Revolution of Magic

由 TheShadowMarauder

1K 30 20

What happens when Les Amis are wizards and attend Hogwarts? What will happen to the new weirdo, Molly? What w... 更多

The Sorting
Grantaire and his dreams
At the library
Deception dance and drinks
We've got a sick family
Welcome to Number 17 Bedlam lane.
Memories of the dead
Back to Hogwarts
The first proper meeting
Two friends are seperated
After Two Weeks We've Finally Pulled Through


108 3 0
由 TheShadowMarauder

"Enjolras wake up!" Courfeyrac shouted in Enjolras' ear. Enjolras turned over and let out a loud groan. It was then that he realised Courfeyrac was in his room and sat up with a start.

"What are you doing in my dorm?" Enjolras asked. Courfeyrac rolled his eyes and pointed out of the window at the Quidditch pitch. "What match is it?"

"Gryffindor versus Slytherin," Courfeyrac answered.

Enjolras sighed and got out of bed, remembering that Courfeyrac had betted James that Slytherin would win, and winning a bet against James meant everything to Courfeyrac.

"I'll be down in a bit." Enjolras remembered something, "Do you mind if we sit at the Slytherin table?"

Courfeyrac frowned and shrugged. "Why?"

"Molly doesn't like Slytherin and I said. . ." Enjolras started.

"If she wants to sit with us, she can move to the Ravenclaw table," Courfeyrac stated and walked out. Enjolras didn't like Molly, in fact he found her extremely annoying, but he felt sorry for her being in Slytherin and all. Enjolras put some clothes on and headed down to the great hall to meet the rest of Les Amis for breakfast.


Molly crept into the Slytherin second year boys' dorm and walked over to Grantaire's bed. Grantaire was snoring loudly and looked ridiculous in his sleep - his mouth was wide open; his arm draped over his forehead and his duvet was turned on its side. Molly was armed with the most dangerous weapon in the universe; a permanent marker. Molly smirked at Grantaire and wrote a message for her dear brother. Grantaire slowly woke up as the marker pen formed the words on his face. Grantaire's eyes opened and glared at Molly who was marvelling at her artwork.

"What are you doing?" Grantaire asked Molly. Molly smiled at him.

"Waking you up." Molly walked towards the door and turned to face him at it. "I'll see you at the game," she laughed. Grantaire frowned and looked at the boy in the bed next to him.

"You're sister is ...ed up man," the boy said as he read what Molly had written on his face.

"She's just . . . different," Grantaire murmured and walked into the bathroom. The first sight he saw was his reflection with the words: 'I believe in Gryffindor' in marker. Grantaire rubbed his face with his hand but the words wouldn't rub off, he then decided that it would be a better idea to use water and soap but his efforts proved worthless. It was permanent bloody marker. "I'm gonna kill her. I'm gonna kill her, bury her, dig her up and then kill her again."


Molly skipped down to the great hall and sat down next to Combeferre at the Ravenclaw table. "Hello Molly and please say that you didn't do anything to Grantaire," Combeferre muttered into his book.

"Oh, I didn't do anything," Molly said innocently. Combeferre moved his eyes to look at Molly, he knew she had done something but couldn't be bothered to ask her. Enjolras ran over to the table and sat in between Joly and Courfeyrac.

"Who's looking forward to the match, 'cause I know I'm not," Enjolras yawned.

"It's not that bad, as long as Grantaire decides not to kill me," Molly laughed. Enjolras frowned and grabbed a piece of toast.

"I swear this is only our first week here and already he wants to kill you," Joly stated.

"I don't like him and he doesn't like me, end of."

"But. . ."

"End. Of."

They sat in silence for a while until Courfeyrac asked something that had been bugging him since Wednesday.

"Why do you hang around us?" Molly glared at him and left the table to sit with Remus and Sirius.

"Well done Courfeyrac," Combeferre murmured, still reading his book.

"I know you were wondering as well," Coufeyrac huffed. Combeferre ignored Courfeyrac's statement and continued reading.

"Where's Jehan?" Enjolras asked. Combeferre shrugged and looked at Joly who shook his head. Courfeyrac rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Library, poetry section," Courfeyrac said simply. "Turns out he's-"

"Hey guys," Jehan said. He didn't look impressed at their conversation, even though he was trying to cover it; he had heard too much. "Shall we go down to the Quidditch pitch?" he asked and waited for his friends to pack up and finish eating.

They walked down to the pitch and sat in the Gryffindor stands, two rows behind Molly and the Marauders. "Is it normal to feel real bad about what I said?" Courfeyrac asked Combeferre. Combeferre rolled his eyes and nodded, returning to his book. Courfeyrac turned to Enjolras, "So who d'you think will win?"

"In all honesty, Gryffidor," Enjolras mumbled. Courfeyrac feigned shock and hurt.

"Are you disagreeing with me?"

"Don't I always?" Enjolras mumbled. Enjolras kept his eye on Bahorel, the Slytherin beater, Enjolras didn't like the look of him as he looked like the kind of person who would use every opportunity to seriously injure an opposing player. Bahorel hit the bludger with his bat, sending it soaring towards the Gryffindor seeker. The seeker fell off his broom and to the ground, out cold.

"And Slytherin wins," Courfeyrac muttered to anyone who would listen.

"Not exactly, Courfeyrac, I was talking to Amos Diggory about Quidditch and he said that if the seeker is taken out, the game normally stops," Jehan said.

"Yeah well, Diggory is a-" Courfeyrac said, but was drowned out by a roar from the Slytherin stand next to them.

"And Slytherin has caught the snitch!" a booming voice cried out. Courfeyrac smiled to himself and threw the pre-written note to James but it hit Molly. Molly picked it off the floor and read it.

'Better luck next time, Potter!' it read somewhere amongst the many swear words. Molly passed it to James and muttered something to him causing James to look back at Courfeyrac. Enjolras and Combeferre pushed passed Courfeyrac and Jehan.

"Hurry up you two," Enjolras called back as they caught up with Joly and another Hufflepuff first year.

"We're coming!" Jehan called back and filled through the stand.

"You know what? That was a very short game," Courfeyrac stated.

"Was it? I didn't really notice," Jehan said. "Though a quarter of basketball normally lasts that long."

"What's basketball?" Courfeyrac asked.

"A muggle sport, it involves a basket fixed on the wall, a special kind of ball and a team of . . . five, I think? I don't really know I never was the best at sport at my old school."

"You went to school before Hogwarts?" Courfeyrac was truly puzzled at some of the things this small, mousey poet was coming out with.

"Yes, didn't you? It's the law in the muggle world to go to school from the age of five."

"Five?" Courfeyrac exclaimed, appalled at the young age.

"Yes," Jehan said slowly, and before Courfeyrac could ask any more questions he quickly added, "I'll tell you more about the muggle world when we get back to the common room."

"Okay." Courfeyrac noticed that Jehan was getting crushed between two Gryffindor fifth years, so he squeezed passed them to make room for both him and Jehan.

"Thanks," Jehan said.

"You're welcome," Courfeyrac said. Courfeyrac felt someone fall into his back and fell over himself. "Oi, watch it!"

"Sorry, didn't see you there," the boy murmured. Jehan recognised him first as the boy who was sorted into Hufflepuff alongside him and Courfeyrac.

"Aren't you Marius Pontmercy?" Jehan asked but the boy was too distracted and was looking into the crowd for the ghostly figure he had seen. Jehan shrugged at Courfeyrac and they let him be and headed on back to the Hufflepuff common room.

They were on the staircase on the way down to the common room when Jehan fell into nothing. Well it seemed like nothing but there was something there. A person. Four people in fact. Jehan managed to tug the cloak off of them to reveal James, Sirius, Peter and Remus. "Aww, you just can't eat enough of me, can you Potter? Is this the little fan club you've made?" Courfeyrac chided James. James went to pull out his wand and hex Courfeyrac but Remus stopped him.

"Leave it, James," Remus muttered. James let his arm swing by his side and started to whistle.

"Why did you let them do that to her?" James asked. "You just stood there and let them cast spells on her."

"Who?" Courfeyrac asked. Jehan nudged his side, 'Oh Molly, that's who.' Courfeyrac remembered now. Courfeyrac had left Lithian and Isabella to use countless jinxes on her, how the young Slytherins knew them were beyond him. "I didn't have a choice. Anyway, I didn't exactly see you help."

"Everything's a choice, unless you're Remus," Sirius sniggered.

"Hmm? I swear if I get dragged into one of your stupid pranks again, we will get killed," Remus stated.

"Yeah, yeah," Sirius muttered. "You could've killed them."

"I can see you going to Azkaban for murder one day," Courfeyrac said to him and walked off.

"You know a lot of people say that to me," Courfeyrac heard Sirius' distant voice say.

"God, why does he have to butt into everything I do?" Courfeyrac shouted to no one in particular.

"He just wanted to know why, Molly has other friends. This morning you wanted her to get lost now you hate the fact she knows James," Jehan stated. Courferac stopped at the Hufflepuff portrait.

"Niffler," Courfeyrac told it and it swung open. They climbed in and went over to the fireplace, when along came a memo note. It repeatedly flew into Courfeyrac's head until he grabbed it and unfolded it.

'Why do you hate me?' was written on it in Molly's handwriting.

"You know what? For a first year she certainly goes deep," Courfeyrac muttered and chucked the note into the fire.

"That was deep what you said," the boy from earlier said. "I'm Marius Pontmercy and you are?"

"I'm Courfeyrac and this is my friend Jean Prouvaire," Courfeyrac answered.

"I prefer Jehan," Jehan corrected Courfeyrac.

"Nice to meet you Courfeyrac, Jehan. Did you see that girl?" Jehan and Courfeyrac looked at each other with a confused expression, the only girl they had really made friends with was Molly.

"No," they said together.

"All well, you missed out on the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. I swear her hair was like rays of sunshine, her eyes; an ocean of blue and her smile was... amazing," Marius sighed.

"You're how old and already in love?" Courfeyrac asked him.

"I'm eleven and yes I'm in love." Marius collapsed onto the sofa as the girl he had described walked in. Courfeyrac nudged Jehan.

"I don't see anything special about her, she looks like an ordinary girl," Courfeyrac whispered. Jehan ignored him and went over to her.

"Hello, I would like to mention that my friend likes you. His name is Marius Pontmercy," Jehan told her.

"Thank you, Jehan isn't it?" the girl said. "Is that him?" The girl pointed at Marius and Jehan nodded. "I like him back, thank you for telling me. I'm Cosette by the way." She walked off and Marius walked over.

"Why did you do that?" he snapped. Jehan coiled back and blushed.

"I only tried to help. Please don't be mad because she said she liked you back and that her name was Cosette," Jehan squeaked. Marius looked shocked and happy and decided to ask her out.

"Tell us how that works out for you!" Courfeyrac called after him and rolled his eyes. "Amateur."

"Didn't you want me to tell you about the muggle world?" Jehan asked him. Courfeyrac nodded and sat down as if to say 'Proceed'. "Well in the muggle world we have a prime minister and she runs the country-"

"I heard about your minister of muggles, I heard that she tried to throw Cornelius Fudge out of a window," Courfeyrac intervened.

"Did she? She isn't very liked-"

"Who's the hottest person in the muggle world?" Jehan tried to keep his patience and answered Courfeyrac.

"I don't know, I'm not into that-"

"Sort of thing? Okay, an easier question," Courfeyrac said sarcastically. "What are the schools like?"

"Horrible, you get beaten up for being who you are and called names like 'drama-freak' and 'gay' and 'flower-boy'," Jehan said. He smiled when he said it but you could hear the tremors in his voice. Courfeyrac moved closer to him and pushed him slightly.

"Those peeps who called you those things ain't got nothing on you, they're a load of gits anyway," Courfeyrac reassured Jehan.

"What if Hogwarts is like before? What f no one likes me?" Jehan whimpered.

"You're my friend aren't you?" Courfeyrac smiled. Marius walked over and leant over the back of the sofa and in between Courfeyrac and Jehan.

"She said yes!"


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