Let Everybody Know - LAMS

By CinnamonRollLams

167K 5.4K 27K

A classic LAMS college AU. Lots of fluff, some drama and stuff like that. I hope you enjoy! I will warn you w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - you swing at my friend you better not miss
Part 3 - John, You could Let it go
Chapter 4 - Stay Alive For Me
Chapter 5 - Live to Fight Another Day
Chapter 6 - People will always be critical
Chapter 7 - Don't make the personal political
Chapter 9 -You're Laughing
Heyo sorry for annoying u but pls read this?
Chapter 10 - Find Your Way Home
11 - Helpless
12 - Alex, you could let it go
Chaoter 13 - Wait for it
Chapter - 14
Chapter 15 - Washington on Your Side
Chapter 16 - Say No to This
Chapter 17 - Wait for him
Chapter 18 - you've been here this whole time
Chapter 19
Please read (important !!)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - bUSTED
Chapter 22 - Christmas
Chapter 23 - Philip
24 - Slap Bet
25 - Uncertainty
26 - the accident
27 -The end

Chapter 8 - Let Other People be Cynical

6.3K 190 1.8K
By CinnamonRollLams

TW: Henry Laurens

Do I need to explain the trigger warning? We all know what's gonna go down.

TW: sexism, abuse, gay slurs, John being a fuckboy

My John's POV

"Ready Hamilton?"

"This is the worst day of my life" Alex groaned, accompanying me in the hellish task of waiting for my dad to arrive at the parents day that he insisted on coming to, even though he hates me. The date for parents day had been pushed back to March eleventh so Alex and I had more time to imagine different, terrible scenarios that could possibly happen on this day.

"I would've thought the worst day of your life would've been when the 'pirates of the Caribbean' came out"

Alex rolled his eyes at my joke but smiled, although it didn't last very long, as my dads car instantly drove up in front of us and he honked his horn loudly, causing a good deal of unsatisfied murmuring to occur.

"Father" I gritted my teeth and attempted to try and seem excited.

"Jacky, who's this? A friend? I would assume your girlfriend would be waiting with you" my father stared at Alex who smiled politely at
him and extended his hand for Henry to shake.

"Alexander Hamilton, John's...... friend" Alex pursed his lips as he called me his 'friend' and shook my fathers hand.

"So where is my son's girlfriend?"

"Non existent" I piped up and my father rolled his eyes and glared at me before pulling out a flask. "You can't have alcohol on college grounds"

"I say you can't be a disappointment, yet you still are" he retorted and swallowed down whatever alcoholic beverage was contained in the flask in a matter of seconds.

"So, this is Alex and I's dorm" you had to give your parents a tour before they attended your classes. We were five minutes in and I already felt like jumping out a window.

"Glad you've been making your bed Alexander, it looks completely untouched. On the other hand John..."

Alex stared at me, eyes wide and we communicated through exaggerated eyebrow movements and eye rolls about what my dad just pointed out.  Alex and I got a dorm with double beds so we've been sleeping in the same one ever since we started dating, which is why Alex's sheets 'look' untouched. It's because they pretty much were.

Our door swung open and our chatty group of friends emerged and went completely silent at the sight of my father.

"Oh and these are my friends" I said and the girls and Lafayette and herc awkwardly waved and smiled.

"Which if these women are your girlfriend? They all look fine, big boobs, skinny, wide waists, wit doesn't matter, they just cook and look after the kids later on anyway. Women aren't capable of anything else" Henry said, observing the Schuyler's. Peggy and Eliza adjusted their clothes to cover up as much skin as possible out of discomfort and Angelica seemed like she was ready to kick my father in the crotch but Eliza had her grip tightened like handcuffs around her older sisters wrists.

"Dad, I told you, I don't have a girlfriend and don't talk about my friends that way. I'll have you know at they are extremely talented outside of your sexist expectations" I said, now agitated.

"Then which of these are Alex's girlfriend?"

"Sir, I don't have a girlfriend" Alex responded.

"So you're alone? Dating no one?" Henry turned away from my friends to look at Alex and I.

"Aww no, Alex and John have each other, they're such a cute couple" everyone's heads spun around to the open door to see Thomas Jefferson smiling smugly.

"What!?" My father balled his fists and walked closer to Jefferson and our friends scurried over to the side of the room while we all watched Thomas, who didn't seem the least bit intimidated.

"Your son and Hamilton are dating. I thought you knew?" Jefferson smirked at Alex who looked like he was capable of committing a few hundred murders right now.

"NO WE'RE NOT" I hurriedly shouted. This was not going g to end well. Alex glared at Thomas who just widened his smug smile even further.

"So you're still a fag?" My father walked closer to me, now towering above my head and I motioned for my friends and Alex to get out. The group got out almost instantly but Alex refused to leave. "You're still a waste of space, a disappointment?"

"Dad I'm sorry-"

"Your mother would be ashamed!" He spat at me and my heart suddenly felt like it weighed a ton of bricks. Alex tried his best to stop himself from punching my dad through a wall. "She'd be ashamed to have a fag as a son. A son like you let alone"

"Maybe you should leave" Alex gestured towards the door, his voice harsh and sharp. My dad stared at Alex before punching him in the jaw and walking out of the dorm. The words Henry said rang through my head, not stopping even for a millisecond.

"Your mother would be ashamed"

Alex grabbed an ice pack and flopped backwards onto his bed in deep thought.

"You alright babe?" He asked a few minutes later and he rested his arm on my shoulder.

"Let's get through this day as quick as possible" I mumbled, harshly pushing his arm off when I got up. I picked up my backpack and walked out the door to attend my art class. With my father.

"I thought we agreed you would take law?" Henry said as we walked towards the art room.

"I'm twenty now, I'm an adult, I make my own decisions" I said and my father pushed me up against the wall.

"I pay for your education at this place with that credit card I gave you. Do what I want or I'll cancel your credit card, leaving you homeless and without money. You want that?" He growled in my ear. I shook my head quickly and he punched me in the chest before we entered the class and I pulled on a fake smile.


"So are you going to leave now?" I asked at the end of the day when we got back to the dorm. Alex had extended law classes so he wouldn't be back till later.

"What's this?" He picked up one of the many picture frames from my desk and observed it. It was one where Alex and I were kissing in front of the stars. Peggy had taken so many photos of us, may I add without Alex and I knowing but they were great pictures.

"It's a picture frame with a picture in it. Do I need to contact Sherlock Holmes for you to figure that out?"

Henry threw the frame on the the ground, glass shattering everywhere before he pulled a bottle of alcohol out from his bag and drank it all in one swig.

"Martha isn't as disappointing as you. She was a great daughter. She did her work, she obeyed me, she likes the opposite sex" He muttered angrily, a minutes later. He pushed me into a wall once again and pinned me to it and as hard as I tried to get out of his grip, I was still  unsuccessful and gave in. I knew everything that would happen. I'd gotten slightly used to it but I haven't seen him for two years so maybe I'm not as used to it now. Maybe I'm not as used to the scars and bruises anymore.

"Your mother should be glad she's dead. She doesn't have to watch you be a fag and a useless piece of crap" he punched me in the jaw and slapped me across the face repeatedly as I winced at the worsening pain.

After half an hour of being hit in every spot possible, my father threw my weak and bruised body onto the hard ground before kicking me in the chest again, causing more blood to drip out of my my mouth and onto my already blood stained face. I watched him slam
The door shut and I grasped for air, laying on the ground incapable of doing a thing. The pain was unbearable and every move I made a new bruise was put under pressure, my head and heart throbbing weren't easy to deal with either. I watched tears drip off my face and onto the floor, carrying deep red blood along with them. I felt useless. I was useless. I was always useless.

The door creaked open to reveal a tired Alex, hauling his multiple bags into the room. He dropped his bags before he noticed me, lying on the floor, helpless. "JOHN!? God what happened! We have to get you to hospital!"

"My dad" I choked out and I saw stress consume Alex's emotions as he called for an ambulance. The ambulance came to our dorm and carried me out, Alex frantically running behind me. My vision was becoming darker and sounds were becoming muffled until everything went black.

Alex's POV

I paced around the waiting room, stressed, awaiting for my friends to arrive. Was he going to die? How hurt is he?

"Alex! How is he? is he ok?" Hercules rushed in with Laf and the girls hot on his heels.

"I-I don't know I just walked into my dorm and he was lying on the ground with blood and tears and bruises and scars" I stuttered, I couldn't process what was happening fully.

"Who did this!?" Eliza screeched, nervously tapping her fingers on the waiting room arm rest chair as she sat.

"His dad" I muttered and the group sighed. They knew about his dad and John's past. I recently found out and I shouldn't of left him with his dad alone, I should have been smarter. Lafayette was on the verge of tears, gripping onto Hercules' arm.

Half an hour later a nurse walked out and looked around the waiting room. "any relatives of John Laurens here?"

"I'm his husband" I piped up, I was desperate to see him. "And they're his.... uncles" I said, pointing at Hercules and Lafayette. The nurse stared at us oddly and I nodded at the girls, asking them if they wanted to go but they shook their heads.

Hercules, Lafayette and I scurried after the nurse to see John. "Your husband and... uncles are here Mr Laurens" John gave the nurse a confused look before we ran into the room, practically jumping on the freckled boy.

"Hey " John smiled at me after he hugged herc and laf.

"God I was so worried" I squeezed him tightly, forgetting about his injuries. He winced in pain and I apologised profusely.


"So, how you feeling?" I sat next to John on our bed sand he continued to stare at his phone only giving me an "eh" in response.

"You want pizza, babe?" I asked and pulled my hair back into a ponytail.

"Don't call me that" John responded, looking up from his phone.

"What?" I always call him that.

"I just don't like it, ok?" John glared, answering a call from his phone and slamming the door shut behind him. I shrugged it off and went to sleep, listening to the muffled laughs I could hear from outside the door as John talked to someone on the phone.

The next day

I walked with my lunch tray over to the table and took my usual seat next to John, joining in on the ongoing conversation.

"John!" A  slim, pale woman with brownish blonde hair tied into a messy bun and wearing an awkwardly short skirt and a purple, long sleeve top, stood in front of our table.

"Martha!" John smiled and hugged her tightly. I knew John had a sister called Martha but this Martha looked absolutely nothing like him. Almost every feature about her was opposite to John. "Hey guys! This is Martha Manning!"

John smiled and kissed the girl on the lips for an excessively long amount of time. So long that I think my stomach did a couple thousand backflips. The table went completely silent and I felt everyone's eyes land on me for a few seconds before they set their views back on John, who was stuffing his gay ass tongue down a woman's throat.

"John? What the fuck are you doing?" I gritted my teeth trying my best to stay calm but John looked completely happy, weirdly happy, actually.

"Alexander, go get another chair so Martha can sit" John suddenly pulled out my chair, causing me to almost fall off and he motioned for Martha to sit. He pushed my tray to the end of the table and the two kissed and laughed while the group stared at me and them in shock.

"Laurens what are you doing?" Peggy asked and Martha smiled at her, to which Peggy just gave her a disgusted look back.

"I love your shirt! Star Trek is my favourite book!" Martha said, glancing at Peggy's Star Wars shirt. "And you should try this skin care gel I use, it makes your skin white, you could really use it!" Martha sweetly said to Angelica and Peggy who just continued to stare at her with now even more disgusted looks. Lafayette placed a chair for me next to him while uncomfortably staring at Martha.

"What the fuck is happening? Did you guys break up? Did you fight?" Lafayette whispered to me, not taking his eyes off the gruesome sight of Martha and John kissing repeatedly. Lafayette looked at the two like he was watching someone vomit.

"No not at all, literally nothing happened" I whispered back. "John, can we talk for a minute, please" I said urgently.

"Sorry Alexander, I have to spend time with Martha, why would I talk to you?" He laughed and Martha rubbed her hand along his thigh. Really high. I boiled up with anger, wanting to scream at the top of my lungs.

"Because I'm your boyfriend" I spat back and Martha and John started to laugh hysterically, like the fact that John had a boyfriend was a joke, like I was a joke.

"Hey, you have any classes today?" Martha asked, grabbing  John by the chin.

"Nope, want to come back to my dorm?" Martha nodded in reply and the two got up from their chairs.

"In your dorm?" Eliza muttered.

"In his dorm" Angelica said.

"Damn" We all said.

I felt sick to my stomach and like I was going to vomit up everything I'd ever eaten in my whole life but I also felt anger building up inside me. Frustration was flowing through my body I ran after him and sharply turned him around.

"What are you doing!? Why are going to have sex with a girl, while you're dating someone else!? Who the fuck is she!?" I screamed at him, motioning to Martha who had her hand all over his chest.

"She's my girlfriend"

*awkwardly steps away and ducks, avoiding multiple objects being thrown at me by readers before chucking myself into a trash can and going into hiding*

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