Satyriasis {boyxboy} - FINISH...

By JSSaylor

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A condition brought them together, but it's far from what you'd expect. Harry Styles is a simple, seventeen y... More

♡ Chapter 1 - The Beginning Pt. I
♡ Chapter 1 - The Beginning Pt. II
♡ Chapter 2 - Dr. Tomlinson
♡ Chapter 3 - Appointment I
♡ Chapter 4 - Stupid
♡ Chapter 5 - Wish You Were Here
♡ Chapter 6 - First Date
♡ Chapter 7 - Messages
♡ Chapter 8 - The Party Pt. I
♡ Chapter 9 - LOUIS.
♡ Chapter 10 - The Party Pt. II
♡ Chapter 11 - Appointment II
♡ Chapter 12 - Dangerous
♡ Chapter 14 - Partition
♡ Chapter 15 - Butterflies
♡ Chapter 16 - Dream I
♡ Chapter 17 - Appointment III
♡ Chapter 18 - The Contract
♡ Chapter 19 - Home
Chapter 20 - The Morning Pt. I
Chapter 21 - The Morning Pt. II
Chapter 22 - Tutor
Chapter 23 - The List
Chapter 24 - Woman
Chapter 25 - Dining Table
Chapter 26 - Satyriasis
Chapter 27 - Love & Lust
Chapter 28 - Birthday Pt. I
💫 Update 💫
Chapter 29 - Birthday Pt. II
Chapter 30 - Birthday Pt. III
Chapter 31 - Dream II
💫 Update - I'm sorry. 💫
Chapter 32 - Moonlight
Chapter 33 - Wasted Time
Chapter 34 - Back in Time
Chapter 35 - Lost In Time
Chapter 36 - The Choice
Chapter 37 - The Deal
Chapter 38 - Oblivion
Chapter 39 - Dream III
Chapter 40 - The Fallout
the happy ending ♡
NEW BOOK - Satyriasis (from Louis' POV)

♡ Chapter 13 - Mine

8.5K 287 443
By JSSaylor

A/n: I'd like to know if you guys listen to the tracks I put here while reading the chapters. Because if not, you should. There's a reason why they're here. Also, should I keep adding a picture for each chapter? Cause it takes quite a while to make, so if you don't insist I won't put them. 

Thank you for reading. Extra big chapter just for you...


Song: Undiscovered - Laura Welsh

"Me and Becky... it's happening." Liam tells him as he slides his best suit jacket on.


"Yeah. We were hanging out the other day after class and I kissed her." Harry could feel the happiness overflow from the other side of the line as he heard him smile.

"That's great! I'm happy for you."

Harry really wanted to hang up on him, because he still had his matching suit pants to find and a pair of brand new Chelsea boots to take off the box, however he didn't want to sound uninterested about his love life. And he was genuinely happy for him. But he was also running late for his date if he didn't hurry to get ready.

"She's really amazing. I think I'm gonna ask her out on a date one of these days."

And I'm about to go on one, so could you please find something to do?

"Yeah. Do that." Harry says in a puff of air as he flies to his closet with his unbuttoned white shirt serving as wings.

"Are you seriously ditching me?"

"No!" He quickly declares, not wanting Liam to think he was completely ignoring him. But then he realized his sudden nervous tone kind of gave him away.  "No... I'm just really busy with something right now and my mom keeps calling me for dinner." Always an excellent liar. "Can we talk tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Don't forget the group work is tomorrow. Oh, and the Cold War essay is due tomorrow as well." Liam: the studious friend who always remind you about the school stuff you always tend to forget.

"On it." He says. But what he really meant was: Fuck, I still need to finish it. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine. Goodnight, H."


Okay. Where are those goddamn pants?

After what seemed to be an eternal search to find his dark grey suit pants, he discovers them folded in a box on top of his wardrobe. Clever.

Song: Wildfire - Demi Lovato

He's ready in his fancy suit and fairly under-maintenance hair six minutes before seven. That would give him enough time to cross the road and be ready for Louis to pick him up. He didn't tell his mom about it and, well, he kind of couldn't. So he had to say he was going to have dinner with Ricky because, looking like that, he didn't have many believable options left. Of course he had to promise her he would break it up with him, and the only reason why he didn't tell her he had already was just so Ricky could serve as a cover-up for them as he still could. That way she would never find out.

Thankfully, he doesn't forget to tuck his keys on the front pocket of his pants because, with the nerves and anxiety he was in, he was very likely to accidentally lock himself out. However, he was sure his mom would stay up until he got home. 

Before leaving, he makes sure to spritz his favorite 'DKNY' perfume to make himself smell fresh and "delicious" - as the bottle promised - and add another layer of gel to keep his curls in place.

The weather outside was slightly colder than he had predicted. But it wouldn't make him go back inside to get himself a warmer fall coat. He just hoped he wasn't overdressed for their date... No. He was fine. Even though he didn't rock a suit on a regular basis like a certain someone, he looked good, and he knew Louis would think so too. Sitting down on the bench by Maryland Road, he starts wondering where they were going that night. Louis only said he was going to take him out on a great restaurant, but he couldn't help thinking if there were other plans he didn't tell him about. Either way, he was going to find out sooner rather than later, so he decides to try and keep calm.

It's exactly seven o'clock when a strangely familiar black Mercedes SUV stops by the curb. His squinted eyes try to see who was inside, but the windows were entirely opaque. He had a feeling that was Louis' car. And that's when his insecurity kicks in.

Should I get in or wait? No, maybe it's not him. Wait, but what if he's waiting for me to come inside? Am I looking like I want him to open the door for me? Well, I kind of want him to, but it's not like he has to. Stop it, Harry. Why are you so ridiculous?

Before he can finish his inner monologue, there's a man coming out from the driver's seat. His height was the first thing Harry noticed. He was tall, extremely tall, dressed in black from head to toe. He definitely looked like a bodyguard or security guard. His short hair was dark and, from his big black, grey-splattered beard, Harry deduced he was around fifty.

"Mr. Styles?" The man says as he leans to open the backseat door. Harry was confused as ever, but then he realizes he knew his name, so he stands up. As he walks closer to see if Louis was inside, he feels like his heart decided to jump from a cliff. And then he finds him - the man that makes him forget where he is and where he's going. Louis smiles when they look at each other, the smile that Harry longed to see all week. And that's enough to revive his beating heart. 

"Good evening, Mr. Styles." Louis says as he sits down next to him, making him think he was trying to imitate his corteous driver. But he probably wasn't. "Looking sharp."

The sudden thud of the door being shut behind him makes him almost rocket jump out his seat.

"You do too." Harry manages to say, snorting his embarrassed giggle out. He couldn't see very well what Louis had on, but he could tell he was wearing a simple black tuxedo and t-shirt. He was definitely a hot man.

"No. The stars are definitely shinning for you tonight." Louis tells him, the delicate smile still on his lips making him want to bring his hands up to cover his face.

It's only when the car starts that it clicks on him.

This car... This bloody car.

His palms rest against the leather seats he didn't quite approve of but brought him some type of joy.

These are the backseats he sucked me on the first time...

As Louis had his eyes on the road, he takes the chance to close his eyes. He remembered it like it was yesterday. So well it like watching a movie. The way Louis had positioned himself between his legs, the way he bobbed his head as he went up and down, the way he approved of his panties... He wanted that. He needed that. Now. When he opens his eyes, he looks down to find his hand on his crotch. But thankfully - or not - Louis wasn't looking.

No. I promised myself this wouldn't end up in a sex encounter.

Song: Blade Runner Blues - Vangelis

"I didn't know you had a personal driver." Harry says to try and take his mind of inappropriate things. They obviously wouldn't do what they did with his driver right in the front seat. That was absolutely wrong, as much as Harry secretly wanted to taste the adrenaline of it.

Louis turns to face him. "I have a lot of things you don't know of..."

That sounded suggestive. If he was rich enough to have a personal driver to drive him around in a new, out-of-the-stand fresh Mercedes - not that he understood that much about cars -, he surely would have plenty other unnecessarily expensive stuff.

"I'm sure you do." Harry nods and, perhaps, he didn't sound as believing as he was. "Where are you taking me exactly?"

From the corner of his eye he can see Louis carefully place his hand just mere centimeters away from his. Harry thinks he wants him to hold it, or maybe Louis would make more than the first move. For once in his life he's thankful for his insecurities when Louis actually fills the distance between them until their little fingers touch and, a heartbeat later, covers his whole hand.

"To a really nice restaurant." Louis tells him as he intertwines their fingers.

"That comes in handy, because I'm hungry." Is the last thing he remembers saying.

The drive is so long Harry ends up falling asleep against the comfortable backrest. He only wakes up when he hears a voice speaking to his ear and the rocking movement of the car slows down.

"Harry." He hears Louis call for him, his voice sounding clearer as he touches the real world.

Where am I? He wonders for a split second as he opens his eyes and, then, the realization that the fact that he was in Louis' car wasn't a dream startles him.

"We're here." Louis says, deadening a laugh.

Harry instantly looks outside his window, his face feeling a bit too rumpled from his unplanned nap. He knew that road, those fading buildings, that Starbucks Coffee across the street... It was Belvedere Road.

"We're in the center of London?" He asks, baffled that Louis had driven him so far just for a dinner. And, as he looks back at him, he realizes they were still holding hands after a one-hour drive. Even after he fell asleep. He couldn't even feel Louis' weight on him anymore. It was like his hand was part of his body.

"Indeed." Louis nods his head and, unexpectedly, leans in to kiss him. Despite it feeling so real, Harry was sure he was still sleeping. An entire week without his kiss was like he had never kissed him before. It was so magical Harry could feel a current of electricity run all the way down to the bottom of his spine. And that was enough to make him not want to let go. Screw the dinner.

"Let's go." Louis says against his wet lips, letting go of his hand before they get out.

Out in the bright street lights, Harry could see that Louis wasn't as dressed up as he was, and that felt odd. He did not had suit pants on as he always did every time he saw him, but black skinny jeans that looked almost as tight as his. Yet he was still carrying a handkerchief, black with white details that stood out in his all-black look. He looked breathtakingly stunning, as usual.

They enter Queen's Walk and walk along the river until they end up in front of a big staircase after the London Eye. As they climb up the stone stairs, Harry sees a sign on top of the building they were heading towards.

                                                                        Bao fa Garden

                                                                  RESTAURANT & BAR

"It's a Chinese restaurant?"

Louis suddenly stops, his face concerned. "Don't you like Chinese food?"

"I do. Very much." He tells him and watches how it eases his expression.

"Great, because I did my research on vegetarianism and they have dishes for you."

Harry would be lying if he said his heart didn't feel like bursting out of his chest with such warming revelation.

The atmosphere inside was fairly calm and welcoming, light orange wood wrapping the room from the floor to the walls with two rows of tables on each side and an extra one on some sort of inside balcony.

"Good evening, gentleman." A dark-haired asian woman comes up to them at the entrance.

"Hello, we have a reservation for eight thirty."

"Mr. Tomlinson, right?" The waiter says, not even going to check on the computer.

The long-haired woman looks up at Louis in the eyes, maybe drawn to the hypnotizing beauty of them. Even though he hated the feeling and he had no reason for concern, Harry felt jealous for the second that it lasted.

"And Mr. Styles." He adds, and Harry was sure his name wasn't written on the reservation list. But he said it anyway, keeping his focus on the abashed waiter in front of him that was definitely trying to flirt with him.

Failed attempt, sorry.

"Right this way."

Louis gestures for him to go ahead and, as he moves to get in front of him, he feels a hand rub against his waist. You're mine. He can't help thinking. 

Their table was the very last one at the end of the aisle, with a gaping view of the lit Westminster bridge and the river below, leading to believe that the world outside was blue. He'd never seen the bridge look like this. Whoa... He really, really wanted to have his camera with him right now. The chinese furniture across them was impressive as well, old-looking wood cupboards with spectacularly detailed carvings of women, trees and symbolic, traditional engravings from top to bottom. Everything in shades of orange and yellow with occasional details of green and red.

The waiter hands them the menus once seated. Harry studies the list for a moment, trying to find out which dishes were meat-free. There weren't a lot.

"What is it going to be, gentlemen?"

"Harry?" Louis asks.

"Hum... The Stir Fry Bamboo and Wild Mushroom, please." A safe choice.

The waiter frowns his eyebrows. Harry was sure she was looking down on him for some reason, other than their heights at the moment. He was taller than her standing up.

"And you, Sir?"


He thinks Louis saw him wanting to roll his eyes, but he didn't care. That woman's attitude was becoming unbearable for him.

"What he's having." Louis' voice had taken a dangerous turn. He sounded angry.

"Anything to drink?"

"What do you suggest?"

He sees his lips shape a provocative smile as he turns to look at her with sweet politeness.

Now you're playing, hun? 

"Hum... I think a glass of white wine would go perfectly with your dish." She says with a confident smile, and Harry could tell how she was slowly moving forward.

"I don't like white wine." He objects.

The woman's face falls when Louis almost breaks his neck to look at him, ignoring her.

"Of course not. You like it red, don't you, Mr. Styles?"

Is he trying to purposely embarrass me? He knows very well that an underage teenager can't consume alcohol. 

"Actually, I'll have a coke." He says, defiant.

The woman writes down their orders on a small notebook. Louis eyes him with a severe look before glancing up at the waiter and dismissing her with a smile.

"So... how's your boyfriend?" Louis attacks as soon as they're left alone.

Shit. I forgot to tell him we're not together anymore.

He decides to tell the truth.

"How would I know? I don't have one." He says.

Louis squints his eyes.

"And how's yours?"

"Stop with the games." Louis admonishes.

"Well, you were the one who blew a taken guy in the first place."

"Were you two still together when I took you to my car after you teased me to an extent?"

Teased him to an extent... At least it worked.


"Then I did no crime."

He's right. Fuck.

"I chase after what I want, but ruining relationships is not my thing, Harry."

Song: Love - Lana Del Rey

The waiter comes back with their beverages before Harry can think of a reply. He did not want to let the conversation die, as much as it made him incredibly nervous most of the time. She places his coke in front of him and leans to fill Louis' glass with a bottle of 'The King's Favour'.

He stops her when it's half full.

"It's enough. Thank you."

Harry was surprised when Louis immediately took his can and poured it onto his empty glass like a real gentleman. 

"Thank you." Harry says in a small voice. It felt like their conversation had cooled down and things were back at stake one.

Grabbing his tall glass, Louis sips his wine as he watches the waiter walk away. Damn, that was the picture Harry always had in mind of the hottest man on earth drinking wine. Strong veiny hands grasping the elongated wine glass as the liquid slides through his sucking lips. Yet he looked like a crow in the middle of a field evaluating his options with how gloomy his expression was and the way he seemed to be there but not at the same time. By the crease on his forehead Harry could tell he was thinking about something.

"Tell me more about him." He demands as he puts down his glass, not even giving Harry time to wet his mouth. "What's his name?"

Who? Oh...

"Ricky." He tells him, but he couldn't understand the sudden interest on his ex. He should be glad he was single. That, if he wanted something serious with him, which he wasn't sure yet. "Why are you so curious about my ex?"

He just hoped there wasn't some sort of competition going on.

"Because it can say a lot about you and your... type. Drink." He points to his untouched coke with his head.

"My type?" Harry asks, taking the glass to his lips.

"Yes. If you were with him it must've been because he had something you loved." Louis shifts forward in his chair. "Did he fuck you hard?"

Harry nearly chokes with his drink.

Of course... He was just like the alpha wolf needing reassurance, even after defeating his enemy and winning the female. Yes, you're better than him.

"He never..."

Harry feels his cheeks turn crimson, not only from the fact that he was receiving concerning glances from people at the restaurant, but also, and mostly, because he was about to admit a secret he had always kept very safely locked down to a man like Louis.

"You never came?"

Their voices had just turned down ten volumes.

"No. I did. But I've never..." What are you doing with your life, Harry?  "We've never... had sex."

Why is it so strangely comfortable to open up to him? Probably because he's a prestigious sexologist, that's why.

"Is he assexual?"

Harry never thought that would occur to him to ask.

"Far from that." He lets out a sarcastic chuckle.


His heart race was untamable, cold sweat starting to cover his body, shame coming to destroy him. That was it - the end of his dream. He could already see Louis starting to fade away.

"I'm a virgin."

There's no one as clever in the world as me to admit that I'm a virgin to the man of my dreams in the middle of a restaurant while on a date. It requires some serious skills.

Despite the terribly nauseating lump on his throat, he couldn't stay quiet. It would only embarrass him even more. It was better to end it quickly and not dwell on illusions.

"You're going to leave too, aren't you?"

"What are you talking about?" Louis says, momentarily raising his voice.

He was clearly confused as to why he would ask such thing. "Did he leave you?"

Oh no. I can't do this right now.


Louis seemed shocked.

"Was it because he's a power top?"

He really wished that was the reason.

His eyes fall to the table he was sure was going to be replete of delicious food. He could stay there and admit that he had never been ready for a man to fuck him before, or he could leave and spare himself the questioning it'd lead to. As much as he wanted to go and never cross paths with Louis again - even though it'd be the hardest decision in his life -, by some power of the Gods above, he remained in his chair.

"Are you a power top?"

Louis looked scared now. It was like he was singing in his head: please don't be, please don't be...


Isn't it obvious?  

He clears his throat, eliminating the remaining choking sensation there.

"I never wanted him to take my virginity."

Oh. Now his eyes were glowing. His lips don't hesitate on curving like he was pleased with what he just heard. Maybe I shouldn't have put so much inflection in that word.

"So you're a bottom, right?"

If I wasn't, would things be different? Or would I not be on a date with him right now? Harry can't help wondering. As much as he wanted to believe it was fate, he had a feeling Louis would never be interested in him if he was a top. And that thought was like a knife piercing through his heart.

"Yes." He says with hopeful eyes, trying, somehow, to tell how happy he was to hear that.

But Louis got something different out of his sad-looking gaze.

"Did he ever pressure you to do something?" He asks with curious squinted eyes, but the way he said it led him to believe those words hurt him somehow.

"I rather not talk more about it."

He sees him clench his fists, looking like he was trying to control his growing anger.

"Just answer me." He commands, stiff and smoking as if he could predict his answer was yes. But he swiftly softens his voice, realizing he wouldn't get his answer like that. "Or I won't be able to sleep well."

He really, genuinely cares...

"He didn't."

"Thank you for the dinner. It was delicious." He says as they make their way out into the cold, breezy London. "But I could've perfectly paid for my food."

"Next time."

Song: Love Me Like You Do - Ellie Goulding

Is that a promise?

"Let me take you somewhere." He says with honest eyes, and it sounded like he was asking Harry if he trusted him. He did.

"Well, I have school tomorrow, so I shouldn't be home late."

"I know. I'll drive you. Don't worry."

Louis' messy hair was gently blown by the wind, his singular, heady fragrance spreading out into the air around him. How was Harry supposed to deny him anything?


Smiling, Louis takes him down Queen's Walk and he fears their destination would be his car. Or an hotel. But, before he realizes where they're heading, he's following him through a crowd of hundreds of people with the most diverse nationalities who were waiting in line for London Eye.

"Where are we going?" He asks, noticing Louis was following the people.

We can't be going there.

"C'mon, it's a surprise!"

They stop by a security guard and Louis takes out a pair of tickets from his pocket, holding out his hand. The man checks them before nodding as he lets them through. They were in a different lane, with many, many less people - probably a fast lane.

We're in.

Harry feels a sudden rush of adrenaline run all over his body. He had never went to a Ferris wheel before, and this one was huge - 135 meters of height, from what he'd heard.

There was only one group in front of them when they get to the end of the line.

"I can't believe we're going in." He says in pure excitement as he watches the seven-person group get inside the glass capsule that, by itself, was already fairly big.

Louis turns to him. "You're not afraid of heights, are you?"

It was even colder next to the river and it made him feel an abrupt need to hold Louis in order to keep himself warm. But he didn't know if he should. After all, they weren't even together.

"It's a bit too late to ask now, isn't it?"

Louis keeps staring blankly at him, and he realizes he was still waiting for an answer.

"But no."

"Good." Louis smiles.

Five minutes later, they're getting inside their reserved capsule. Harry still couldn't believe Louis had gotten them a private ride on the one and only Millennium Wheel. He was truly lost for words.

Inside the capsule that was big enough to fit up to thirty people, he found a green bottle of champagne and a pink box of chocolate truffles over the oval, glass table at the very center.

Whoa. Who would say Louis Tomlinson was a romantic?

If they were in a relationship, Harry would say he was going to propose to him.

"This is... beautiful." He tells him as he walks around, looking at the people outside starting to become smaller than ants.

The night sky was turning a darker shade of blue, the buildings lit up in bright, neon colors that reflected on the colorful water of the river. And, slowly, they were taking off and becoming bigger than anything else.

"I'm glad you liked it." Louis smiles, a feeling of accomplishment and joy filling his heart with the way Harry's eyes were sparkling.

"Liked it? I loved it." He tells him. "Too bad I didn't bring my camera with me."

Louis sits down on one of the white chairs, grabbing the Pommery Brut Royal Champagne bottle.

"You photograph?"

"Yes." He admits, turning to face him.

Is he trying to get us drunk tonight?

"A passion?"

"Uh-uh." Harry nods and takes the seat in front of him.

"That's interesting. I bet you're very good at it."

"Why do you say that?"

Louis opens the bottle like an expert, not spilling a drop onto the table, and carefully fills the two glasses resting on the table next to the box of champagne truffles.

"I don't know. My guts, probably." He says, tilting his head to the side. "Here."

Harry holds the glass he was given and decides to hide behind it. He didn't know what to say or do. Or why they were even there, flying nearly 200 meteres over London and drinking expensive champagne. For a moment, it felt like they were the only people alive in the world, and the cars crossing the bridge were part of the green screen around them.

Putting his glass down, Louis goes for the pretty heart-shaped box of truffles, opening it. 

"Truffle?" He asks as he grabs one of the three big spheres of temptation. But he was full already, mainly with nerves.

"I'm good, thank you."

Louis shrugs. "Alright. The more the better."

Staring at him, Louis bites on the frosted truffle that leaves his lips covered in powder sugar. They looked even tastier like this and Harry was dying to taste them again. But that was something he had to know, and it had to be stronger than the need for his kiss.

He takes a long sip of his champagne for extra courage.

"Why are we here, Louis?"

"Because there's something I want to tell you. Something that no one can overhear." He says, lounging his elbows on the table.

No one? Is he going to kill me? Oh no... Do I have a serious disease?

Louis leans forward on his chair. His face was earnest, sincere eyes wide open.

"I want you to be my boyfriend."


His first instinct is to pinch himself. This couldn't be happening. Louis Tomlinson asking him - well, telling him - to be his boyfriend? He had to be dreaming.

"You're kidding me, right?" He chuckles, but Louis' face didn't even flinch for a moment.

Oh. God.

"I am very serious, Harry." He says. "Be mine. Please." 

Louis didn't have to beg because, deep down, Harry was already his. From the very moment he sat down on his office, he belonged to him.

"Yes. I'll be your boyfriend."

Harry never knew the word 'boyfriend' could make someone smile so bright, but he was a World War I soldier who saw the face of his wife for the first time after years. And Louis was no different.

He suddenly stands up and walks towards him. Harry could anticipate what he had in mind.

"But there's something you have to promise me."


Louis stands before him, raising his chin up with his thumb to make him look back at him.

"That you won't tell anyone about us. Not even your mum."

It was ridiculous how much he wanted to be kissed at this point.

"I've never told anything to anyone."

Well, Liam kind of knew he had feelings for him... But that didn't count, right?

"Promise." He demands.

Harry's lips separate, leaving his mouth hanging open, and he realizes he was already breathing through his mouth.

"I promise."

Now, kiss me. Please.

"Good boy."

Squatting down, Louis pulls his chin further until his lips can touch and, suddenly, all of the gentleness was gone. His hand replaces his one finger, now pulling him closer by his neck as they drown into a deep kiss. Harry felt every single nerve ending about to explode with euphoria. The now sweeter taste that his lips allowed was for him only, those hands meant to touch his body only, his heart beating for him only. Louis was his. His boyfriend. 

"You have to tell me how you always know what I'm thinking of." He says as Louis keeps his hands on his face.

"A master never reveals his tricks, Mr. Styles."

Louis stands up, holding out a hand. Harry takes it and is dragged to his feet.

"But, for you, I'll open an exception."

For a moment Harry completely forgot they were still in motion and he was probably not taking advantage of the astounding view as much as he should. But, in a world with so many beautiful sights around him, Louis would always steal his attention.

"You've been dying for my touch since we got out of the car."


"You wanted to hold me in the street and kiss me in front of everyone. But you held back, because you know we can't."

Louis runs his thumb over his cheek in a comforting way.

"Am I right?"

Harry sighs, wanting to lean against his warmth and be absorbed by it.

"You are."

"But we're alone now." Louis says, staring right into his eyes with concealed mischief.

We are.

"Well, we can still be seen when the Ferris goes down, but when it's up in the air they can't see what we're doing."

Harry bites his lip playfully, trying to disguise the sexual tension that was starting to build up inside that tiny, constricting space.

"Hmm... So what are you thinking about?" He asks, since he couldn't read minds unlike some people.


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