A Dragon's Mate.

By LeahBates2

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Harry thought that he the perfect life. Friends who cared for him, mother and father-like figures and people... More

Chapter 1 - Harry Learns the Truth.
Chapter 2 - Family Time.
Chapter 3 - Talks of Betrayal and the Inner Circle.
Chapter 4 - Meeting some Unexpected Friends.
Chapter 5 - Inheritance.
Chapter 6 - Meeting of Mates.
Chapter 7 - Charlie Learns the Truth.
Chapter 8 - Bulgaria.
Chapter 9 - End of Summer.
Chapter 10 - The Proposal.
Chapter 11 - Marriage and Bonding.
Chapter 12 - The Honeymoon.
Chapter 13 - Durmstrang Attacked.
Chapter 14 - Daily Prophet and Arriving at Hogwarts.
Chapter 15 - Time at Hogwarts.
Chapter 17 - Kidnapped.
Chapter 18 - The Birth.
Chapter 19 - Introduction.
Chapter 20 - Vacation in England.
Chapter 21 - An Article and Preparing for a Raid.
Chapter 22 - The Raid.
Chapter 23 - Final Plan's and Spy.
Chapter 24 - Morning Talks and Storming Hogwart's.
Chapter 25 - The Battle Begins.
Chapter 26 - Truths (Part One.)
Chapter 27 - Truth's (Part Two.)
Chapter 28 - Time in the Dungeons.
Chapter 29 - Trials.
Chapter 30 - Punishments.

Chapter 16 - Returning Home.

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By LeahBates2

The Circlet was very happy to be back home, away from all the betrayal and all of the light.

"It's great to be home." Draco said as the Port-Key landed them in their section of the school.

"Yeah, I am glad we are never going to have to see them until the final battle." Raphael agreed, he had not liked the way the Weasley's treated any of them, and he did not like the fact that they had taken his pregnant mate and chained him to the bottom of a Lake for hours on end.

Charlie had gotten over the incident in the Lake but he knew that Raphael had not, the son of the dark lord was very protective over his mate and now that there was a child in the equation he was even more so. However Charlie knew that him and their child being taken had hurt Raphael, since the incident just over a month ago Raphael had not let them out of his sight too scared that there would be a repeat.

Charlie knew he would calm down now that they were back in Durmstrang as no one wanted to hurt any of them here, thought he did like his mates possessive and protective nature.

"How was the trip my friends?" Igor asked coming towards the group after detecting their Port-Key.

"It could have gone better." Tom and Severus said at the same time, with identical looks of anger on their faces.

"Why? What happened?" Igor asked, he had not heard of anything in the last 3 months on his top students and teachers.

"Well first Dumbledore tried to get us all on his side when he saw the power we all had." Fred said.

"Then the Weasley's wanted to reconcile with their ex children and no matter how much we tell them no they still tried, it got annoying." Bill said.

"Then all of the girls were throwing themselves at the males of this group, even thought they knew we were together with others." Cedric said.

"They took my mate late in the night and chained him to the bottom of the Black Lake, he waited down there for hours until I had to go get him for the task." At this statement from Draco Igor looked shocked.

"They took Charlie as well and did the same thing, however my mate is pregnant so it was even more dangerous for him down there. Hermione and Ron only had to get a broom and a book." Raphael said, Charlie hugged him close when he saw that his mate was getting angry once more.

They had all learned the hard way not to make Raphael angry, someone in the younger years did this mistake and most of the Great Hall had to be repaired. It turned out that Raphael was so powerful that when he was angry his power released from his body in strong spurts that could level a building.

They had also discovered that being in close proximity to his mate when angered this power would not release from his body.

"This hasn't been in the papers. Nothing on the tasks were in any of the papers." Igor said, he had been looking at all of the papers for the last 3 months wanting to see if any news was reported, he was shocked when nothing on the tasks came up.

"Well they wouldn't. Everything that happened showed the kind of person Dumbledore really is he would not want that to printed." Raphael explained.

"Yeah I mean he was taken away by Auror's, all of the other tests were banned and he was not allowed to go anywhere without an Auror with him. Not something that the Leader of the Light would want people to know." Charlie said.

"Well at least you are all home, now go and unpack as you have lessons tomorrow." Igor said, bidding them all a goodnight before retreating to his own quarters.

The Circlet did just that and went to sleep in the beds that they had missed when they were away.

The next morning they all awoke, got ready and left their quarters together and making their way to the Great Hall for their breakfast. Once their stomachs were full they headed to their classes, they all had Tom first for Dark Arts and they had him until lunch time.

"Now today you are going to be learning the Unforgivable Curses." Tom said. All of the students smiled, they had all waited to do this in Dark Arts and they had the dark lord to teach them. "What are the names of the three Unforgivable Curses?" Tom asked.

"Imperio, Cruciatus and the Killing Curse." A male student from the front answered.

"Correct. Now only one of these curses were actually created with the purposes that they now have and that was the Imperio curse, it was invented to brainwash people into becoming slaves for Pureblood families. The Cruciatus was created for medical needs, they used this curse to re-boot the nerve endings in people who had a medical illness. And the Killing Curse was created to put people out of their pain, for those who had an incurable illness or were in so much pain this curse was used to end that pain quickly and with no more pain." Tom explained.  

The class was shocked to hear that only one of the Curses was always used for dark means, while the other two were used by medical staff.

"Now what is the least most dangerous of the Unforgivable Curses?" Many hands went up.

"It is the Imperio Curse professor." Cedric told them.

"Correct Mr Diggory, now can anyone tell me what this curse does?" Tom asked, pointing to a different student.

"The Imperio Curse gives control of the body to the person who cast the spell, someone under this curse has no will of their own and becomes a puppet of the spell caster." A girl in the back of the class explained.

"Correct. Now I will demonstrate this curse to show you all what it looks like, then we will talk about it a little more before you are all able to try it." Tom said, he moved over to where one of the practice dummies were as he was not going to practice on a student. He shouted out the incantation and a purple light emitted from the wand he was holding, the puppet flopped around a little before Tom was able to manipulate it.

"Cool!" Most of the class said as they watched Tom end the spell before turning back to them.

"Now in order to cast this spell you must want to control your enemies, once this feeling is so great within your minds you will be able to cast this spell. The stronger your thoughts on this the stronger the purple light will be, and the stronger this light is then the more powerful the spell will become." Tom explained, he then conjured some more dummies one for each member of the class.

Like everything else Raphael and his Circlet got it the first time they casted the spell, they all had a lot of hate for the light side and no doubt they were using that to fuel the spell. Once they had gotten it down they went around and helped the rest of the class, by the end of the first part of class everyone in the room was able to cast the Imperio Curse.

They all took a short break before coming back into the class, to move onto the next curse. "Who can tell me what the next Unforgivable Curse is?" Tom asked, before pointing to someone.

"The Cruciatus  Curse." Fred said.

"Correct Mr Malfoy." Tom said with a smile. "Now tell me, what does the Cruciatus Curse do?" He asked, before pointing to another student.

"It is known as the most painful curse known to wizard kind, it hits the nerves inside the body and causes immense pain to them. Being held under this curse for long periods of time can make the person insane with the pain." Blaise explained.

"That is correct Mr Zambini. Now once again I will show you the spell before we talk more on it, and then you may have a try." Tom said, he had made the practice dummies have feelings with a spell so they would be able to feel the curse. He said the incantation and a white light came from the tip of his wand and hit the dummy, which fell to the ground writhing in pain. "The dummies have a spell on them that make them think they have feelings, this is so you can see the effect of this curse." Tom explained when he saw the confused looks of the class.

"Awesome!" The class said together, Tom then ended the spell and the dummy stopped writhing.

"Now in order to cast this curse you must want your victim to feel immense pain, you must have a lot of hate for the person you are casting this spell to. You really want to make them feel pain." Tom explained, and then he let the students of to try it on their own.

Raphael was once more able to do it on his first try, however the rest of the Circlet was struggling. Raphael and Tom then went around helping everyone else in the class, like with the Imperio Curse everyone had been able to cast it by the end of the class.

They had their final break before returning for the final part of this class.

"Okay, and what is the last Unforgivable Curse?" Tom asked, before pointing out to a student.

"The Killing Curse." A boy in the middle of the class said.

"And can anyone tell me what this curse does?" Tom asked, the class laughed since it was so obvious.

"The Killing Curse is the most powerful of the three, it causes the person who is receiving the curse to die right away, there is no pain and no saving them just a bright green light and then death. There has been only one case of someone surviving the Killing Curse, and that was me." Raphael said, he was glad that the whole school knew who he was from his past.

"Well done Mr Riddle. Now again I will show you this curse and then we will talk about it before you try, you have nothing to worry about if you do not get it the first time." Tom said before turning back to the dummies. He said the incantation and a bright green light came from the tip of the wand Tom was holding before hitting the dummy, which collapsed on the ground 'dead'.

"Wow!" The class said together.

"Now in order to cast this spell you must want kill your victim, you really want to kill them. This spell takes a lot of hate or anger to cast as you want your victim to die right when the spell hits them." Tom told them before letting them try on their own.

Raphael and all of the Circlet were able to cast this curse on the first try, they all had a lot of hate for the light side and wanted most of them dead, this made the curse easy for them to cast. Once they had it they then helped Tom with the rest of the class, by the end of the whole everyone was now able to cast all three of the Unforgivable Curses.

It was the end of the class so Raphael and Charlie headed of the medical wing of the school, it was time for them to find out the gender of their child.

When they arrived they noticed that some of the beds were occupied, there was a boy there with his leg in a strange angle (made by playing Quidditch), a girl with boils all over her skin (potions incident) as well as another boy and girl who had been practicing a curse the girl hitting the boy and the boy hitting the girl.

"Hello boys, here to see what you are having?" The Healer asked them, to which they both nodded. The Healer here was much then Poppy Pomfrey ever was, if she found something troubling then she would report it no matter what, she didn't keep things from anyone when it could mean the life of someone.

"Very well, Charlie dear why don't you hop onto the bed so I can perform the spell." The Healer told him Charlie doing what he was told to.

The Healer then waved her wand over Charlie's stomach. He was now nearly four months along so you could see a slight raise to the stomach where their child was growing, it amazed Raphael every time he looked at or felt the baby bump.

"Well congratulations boys, you are having twins." The Healer said, Raphael and Charlie smiled at the fact that they were going to have two children at once.

"What gender are they?" Raphael and Charlie asked at the same time.

"Well based of my scan you are having a daughter and a son." The Healer said with a smile on her face, it was at times like this when she loved her job the most.

"One of each Raphael." Charlie said, looking at his stomach in awe.

"Yeah and both of them will be loved like no other, they will not get the childhood that you and I had." Raphael said, Charlie nodding his head in agreement.

"Well they both look healthy boys, just remember what you are eating and take the prenatal vitamins that gave you." The Healer said, Raphael and Charlie smiled at her, thanked her and then left the medical wing.

They gathered the Circlet and told them the news, Tom and Severus were happy as they were going to be grandparents to a boy and a girl, all of the others also happy for them as they were going to be uncles and aunts to the two children.

Yes it sure was great to be HOME.

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