You're my Hollywood dream?

By MsAllAmericanGirl

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You're my Hollywood dream?
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chores 14
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter sevenTeen
Chapter 19

Chapter 18

137 5 1
By MsAllAmericanGirl

"it's cute, Jordan I like it." his face lit up.

"awesome awesome!" I gave him a hug.

"Jordan I'm tired, do you mind if I o to bed?" he shook his head "no" his choppy whispy hair moving around

I got up from where I was sitting on the floor and went to what Jordan told me was his room.

"uh sorry if it's messy." he said trying to fix his perfectly clean room.

"Jordan its fine." I stopped his hand from moving and cleaning anymore.

I grabbed his hands, he quickly pulled my close him as if it was a life or death situation.

"you know tomorrow we have a off day, let's go to the mall!" I nodded and sat on his bed.

That night I quickly fell asleep.

When I woke up Jordan's head was on my chest his arms around my abdomen. His hair was messy and stuck to his face.

I rubbed his back, being able to feel the tight and strong muscles beneath his fairly sun kissed skin.

He looked alive unlike the way he looked in Portland, he looked ghostly, pale, nearly dead but now he had a tan, not like snooki but natural.

"Tiffany, I'm sorry my head was on your chest or boobs, whatever you prefer." he was blushing.

I suddenly felt sick, got scared, terrified.

I got up from the bed and jogged to the bathroom. My dinner I enjoyed last night coming back up to greeting me for a second time.

"oh god, tiff are you okay?" Jordan had a worried expression on his face.

"uh yeah, it might have been the Chinese food not settling right in my stomach." he hugged me. I brushed my teeth my caring to taste the after taste of the vomit.

"Jordan I think I'm gonna go to the store, do you need anything?" he thought.

"hairspray!" I chuckled while he tossed me the keys to his jeep.

I drove to the store nervously. I still had that sick feeling.

Yes I knew that my "sickness" wasn't food poisoning but in the back of my head I wished that it was, and if it wasn't, I'm dead.I found out ten minutes after returning home from the store.

Jordan was sitting on the couch watching a tv show. I shakily walked to the couch and sat down next to Jordan.

"hey tiff." he smiled but that quickly faded. "what's wrong?"

He held both my hands in his.

"Jordan, its not food poisoning ..." my voice trailed off as he looked at me.

"t-then what I-is it?" he stumbled over simple words.

"I'm pregnant." plainly I said.

"but I used protection" he panicked.

"I know, I know maybe it broke or it was defective. Jordan its not like we can go back and fix it or we would." I started crying Jordan pulled me into his side.

"we can make it through this, well be fine now breaking it to our parents." I cried harder

"we aren't ready Jordan our parents are going to murder us, we came here to make music, not babies." even though he was trying to be comforting it wasn't working, maybe it's to risky for us to be together.

"tiff, I know" I laid down on him.

I grabbed the phone and dialed my mothers number.

"hey Tiffany! How's it going?" she sounded happy.

"mom, I have to be serious with you." I sighed

"go on," she said

"mom, I'm pregnant." she gasped

"I sent you to California to record not have done the dirty with a random guy and get knocked up! Oh you just wait until your dad finds out. He's gonna drag you right back to Oregon!!" she yelled through the phone

"mom, it wasn't a random guy, and we used protection." I sighed thinking and hoping it would dig me out a little bit.

"who, who was the not "random" guy?" I tapped my hand against my leg.

"Jordan." her deep breathing was totally noticeable

"Jordan who?" she obviously didn't remember Jordan.

"witzigreuter" her breathing was relaxed

"Cindy's kid? He's the dad? He's a good kid, so are you but I'm very disappointed." she randomly hung up the phone. It hurt me so much that my mother was disappointed in me.

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Just some AO3 shots not mine credit to owner ❤️