A Dragon's Mate.

By LeahBates2

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Harry thought that he the perfect life. Friends who cared for him, mother and father-like figures and people... More

Chapter 1 - Harry Learns the Truth.
Chapter 2 - Family Time.
Chapter 3 - Talks of Betrayal and the Inner Circle.
Chapter 4 - Meeting some Unexpected Friends.
Chapter 5 - Inheritance.
Chapter 6 - Meeting of Mates.
Chapter 7 - Charlie Learns the Truth.
Chapter 8 - Bulgaria.
Chapter 9 - End of Summer.
Chapter 10 - The Proposal.
Chapter 11 - Marriage and Bonding.
Chapter 12 - The Honeymoon.
Chapter 13 - Durmstrang Attacked.
Chapter 14 - Daily Prophet and Arriving at Hogwarts.
Chapter 15 - Time at Hogwarts.
Chapter 16 - Returning Home.
Chapter 18 - The Birth.
Chapter 19 - Introduction.
Chapter 20 - Vacation in England.
Chapter 21 - An Article and Preparing for a Raid.
Chapter 22 - The Raid.
Chapter 23 - Final Plan's and Spy.
Chapter 24 - Morning Talks and Storming Hogwart's.
Chapter 25 - The Battle Begins.
Chapter 26 - Truths (Part One.)
Chapter 27 - Truth's (Part Two.)
Chapter 28 - Time in the Dungeons.
Chapter 29 - Trials.
Chapter 30 - Punishments.

Chapter 17 - Kidnapped.

25.9K 713 144
By LeahBates2

It had been 3 months since they had returned to Durmstrang, learned the three Unforgivable Curses as well as Raphael and Charlie learning that they were having twins (a boy and a girl). Raphael had gotten really protective of Charlie, he would not let the red head out of his sight for long periods of time, he would often just hold Charlie and rub his stomach as if to check that all three of them were still there. If someone said one word to Charlie that Raphael thought was bad then that person was hexed/cursed.

Charlie was just over 6 months pregnant now and the baby bump was more obvious, people who did not know were able to guess, since he was pregnant with twins he was quite large.

"What does it feel like?" Draco asked, he wanted have children but he wasn't sure how his mate would take it.

"The baby bump?" Charlie asked, when Draco nodded he continued. "Well it is a little strange, my centre of gravity has changed as I have grown bigger, I can't see my legs and I can feel them kicking inside of me. It took a little while to get used to it." Charlie explained.

"Wow, I'm just amazed that there are two little people growing inside of you." Draco said, with a look of awe on his face.

"Yeah I am as well, I didn't think that I would be the carrier of our first children." Charlie said with a smile, the thought himself as a dominate personality.

"Yeah we were all shocked too, we all thought that you were the top." Draco said with a sly smirk on his face.

"Well sometimes I am, but we learned that Raphael also liked to top. Believe me I was shocked when I learned that I liked being on the bottom." Charlie said with a smile.

"May I touch it?" Draco asked, he wanted to make sure it was before he did anything.

Charlie did not answer him and instead took his hand, placing on the centre of his overgrown stomach. It did not take long for the two children inside of him to kick, Draco gasping when he felt the kicks. "There they go." Charlie said, he bet it felt weirder to feel the kicks inside of you rather then feeling then with your hand.

"That is so awesome, I'm going to meet the others. See you later." Draco said leaving the room. He did not see the shadow emerging from behind a curtain within the room.

Raphael was with his mother and father when he felt panic and fear from his mate. "Something's wrong with Charlie!" Raphael yelled before running to the room that his mate was once in.

They ran into Draco and the others on the way.

When they all got to the room they were shocked by the sight. There were signs of a struggle, the bed was messed up and the cabinet beside the bed was knocked over, there was also a spilled drink on the floor beside the bed.

"Charlie was drinking that when I visited him a little while ago." Draco said, remembering the drink on the bedside cabinet.

"You were here? Draco what did you see?" Raphael asked panicked, their room was messed up and there was no sign of his mate.

"Nothing, I did a check of the before I left and I was in here for a good half an hour there was nothing here." Draco told Raphael.

"Thanks Draco." Raphael sighed, he did not blame Draco, if he didn't see anything then they had come when he left the room.

"Who would kidnap Charlie, whoever did obviously knows who he is?" Tom asked, he thought it to be stupid kidnapping the pregnant mate of the Dark Heir as well as the Dark Lords grandchildren.

"It was the light, they have been trying to control us since they heard about us all, they will use this a way to make us join them." Bill explained, he was shocked that his family would go to these lengths.

"Hang on what's that?" Fred asked, pointing to something beside the bed. George was the closet so he bent down and picked it up.

"It looks like a piece of clothing with purple hair on it." George said, then his eyes widened. "Nymphadora Tonks. She is the only person on the Order who can change her appearance, and there is no one else with purple hair." He told them.

"The clothing is also something she would often wear when in the meetings." Fred finished for his twin.

Raphael was seething, it was not a good idea to take a Dragon's mate, especially when they were carrying. "Where would she take him?" Raphael said through gritted teeth.

"I would say the headquarters to the Order of the Phoenix. It is located at number 12 Grimmauld Place." Percy told them.

"Then it looks like we will be visiting the Order then." Raphael said before he apparated away.

(With Charlie)

"Hey let me go!" Charlie yelled at the person who was dragging him.

He recognised her from when he was a member of the Order, no matter how far away he lived he had met her a couple of times.

"No you are coming with me, some people want to see you." Tonks told him.

Charlie also knew where he was, the headquarters to the Order of the Phoenix. Charlie had to resist a smirk, he knew his mate would be panicking about him and their children. He was also the black Heir as well so the house would let him in with no problem.

He was brought into a room with all the Order members. Molly, Arthur, Albus, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Mad-Eye Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Minerva McGonagall.

"Welcome Charlie." Albus said with a kind smile.

"It wasn't like I had any choice in the matter." Charlie said with a sneer.

"I can't wait for the birth, I will get to look after another child." Molly said with a smile to her ex son.

"Ha, you will never see these children." Charlie sneered at the woman he once called a mother.

"You will not talk to your mother like that!" Arthur yelled at the boy.

"She is not my mother, you are not my father and none of you are my friends. Now let me go." Charlie told them.

"I am sorry you think that dear boy, but we are not letting you go. We know how much Raphael Riddle loves you and your child, with you here he will have no choice but to join us." Dumbledore said with a smirk on his face.

"You really don't know anything about mates, or about Raphael." Charlie said with a mysterious smirk, he knew that his mate was already on his way with all of the others.

"We do not need to, he is powerful and he will be able to defeat the monster." Hermione stated, like the know-it-all that she was.

"Ha you really think he would help you, there is nothing that would make him help you. Especially since that monster is his father and my father-in-law." Charlie said with a smirk, they didn't even realise he was just distracting them to give his mate, friends and family time to get here.

"Of course he will, and if the plan with you fails then we will simply put a potion in him or spell him to do so. Just as we are going to do to you." Minerva said with a smirk, pulling out a potion that he knew was a Compulsion Potion.

"By all means try it." Charlie said with a smirk, which made Minerva look confused.

Minerva gave Charlie the vile potion and waited a couple of minutes before nodding her head to Albus.

"Very well, you are to join the light side and then help us make Raphael Riddle join the light. When you give birth Molly and Arthur, your mother and father, will be taking care of them. Do you understand?" Dumbledore said with a smirk.

"No." Charlie said with a smirk of his own.

The room were shocked. "I order you to do as you are told!" Dumbledore yelled at the red haired boy.

"No thank you." Charlie said with a tired look to the old man in front of him.

"Why is it not working?!" Dumbledore ordered, he had watched Minerva create that potion and it was done correctly, so why was not affecting Charlie.

"I don't know, I brewed it right so it should have worked." Minerva said, looking very puzzled.

"You know nothing of mates or me. Raphael is able to resist potions and spells, because he is my mate then he was able to pass this onto me. As well as this I have something to reveal to you." Charlie said, it was time to reveal what creature he was.

"And what is that?" Molly asked, she hoped it was her son coming back to her.

"The creature that I am, it is also able to stop any spell you throw at me, and my blood is so strong it would dispel a potion in minutes." Charlie said with a smirk on his face.

"Only a handful of creatures can do that." Minerva said, she knew more about the animals of the wizarding world.

"I know, but I am the first animal in Wizard history, you will find that me and Raphael are the last wizards to become this creature forever." Charlie said, the smirk still on his face.

"What are you?" Dumbledore demanded.

Charlie was about to reply when he felt the ground rumble and his mates presence close by. "I would love to help you all, but you have other problems to deal with." Charlie said with a smile on his face.

"And what would they be?" Mad-Eye asked, he didn't see anything wrong around him. All Charlie did was turn to the door with a smirk.

"They would be us!" An evil voice said from the doorway. The Order gasped and turned to the door, Raphael Riddle stood there with the other Weasley's, friends from his school and some teachers as well.

"You have no right to be here! How did you even get here?" Dumbledore demanded.

"You have no right to know the answer to the second question, as for the first you took my mate from me I have every right to come here and get him." Raphael said, his voice was cold and you could hear the loathing in it.

"He came to us willingly, he wants to join us." Molly said, trying to look convincing.

"Do you know anything about mates at all? I can feel his emotions and read his mind, I know that is not true." Raphael then turned to Dumbledore. "I warned you what would happen if you tried something like last time old man." Raphael said moving closer to the old man. The Order tried to help their leader but found that they couldn't move, the others who Raphael had brought had frozen them in place.

"You must know that the dark lord is evil, he is a murderer." Dumbledore pleaded, he needed to have this person his side.

"Yes I do, and I do not care. He is my father and I love him, just as he loves me." Raphael said, then he leaned in closer to Albus. "Now who do you want to die?" Raphael asked.

"What do you mean?" Dumbledore asked, hoping that it was not what he was thinking.

"Pick a member of your Order to die." Raphael said with a smirk.

"None of them, you would not kill them." Dumbledore said, though his voice sounded differently to his words.

"Oh no, well if you can't choose then I will. Now lets see, it was Nymphadora Tonks that took my mate so she will die." Raphael said with a smile as he looked to the cowering girl.

"You can't, you will go to Azkaban if you do that." Minerva said, she knew he wouldn't want to go the prison so he would not risk going there.

"No I won't, like Charlie told you we are descendant from the first animals of the wizarding world, and on top of that you took my mate. In the eyes of the law they will not arrest me for killing the person who almost hurt my mate and children." Raphael said with a smirk when he saw the looks he was being given.

"Please tell me that is not true." Ron begged, he liked Nymphadora and he did not want to see her be killed.

"Yes it is, I read it once in a book a was reading. Because they are creatures they don't abide by the laws of us wizards as they are classed as creatures and not wizards. And by the creature laws if someone is a threat to a mate or children then lethal force can be used." Hermione said, though her face was pale.

"Correct bookworm." Raphael said, he walked towards Tonks and pulled something from his inside pockets, they all thought she was going to get the killing curse.

In the next second Tonks fell to the floor gasping, but no one had seen a spell.

"What spell did you use on her?" Dumbledore asked, he might be able to reverse the spell once they all left. 

"While I can do wandless magic I didn't use a spell." Raphael said, a smirk could be heard in his voice. He moved aside and allowed the room to look at the woman clutching her chest.

There, embedded deep into her chest, was a knife. "Why didn't you use a spell?" Ron asked, there was nothing they could do for her, they didn't know how to deal with a muggle weapon.

"Because I read your minds, you wanted me to use a spell so that you would try and reverse it when we left the room, but I know you do not know anything about muggle weaponry." Raphael said with a smirk, Charlie moved to his side and kicked Tonks.

"That was for taking me from my mate." Charlie said with a sneer his face.

The Order were all looking at Tonks with interest and happiness, they knew what have happened if something had happened to Charlie.

"You are all monsters!" Ginny yelled, though she was ignored.

"Now stay away from us, one more thing like this happens again you will all die." Raphael said this as a warning, they now knew their rules and that they all would kill to protect their mates and children.

They then apparated back to Durmstrang where they asked for permission to take a week of school, once what had happened was explained Igor granted them all that week.

Charlie and Raphael went to their room for some sleep, Raphael curled protectively around his mate and his hand on the baby bump. This way he knew that all three were safe and sound with him.

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