The Story of Us

By SincerelyAddicted

18.4K 911 188

As surgeons, we expect to be able to save lives. And we were pretty good at it for a while. But this time, it... More

Prologue-Section 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21- Part 1
Chapter 21- Part 2
Section 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 16

612 33 8
By SincerelyAddicted

Once I got off the phone with Kushina, I decided to head into the kitchen and continue my effortless task of making a nutritious breakfast for Naruto and, I knew Naruto only ate ramen which proved to be nuisance because it had no nutritional value at all. Getting him to eat anything else would perhaps prove to be a challenge.

I sighed and ruffled my hair while walking over to the fridge to grab the milk and butter along with a bowl of fresh blueberries. I laid them on the counter and opened the cabinets above it, clasping onto the flour. Once I had all the ingredients displayed in front of me, I grabbed a bowl along with a whisk, and delicately poured all the ingredients together, mixing them carefully until it became a mixture that wasn't too thick or thin.

After, I left the pancake mix on the counter and walked over to the stove, putting it on medium heat. Along with that, I got a silver skillet with a black handle and placed it on top of the already hot stove-eye. Next came my favorite part, pouring in the mix.

As soon as the pancake mix hit the skillet, it began to sizzle, and the aroma filled the entire dorm. Not long after this, I heard footsteps coming down the hall and familiar blond hair came into site.

Naruto ran over to the stove and grabbed onto my arm with stars in his eyes.

"Wow Sasuke! I never knew you could cook." I slightly blushed but looked away before he got the chance to see. Getting all worked up over nothing.

"Tch. Of course I can cook. Unlike you, I haven't wasted all my life eating from a styrofoam cup." He let go of my arm and crossed his while making a pouty face.

"I can too cook you bastard." I rolled my eyes and flipped the pancake over, the bottom being a perfectly golden brown.

"Naruto, the microwave doesn't count." His eye twitched and I chuckled quietly to myself. Before he was about to start a twenty page essay on why the microwave counts as cooking, I briefly interrupted him.

"Anyways how are you feeling this morning. You had me worried sick when I saw you were passed out in the floor the other day. Not to mention all the puke I had to clean up, and don't get me started on-" Naruto put his finger up to my lips and rolled his eyes at me.

"Alright, alright mother Sasuke I get it already. Jeez." He dropped his hand and took the spatula from my hands, so he could get the pancake out of the pan.

"Be careful or they'll burn." He smiled putting his hands behind his back, "but to answer your question, my headache still hasn't went away yet, and I didn't know the great and powerful Uchiha could care about me so much. Even so, thank you." He jumped up onto the counter and sat there waiting for my response.

"Well I, ugh your welcome, and you'll probably feel better once you get some actual food into you." He looked down at his growling stomach and nodded his head.

"Yeah I'd say so. Though, I'd much rather have ramen." I hit his arm with the spatula and got ready to swing it at him again.

"BUT IM VERY GRATEFUL THAT YOU COOKED PANCAKES FOR ME SASUKE." I rolled my eyes and went back to cooking.

"That's what I thought dobe."

"Pfft whatever teme."


"That was the best meal I've had in a while. Thanks Sasuke. Your future wife is one heck of a lucky women." He patted his stomach while I inwardly cringed.

"Dobe I'm not getting married to a women." He looked over at me in confusion.

"I don't like them, idiot."

"O-Oh I guess that makes two of us then. Well technically I'm Bi but, um, you know nevermind. But seriously thanks for everything you've done to help me Sasuke. Including what little time you did tutor me, but I guess I'll find someone else to help me. Sakura-Chan might be up for it anyways." He smiled and pushed his chair back into place.

"No! I'll help tutor you again." I felt heat trying to rise to my face, but I willed it away.

"Huh? Really!" He jumped up and had a big bright smile plastered across his face.


"That's great I promise I'll try harder this time." He walked over to me and gave me a hug, which I awkwardly returned. He walked off, giving me one last smile. It was then I remembered something very very important.

"Oh wait Naruto! Call your mom!"


I smiled to myself remembering the warmth Naruto gave my body. It was a pleasant feeling.....

This chapter is probably trashy af my thoughts were everywhere writing this and there's probably so my spelling and grammar errors. Sorry for the wait though. I don't even remember if I have introduced Sakura yet into the story but if I haven't I have now and shes going to be a student. Plus narutos best friend.

Comment/Vote and thanks for reading!

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