chapter 11

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"Het Tiffany, put some headphones on and get in the studio we have a long day ahead of us" Pete

called out to me. i walked in to the studio with my guitar and began to play the song i chose to

record today

"Okay, good next time-" Pete's talking was cut off by some one speaking.

"I think it was perfect" i turned my head to see who was speaking.


I wonder why i still called him that. 

Im twenty years of age  and i still talk like I'm a five year old.

"thanks" i mouthed to him.

After recording, i started to walk out of the Decaydance Records when i was stopped by a hand

grabbing ahold of my wrist

"can we talk?" i nodded 

"Tiffany, I'm really sorry about last night, i felt like i violated you. I'm embarrassed with myself. I am 

just not the best with showing my feelings. youre the first girl i have ever put intrest into. i never

stopped thinking about you, if you remebered who i was, if you even cared" he spoke using only 

one breath. The last sentence being no louder then a whisper.

"Dan-Dan i never stopped thinking about you, its just that last night you really just caught me

off guard." i leaned over and kissed him.

i pulled away smiling,

I know i came here to record a EP but i found something more that music could never give me


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