Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug...

By Keri_Loves_Writing

42.1K 1.2K 576

The perfect duo made for each other. However, will they ever find out who the other is or will they continue... More

Last Chance
Jealousy Incarnate
True Chemistry
Promising Project
Your True Self

Volpina Returns

3.6K 103 45
By Keri_Loves_Writing

Back in class, Marinette sighed. Adrien was sitting right in front of her like always, but now something was different. He glanced back at her and waved slightly. She grinned and waved back. Alya rolled her eyes and elbowed her in the ribs. "Ow!"

"Stop daydreaming, everyone is watching you!" she whispered urgently.

She was right. Everyone was watching, including Lila who had a scowl on her face. Chloe just watched with indifference.

Marinette's face blushed bright red and she went to study her book intensely.

After class, she was in the bathroom washing her hands, and she turned to see Lila staring her down. "Just who do you think you are? Just because Adrien Agreste asked you to the prom doesn't mean he actually likes you. I think he's just trying to make me jealous."

Marinette felt the familiar feeling of irritation welling up inside her. "Fine, even if that's so, he still asked me, not you. Now please leave me alone."

She ran out of the bathroom and almost ran straight into Adrien himself. "Oh... Uh... Sorry, Adrien. I wasn't watching where I was going."

"You seem upset. You okay?"

"Uh yeah... I guess Lila and I just don't get along..." she said, eyeing Adrien closely.

"I wonder why that is. You're such a kind person, Marinette."

She wanted to straight out ask him what he felt for Lila, but she couldn't get the guts to try.

Suddenly the door opened behind them. They both exhaled sharply when they saw the fake Volpina.

"Step away from him you fake! You don't deserve him! I do!"she yelled throwing her flute at them.

"I don't think so!" said a new figure jumping out from behind them and whacking the flute away with her own.

"Who are you?!" they both cried simultaneously.

A girl with dark hair and an orange mask and matching fox outfit turned to them and grinned. "I'm the actual Volpina. Chosen by the master himself. You guys run and hide. I'll take care of this fake!"

"How dare you!" yelled fake Volpina indignantly running at her in a rage.

"We... Better take her advice," said Adrien grabbing her hand and running towards the exit.

"I think we're safe here," said Marinette once outside.

"I think you're right. Will you be okay here? I need to go check... On Nino..."

"Yeah, of course," Marinette replied already looking for a place to transform.

Adrien ran off and she ran to an alcove nearby. "Tikki, spots on!"

She ran out of the alcove to find Volpina and fake Volpina going at it like two cats. Speaking of cats, Cat Noir had just shown up on the scene as well.

"Nice of you two to show up! Could use a little help!" cried Volpina noticing them.

"Mice to meet you, I'm Cat Noir!" he said whacking away several hits as he came to stand next to her.

"Hey! I'm Volpina! Nice to meet you too."

"Hey! I'm Ladybug. Let's take this villain down once and for all!"

Volpina dropped her flute and fangirled. "Ladybug! I've been dreaming of this day like FOREVER!!" she said giving her a giant hug.

"Woah woah. Only I get to hug her like that..." said Cat Noir pushing her forehead back.

"In your dreams," said Ladybug winking at Cat Noir.

"Would you two stop flirting already! Ugh it makes me sick! Some super hero you two are!" fake Volpina screamed.

"I'm not flirting!" Ladybug cried.

"You so are." Volpina said grinning.

"Is she really??" asked Cat Noir excitedly.

"No I am not!!"

"Ugh!!" fake Volpina screamed. She threw some illusion arrows at the school which made students go screaming back into the school.

"You can't scare us with your illusions!" Volpina yelled. "Let's decide who the real Volpina is once and for all!"

"Want to bet??" she grinned.

Suddenly there appeared a ton of fake Volpinas, Ladybugs, Cat Noirs, and actual Volpinas all around them.

"Wait who's who??" Ladybug cried.

"Who are you? I'm the actual Ladybug!" another Ladybug cried.

"Try fighting everyone off now!" laughed fake Volpina.

Cat Noir struck at her but she vanished in a puff of smoke. "That one was fake!" he called.

"So is this one!" called another Cat Noir striking another fake Volpina.

"Now I'm so confused..." Volpina said, holding her head.

"She's trying to confuse us so she can grab our miraculous! Don't let her do it!" called Ladybug.

"Right, m'lady!" answered several Cat Noirs at once.

"Ugh this is so confusing!" cried several Ladybugs.

"Just try guessing who I really am!" taunted fake Volpina.

Cat Noir struck at her just to find it another illusion. "Okay we seriously need a plan. Ladybug??"

"Lucky charm!!" shouted Ladybug throwing up her yo-yo and calling her special power.

A leaf blower spotted like a ladybug fell into her arms.

"Planning on doing some yard work with that?" laughed Volpina.

Ladybug grinned and looked around. "They're just illusions! Cat Noir, get ready! Her akuma is probably in her necklace again! Cat, can you grab it?"

"Yeah but I'm going to need a hand!" he said grabbing Volpina's hand.

"Aw my pleasure, Cat!" she said starting to swing him around.

"Your time is up, fake!" Ladybug cried blowing the leaf blower in front of her blowing all the illusions away to reveal the fake Volpina several yards away.

Volpina threw Cat Noir towards her and he grabbed her necklace. "Cataclysm!" he said using his special power to destroy the necklace.

The akuma floated up and Ladybug called, "Time to de-evilize!" throwing her yo-yo at the akuma.

"Miraculous ladybug!!" she said throwing up the leaf blower.

All illusions disappeared including the ones she hadn't blown away and fixing Lila's necklace.

"What am I doing here?" Lila asked shaking her head and standing up.

"Good team work!" Ladybug said fist bumping both Cat Noir and Volpina.

"Agreed! I'm just so stoked to be working with you guys!" Volpina gushed.

"Yeah pleasure to have you on board, Volpina! Do you go to our high school too??" Cat asked.

"You two go to my high school!? Far out!!" Volpina cried excitedly.

"Wait, you all go to this high school??" Lila asked over hearing them.

"Oh whoops..." Cat mumbled when he caught Ladybug's eye.

"Well you three must think you're so special! Just forget it... I'm out of here. But heed my warning, if I figure out who any of you are, you'll pay!"

She stormed off in anger. "Something tells me she'll be back..." sighed Ladybug.

"Why on earth was she so upset?" Cat wondered aloud.

"She's mad that Adrien asked Marinette to the prom." Volpina answered.

"Why is everyone so obsessed over that guy?" Cat asked curiously.

"He's only the most gorgeous guy on campus!" sighed Ladybug.

"What is this? Does Ladybug have a crush on Adrien Agreste??" Volpina asked eyebrow raising.

"What?? You like Adrien Agreste??" Cat asked grabbing Ladybug's shoulders and looking at her intently.

"What?? Oh me... No..."

"Oh I bet you do! No way! Adrien would be so pumped! Too bad he doesn't know who you really are!" Volpina said grinning.

Cat wanted to ask more questions, but his ring started beeping and so did her earrings.

"Oh look at that, gotta split!" Ladybug cried.

"Wait, Ladybug!" Cat said stopping her. "Would you go to prom with me?"

"Cat, we don't know who we actually are! And besides.. I already have a date..."

"I mean, so do I.. But..."

"You have a date?!" Volpina asked.

"Look I gotta go! Bug out!" Ladybug said in a rush.

They both watched her swing away, then Cat's secondary warning went off.

"If you want my advice, Cat, I don't think she knows how much she really means to you. What if you find some way to tell her at the dance?" Volpina suggested.

"But we don't even know who the other is... I feel like she'll never see how much I care... Not as long as she loves someone else..."

"I'm just saying, it's worth a shot."

"Thanks, Volpina. You're pretty cool, for a fox that is."

"You know it," she said winking, "now you better go before I find out who you are for real."

His ring started beeping frantically. "Right! This cat needs to split."

Volpina grinned, got up, and flew away. Once in a safe place, she de transformed.

Her kwami fell into her hands. "Very well done for your first villain encounter, Alya!"

Alya grinned. "That was sooooooo cool! I can't wait to keep this up! The ladyblog is one thing, but actually getting to fight with her!" she squealed in excitement.

"Well come on, you need to go back to school."

"You're right, Trixx. Let's go."

She returned to the classroom as everyone was sitting down.

"Where were you, Alya? I thought you'd be all over Ladybug!" Marinette questioned her.

"Oh yeah! I was totally there but didn't get a chance to catch it on video! I was way bummed!" said Alya dramatically.

Alya noticed Adrien seemed deep in thought. "What's the matter, Adrien? You look out of it." she questioned him.

Nino noticed too. "Yeah dude, you look seriously down."

"You didn't happen to over hear Ladybug saying she liked you did you?" Alya said.

"What?!" Marinette exclaimed.

"Woah dude, nice going!" Nino said punching him in the shoulder.

"What? Oh no I'm sure that's not true. I was thinking of something else." said Adrien rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

"Oh good. Besides, you couldn't take Ladybug. You got Marinette!" Alya said winking at her.

He grinned and Ms. Bustier started class once again. Alya stroked her chin while she watched Adrien. Something just seemed so strange when it came to Adrien... What if... No... He couldn't be Cat Noir... Could he?

"Time for some serious investigation..." she whispered to herself. If anyone could find out, it would be her!

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