax.

"Don't worry, you'll see me again. Count on it." They both nodded before I pulled them into a group hug. One that seemed empty without my best friend embracing us next to me.

They left soon after, making me sigh as I remembered our time together as a team.

I was staying another night since my helicopter wouldn't arrive until morning, and I still had no idea as to where I was going. I sat on the edge of my bunk, looking directly at Josh's perfectly made bed that was across from me.

I knew I didn't want to go back to Hawaii, maybe I could go visit Mary for a while, see how she is doing.

Before I could come up with any other ideas, there was a loud knock on the door. I walked over and opened the door. I pulled him into a hug as soon as I took notice of who it was. Joe White.

"Hello Emily."

"Why are you here, Joe?" I already had a clue to why, and it was confirmed when he sighed.

"I heard about Joshua, I am so sorry Emily." This made my heart clench. Joe trained both of us when we were becoming SEALs. "I also just recently found out on the ride here that you were leaving the Navy, is this true?" I nodded my head slightly.

"You catch word fast. I just can't seem to handle it anymore. Looking at his bunk everyday, and seeing his seat in our helicopter being taken by a replacement. I snapped at the fill-in today. I am going crazy on this ship, and I can't do it anymore."

He nodded in understanding. "Your brother wants you to call him." I gasped.

"Does he know about Josh?" He shook his head.

"Not unless you told him." I shook my head as well.

"What is it about, then?" He shrugged while I briefly rolled my eyes.

"Maybe he wants to talk to his little sister who never calls." I shrugged and laughed briefly.

"Mahalo, Joe." He gave a brief nod and embraced me again before walking out of the doorway.

Reaching for my sat-phone, I recalled the last conversation I had on it. Trying to subside my tears, I dialed Steven's phone number.

"McGarrett." I sighed at the sound of his voice.

"Hey Steve."

"Emily? You know how to use a phone?" I chuckled.

"Yeah smart-ass, it's me." He laughed.

"So, I heard you were leaving the Navy?" He always wanted to get right to the point.

"How did you know that?" I questioned, already knowing the answer.

"Joe." He states.

"He just left my bunks, actually." Steve laughed.

"Of course he did. I have a question for you." I kept quiet which he took as a sign to continue,"Would you like to come join my task force?" I thought about it for a few seconds.

"Steve, you know how much I don't want to go back to Hawaii, so why are you even asking?" I sighed.

"Because, you don't have any plans after the Navy, do you?" He already knew the answer, so I don't know why he was asking. "I know that the plan for the rest of your life consisted of ignoring me and the entire island of Oahu. But mostly, you were planning to stay on that ship for the rest of your life." I chuckled, he knew me too well.

"All true my dear brother."

"So, now that you're leaving, why don't you come and join my team. You will still get to use a gun, and I will have my little sister at home again."

I thought about it. I needed to forget my problems. Even though Hawaii was the root to most of my problems, it's the people, not the place, right?

"I love how getting to use a gun is one of your selling points, Steven. I'll think about it and if I don't show up within a week, I'm not coming at all." Sounds harsh, but I needed to get the point across to him.

"Using a gun is the best part of the job, so obviously it is one of the top priorities. Good night, I love you." I chuckled.

"I love you too Steven." I snapped the phone shut and decided to pack up my stuff.

I didn't know if I would go to Hawaii, or maybe find out where Mary is. Hell, I might even go sip tequila in Mexico. Tomorrow could bring some crazy things.

After my clothes, I packed up my photos and souvenirs from the other countries Josh and I had explored together. Placing his Purple Heart on top, I zipped the duffle bag closed, and set it by the door.

I turned around, only to remember Josh's things needed to be packed as well. I grabbed his duffle from under his bed and began to gather up his things. Clothes, shoes, photos, personal items. I had tears rolling down my face by the time I was finished. I grabbed one of his sweatshirts from the bag and put it on before I placed the duffle next to mine in front of the door.

Turning around to walk to my bed, I decided I would sleep in Josh's bed tonight. I lied down, breathing in his scent. I let the tears flow free and snuggled into his blanket. Lying on my back and opening my eyes, I see a collection of things at the top of his bunk.

After sitting up, I reached and pulled on the string that was holding it up, everything fell into my lap. Looking down, the first thing I saw was a picture of Josh and I at our high school graduation. My eyes welled with tears once again, seeing the smiling faces.

I searched through the collection of items, finding a small book at the bottom of the stack. Picking it up, I opened it, noticing the letter on the first page. It was dated 4 days after we arrived on the ship for the first time.

Dear Ly,
I hope that you find this notebook one day. Everything written in here is for you. I've had it since the day we left to get on the ship. I've written things for you, about you, and little secrets I've kept to myself all these years. Not to sound to creepy.
You are the bestest best friend that anyone could ask for, Emily. I can't wait to be with you, everyday, side by side.
-Love Josh.
P.S. I know this is super girlie, but you still love me.
Tears fell from my eyes as I chuckled at his personality. I missed him so much. I flipped through the notebook, noticing the full pages, front to back, all for me.

The tears pooled out of my eyes. I grabbed all the items and walked over to my duffle, placing all of it inside, deciding now was not the best time to look through it.

I laid down and went to sleep, snuggled into Josh's scent.


I woke up at 6:00, grabbing the two duffle bags and walking towards the flight deck. The helicopter blades began to spin as I gesture to the pilot. I started towards it, but was stopped by two people stepping in front of me.

"So, were you going to leave without saying goodbye?" I looked up to meet the eyes of Jax. I nodded, guilty.

"I'm sorry, I just really didn't want to say goodbye." They nodded, but Smith tackled me with a hug before I could do anything, which surprised me a little. He has really never been the affectionate type. After Smith, Jax hugged me as well. "I'm going to miss you guys so much."

"We'll miss you too, Emily. But, we understand why you have to go." I nodded in thanks to Smith.

"Come visit Hawaii sometime, it could be fun." They laughed, but then their eyes widened slightly.

"Hawaii?" They asked at the same time. I nodded.

"It's the people, right?" They nodded their heads before I began towards the helicopter. "Mahalo!" I yelled over my shoulder. I waved to them as we lifted off, watching until I could only see the ship in the distance.

Turning around in my seat, I face the pilot who is now hovering the helicopter. I gave him a questioning glance.

"Why did we stop?" The pilot chuckles, but I am still confused.

"Ma'am, I have no idea where I'm supposed to take you. I'm not even sure that this was the direction off the ship we should have taken." He spoke into the headset, still turned in his seat to look at me. I laugh for the first time since Josh passed.

"Honolulu, Sir." He nodded.

"Hawaii? Do you mind if I ask why?"

"It's alright. Did you happen to hear about Lieutenant Joshua Tyler?" I cringe a little when I say his name, but the pilot nodded, finally turned around and in the direction of the island I loved at one point in my life. "He was my best friend, I am going back to Hawaii to work on my brother's task force." I thought for a second, but then included this: "I had no other plans for my life, except the NAVY. I was planning to fight until they made me leave, but shit happens, right?"

He nodded with a brief smile on his face,"Indeed it does Ma'am." I chuckle and turn my head to the crisp waters I could see in the distance. "It shouldn't be more than a 6 hour flight, Lieutenant." I nodded my head and sat back for the ride.

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