My Bodyguard Boyfriend

By inactive8765

392K 11.2K 760

What happens when your over-protective and filthy rich parents get to know about a minor attack that happened... More

My Bodyguard Boyfriend
1. The Intro
3- The Spat
Author's Note
4 - Time To Be Friends!
5 - Crush?!
6 - Surprise!
7 - Its About Time
8 - Please Be Mine
9 - Part I - The Break Up
9 - Part II - Finally
Author's Note
10 - The Proposal
11 - The Recovery
12 - The Special Ring!!!!!
Author's note again!
13 - Pranks And Scares
14 - Identity
15 - The Big Plan
16 - Misunderstood
17 - The Big Step
18 - Making Up
19 - The Happy Ending

2. I Hate Him Already

29K 685 66
By inactive8765

As I opened the door for my bodyguard and motioned him to come inside, he came dangerously close when he passed me, into the room. I don’t know what kind of amazing perfume he had put on, I almost fainted. And he did not forget to wink and smile at me when our eyes met for a brief time. I blushed a bit. It felt a bit awkward with him, just the two of us. Nobody was around, and to be honest, I had this extreme urge to rip off his tee and expose his perfect body. I needed help.

“So this is where you’ll be staying, do you like it?” I asked him expectantly. After all, the décor of the guest room was my creation. Yes, I had a tiny little streak of an architect in me.

“Mmm… looks good. You do, too!” He smiled at me again, obviously flirting.

I was taken aback. A bodyguard he seemed like not. Aren’t bodyguards supposed to be all serious and stuff? And here he was, grinning constantly.

“What? Say something, Claire. Did my smile just infect you?” He, yes you guessed it, he smiled again.

“What the hell kind of a bodyguard are you, mister?” I said, surprised.

BG chuckled to himself, "I'm the best one the world has had for a while!."

“Drop it. I’m going out with my friends, catch you later, bye BG.”

I was almost out of the door when I suddenly felt a muscular arm tightly around my abdomen and within no time I was in his arms. I involuntarily clasped him around his neck, scared I would fall.

“What the hell do you thi…”

“Shhh… This is my job. You are not going anywhere without me. Nowhere. Got it?”

“I am going out with my friends. And the last thing I want is a stupid bodyguard spying on me. It’s not like they will kidnap me or something. Let go. Let go I said!”

I had now begun to get really annoyed by him. What was this new guest doing? He had the guts to lift me up! How dare he direct me? I was not going out with him. No way in hell.

Twenty minutes later:

BG drove us to the mall as I sat in the passenger seat. Sensing my embarrassment at my own defeat, he broke into a laugh.

“You thought you could have your way with me?”

I did not speak.

“This is how things will be from now on. You were attacked at college. I have to be around all the time.”

“I wasn’t attacked! It was this group of boys. They had a tiff with an opponent football team. And it…”

“Your life is in danger, moron. Now don’t freak out! You are not big enough to know how things work. Shut the fuck up and do as I say.”

I was dumbfounded. Did he just say that? My dad paid him, and he was ordering me around? As much as I liked him for his looks, I hated him double for his guts.

“What? My life? I’m gonna die?” My eyes moistened. Yes, it was such a scary thought.

 “Well I can’t really tell you now, I’ve said enough already.” BG spoke, “Now don’t tell him I told you. I will lose my job, and you will lose a hot bodyguard!” he winked.

 “How full of yourself are you?” I shot back, “And why did you trust me when you blurted out everything?”

“I just felt like I could. You know. You seem… trustworthy.”

I secretly smiled at his words. He amazed me in more ways than one. He was flirty, sweet, cheesy and bam! Suddenly he was a bigger asshole than Brad would ever be. But I seemed to enjoy his presence. I definitely liked him. From his behavior, I was ninety percent sure he was a rude guy, who could never get enough of himself, and was cheesy to every other girl he met. Sigh.

The other thing on my mind was that my life was potentially in danger. What the hell? What did I ever do to harm anybody?

We were at the mall finally. BG got out of the car and came to my side to open the door for me. Okay, so he was a gentleman too, huh? I stepped out clumsily, and almost bumped into him, when he held me in his grip and said, “Whoa! Easy there!”

And that smile! I almost fell down. I wanted to take off his aviators and throw them away so that I could always look into his eyes. They were so amazing. But then I reminded myself that behind those shades was an asshole who would win every ‘biggest jerk’ competition in the world!

I had some explaining to do at the mall. One, I was late. Why so? And two, who was this new guy with me?

My best friends Jessica and Ashton were waiting there, and from the look their faces bore, it seemed like they had been waiting for an eternity. Uh oh.

“Claire Claire Claire!! You are only an hour late. Where the hell were you?” said Jessica, with a hint of sarcasm, “I was almost… well, who do we have here?”

Jessica visually scanned BG from top to bottom and he seemed to enjoy the attention. He smiled at her too, and that made me kind of jealous.

“This is.. uh.. my friend. Yeah. He’s my friend.” I stuttered so badly that Jess immediately detected my lie.

“Okay. Now really tell me. Who is this hottie with you?”

“Ugh. Promise me you won’t tell anybody. Pinky promise?”

“Pinky promise Claire… tell me!”

“My bodyguard. This is my bodyguard.”

“What the…?”

I wasn’t surprised at her reaction.

Ashton, who was a man of few words, literally, finally muttered, “A bodyguard? ‘Cause of those attacks right? That’s crazy Claire!”

“I can’t explain. But, my life is at stake. Please be zipped up regarding this, please.” I pleaded to them.

“Okay.” Jess said, looking like somebody had told her that her boyfriend was gay.

We entered the mall, and all this while Jess acted abnormally paranoid. And when it became unbearable, I finally spoke.

“Jess stop it stop it STOP!!!”


“Don’t act like that, he’s not an alien. He is as normal as us. So what if I have a bodyguard? Stop it, please, you’re freaking him out.”

BG widened his eyes and smiled at me.

“Drop that look, asshole.” I said to him.

And it did not affect him the slightest. He chuckled again, which annoyed me more. Ugh.

"Yes, Jess... I'm a human being, too. Just like you. Nice lipstick. Even better lips." He winked at her. Ashton rolled his eyes.

Jess returned the favor by complimenting him on his perfectly sculpted body. Oh God. Was he this way with every girl he met? And he was already calling her Jess, huh? For some reason, I did not quite like it.

After we did loads and loads of shopping, I waved goodbye to Jess and Ashton and BG drove me home. I stepped out of the car and looked at my watch. Five minutes to eight. Oh God. How long had I been shopping?!  As we drove, he turned on the radio. A love song was playing, and I felt a little uncomfortable. It was just me, him and a love song! Awkward. I looked out of the window, and saw an ice-cream parlor. It was winter, and I was suddenly craving ice-creams.

“BG stop! I want an ice-cream!”

“No. You’ll catch a cold.”

“Who are you? A frickin’ doctor? Pull up!”

“No way in hell. I am your bodyguard, and I cannot let anything bad happen to you.”

I gave him a weird look. Now, since when do bodyguards make sure whether an ice-cream is good for you or not? He was getting more and more annoying.

“This song is so stupid.” BG muttered, and changed the radio station to one which was playing a loud, metal number. Obviously, I hated it.

“Turn off the music, BG. I hate this kind of stuff.”

“Oh, I’m the one who’s driving and I don’t even get to listen to my music? Huh?” he retorted.

He was being so bossy that it angered the hell out of me. I thought it was best not to say anything to him. I just kept up with him somehow for the twenty minute drive. He was hot. Very hot. No doubt. But he was annoying, a pervert, bossy, rude and what not. I hated him so much. My crush went flying out of the window.

When we reached home, BG came out of the car and headed to the booting space.  I couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. He held all of my shopping bags and it made him almost tumble twice! Oh, the glee!

We headed into my room. He dropped everything onto my bed.

“What on earth did you just do? Clean this up! Now!”

BG came closer. It made me nervous and I took a step back. I started stammering.

“D-don’t come closer, BG. Just…”

“I’m your BG, not your servant.” He said sternly, making me a little guilty.

“Besides, I’m the hot one. You listen to me and not the other way around! Good night Clairey! ”

He  was back in form again. Duh!

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