Possession ➸ Camren

By cabell0jauregui

721K 18.1K 11.9K

"Don't you get it, you're mine, the sooner you realise it the better." The first chapters are so bad but it w... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty one
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Final Chapter

Thirty Five

8K 212 70
By cabell0jauregui

It was two days later when Ally burst into the house.

"Easy there midget, Mila's in the kitchen," Dinah stopped her from her frantic search, holding out her hands with a small laugh.

"Is she okay?" Ally breathed out and Dinah bit her lip.

"See for yourself," She shrugged and Ally made her way to the kitchen, finding Camila pouring herself a glass out water.

"Oh Camila," She exclaimed, darting forward and grabbing ahold of her arm.

"You can't do that," Camila leapt in fear, turning to face her friend. "I'm-I'm sorry but you can't touch me."

"Okay, okay, I won't touch you, how are you?" Ally asked softly, holding her hands in surrender.

"Good, I think," Camila frowned, taking a small sip of her water before pouring it away.

She only got it in the first place because she needed something to do.

"I can't believe it happened," Ally whispered, her face crumpling and Camila reached out to stroke her cheek.

"Don't cry," She furrowed her eyebrows with concern and Ally shook her head frantically to try and get rid of any tears in her eyes.

"I'm good, I'm okay, I'm excited to see you again," She blew on her face, offering a smile and Camila tried her hardest to return it.

"Ally Ally Ally," Lauren called excitedly, appearing in the kitchen and wrapping the small girl in a hug.

"Lauren Lauren Lauren," Ally stuck her tongue out, her eyes brightening up a bit.

"Hey Camzi, where'd you disappear too?" The green-eyed girl asked softly, her eyes focusing on her girlfriend.

She'd been in the living room with her and Normani but Camila had slipped away when they were mid conversation.

"It was too loud, I didn't like it," Camila frowned and Lauren released Ally, offering her hand out to the younger girl.

She gratefully took it, pulling herself closer so Lauren could wrap an arm around her waist.

"You should have told me," She mumbled and Camila shrugged because before she could say anything else she was interrupted.

"Hi," Normani shrieked as she walked in, Dinah in tow.

Camila involuntarily winced but it went unnoticed by everyone except Lauren, who pulled her closer, spinning her around she so was stood sideways in front of her.

"Do you need some air?" She murmured and Camila nodded.

It wasn't that she didn't like everyone visiting. She enjoyed Normani and Dinah's daily visits and she'd spoke, well listened, to Ally on the phone.

It was just that with everyone at once it was all overwhelming and she could feel a headache threatening to come.

"Guys, I'm gonna take Camz outside for a second, go do whatever shit you want," Lauren told them, guiding Camila outside.

"Fifty bucks that if we check upstairs Lauren has some kinky bondage shit," Dinah said under her breath excitedly and Lauren's face crinkled in horror.

"You fucking disgust me."

Lauren sat Camila on the bottom step of the porch, sitting beside her and turning her head to look at her.

"Are you okay?" She asked, tracing a pattern over Camila's hand.

"It's too loud, I can't focus," The younger girl whispered, staring ahead.

"Tell Dinah and Mani to fuck off, they don't mean to be loud Dinah doesn't have a volume button," Lauren scoffed.

"I can't send them away just 'cause someone else has came, they've been here every day, that's bitchy," Camila frowned and Lauren could see that she was getting worked up.

"Hey, come here," She coaxed and Camila shuffled into her arms, letting her girlfriend hold her. "You can go upstairs if you like, wait until you calm down."

"I want to act normal," She let out a frustrated whine because she didn't seem capable of doing that.

"You are normal," Lauren laughed softly and Camila scowled at her.

"You're humouring me," She crossed her arms and Lauren nearly awed at how cute she looked.

"Shut up," She rolled her eyes playfully and Camila nuzzled her head into her shoulder, "can I kiss you?"

Camila looked at her, nodding doubtfully and Lauren didn't fail to pick up on it.

"Never mind," She smiled.

"No, kiss me," Camila promoted, disliking how everyone was treating her like she might have a breakdown at any second.

Lauren rolled her eyes again before leaning forward, placing a delicate kiss on the tip of her nose.

"Happy princess?" She cocked an eyebrow and Camila shrugged, standing up and Lauren did the same. "You're fucking adorable when you scowl by the way," She laughed and Camila pouted.

"You're horrible to me, I was angry," She declared.

"Sure sweet pea, you like me and you know it," Lauren taunted and Camila scowled again.

"I like you because you make me waffles, that's it," She declared, "and because you cuddle me."

"I knew it," Lauren beamed triumphantly and Camila stood unamused.

She lasted about four seconds before she wound her arms around Lauren's waist, burying her head in her chest

"I love you Camzi," Lauren whispered, embracing her and Camila smiled.

"I know," She whispered back, looking up and Lauren stroked her cheek with her thumb.

"Good, don't forget it," She smiled, pressing a kiss to Camila's forehead before taking her hand. "Are you okay to go back inside?"

Camila nodded and Lauren released her from the hug, settling for wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Good because I think there's a high chance that Dinah has raided our bedroom."

Much to Lauren's surprise, she found that Normani had managed to restrain Dinah from ransacking the house and they were instead sat in the living room playing music.

Dinah was entertaining them by dancing, rather well, much to Lauren's dismay.

"Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor," She sang, effectively slut dropping to the floor before bouncing back up.

"Careful there DJ, you're making Mani all hot and flustered," Lauren taunted and Normani glared at her.

"She's always hot for me," Dinah laughed, sitting on her girlfriend's knee and wrapping her arms around her neck.

"No, get off me, you let her abuse me, snake," Normani shook her head, pushing the blonde who hung on tightly.

"Guess what, Ally taught me Spanish, " Dinah exclaimed before turning to Camila, "Chancho."

"What?" Camila questioned, confused.

"That's your new nickname, chancho," Dinah grinned, ignoring Lauren's dirty look that was sent her way.

"Is that a fat joke?" Camila frowned, her face serious and Dinah's eyes widened in horror.

"No, I-I just," She stammered before she was cut off.

"I was kidding silly, I'm gonna call you Cheechee," Camila giggled and Dinah's face visibly relaxed.

"You scared me you little shit," She exclaimed.

"Looks like it's just you and me without nicknames now Allyson," Normani sighed dramatically.

"No, Ally is Allycat," Camila informed them eagerly.

"Yeah, shut up Manibear," Dinah taunted, earning a glare.

"Great, now I'm the only one," Lauren huffed, rolling her eyes.

"You're Lern Jergi," Camila told her.

"No, she can be Lern Jaguar 'cause that's what I thought her name used to be when I first met her," Dinah recalled and Lauren's jaw dropped at the news.

"If we're having animal themed nicknames can we call Ally Allygator?" Normani chimed in and Dinah squealed in agreement.

"No fair, I want an English animal nickname too," Camila pouted.

"Bitch you're Camel, hush," Dinah shushed her.

"No she's Camoola," Normani argued and Lauren and Ally met each other's eyes, laughing at the chaos.

"When did we meet such dumb asses?" Lauren asked laughing.

"Woah, I only know them dumb asses through that one," Ally pointed from Dinah and Normani who were still entangled in each other to Camila, who was laughing now but still stood securely under Lauren's arm.

"At least you only had one, I had two," Lauren feigned bitterness, glancing at her friends who were far too busy bickering to pay attention.

"You like me," Camila mumbled, turning so she could rest her forehead against Lauren's shoulder.

"Mhm, I love you," Lauren agreed, kissing the top of her head.

Around seven o'clock Dinah and Normani decided they would drive Ally home, mainly for a reason to stay later after Lauren pointed out they hadn't shown any signs of leaving.

"Okay, okay, it's my turn to put on a song," Ally declared, clambering off the couch and snatching the phone from where it was placed on the speaker.

"Don't put shit on," Dinah warned her.

Justin Timberlake's voice filled the room seconds later.

"No," Normani groaned dramatically the minute she heard the intro but it was too late.

Ally was in her zone.

And that fact that Dinah sung along with her didn't help.

"Can't we just put it on shuffle," Lauren pleaded.

"There's nothing wrong with JT," Ally exclaimed, offended by their reaction, "Camila loves him."

"Camila couldn't give a shit about anything except Lauren," Normani pointed out, rather bluntly, and Ally's face faltered for a few seconds, though she quickly covered it up.

"I like him Allycat, don't let her ruin our rave," Dinah threw an arm over the smaller girl's shoulder and Ally smiled, brushing it off.

"You bitch," Lauren hissed at her friend.

It was true though. Camila was sat on the couch, watching her friends interact out of the corner of her eye whilst her arms traced over the skin of Lauren's back.

"You wanna dance Walz?" Dinah asked but Camila shook her head.

She was tired and as much as she loved her friends, they were loud and she didn't like loud.

A few songs later and the three girls decided it was time to leave.

"I'll see you soon Mila, okay? Hang in there, you've got this," Ally smiled and Camila offered a small one in return.

After they'd said their goodbyes, they left the house, leaving it deadly silent.

Lauren closed the door behind them before making her way back to Camila who was curled up on the couch.

"You're sad, aren't you?" Lauren sighed.

"I wanted to dance but I was too scared they'd touch me accidentally," Camila mumbled, looking down at her entwined fingers.

Lauren never answered and after a few moments Camila lifted her eyes to see what she was doing.

"Lauren?" She questioned, frowning at her girlfriend who was doing something on her phone that was still plugged into the speaker.

It was only when Thinking Out Loud started playing did Lauren look over her shoulder, beaming.

"I still don't understand," Camila told her and Lauren stood up, taking Camila's hands in her own and pulling her onto her feet, "what're you doing?"

"We're dancing," Lauren's eyes twinkled, as she lifted their arms so she could twirl Camila.

"I can't dance," Camila deadpanned.

"You weren't saying that at the first party princess," Lauren reminded her, grabbing ahold of her free hand again so she could do what Normani liked to call the 'push pull' dance move when she tried teaching Lauren how to ballroom dance for a school dance.

Camila giggled and Lauren saw the smile on her face, no matter how small it was, and the light back in her eyes and couldn't help but grin.

"Who said you couldn't dance," Lauren teased, keeping hold of one of her hands but twirling her so she arms were crossed over Camila's waist.

Camila span herself back out before twirling Lauren, with difficultly considering the older girl was taller than her.

Lauren got caught under her arm briefly, having to duck her head to fit under and causing them both to laugh.

"You ruined it, we were doing so well," Camila exclaimed and Lauren pulled her to her chest, continuing to sway to the music.

"You're beautiful," She whispered and Camila looked up at her, her eyes filled with adoration.

"I love you," She whispered in return.

"I can still read your eyes," Lauren smiled softly, shaking her head slightly.

"I told you I wished you'd always be able to, I'm glad," Camila's eyes crinkled at the corners as she smiled and Lauren pecked her cheek, "my lips."

Lauren giggled at her way of confirming she was okay with it, leaning forward to press their lips together.

"I'm glad you haven't forgot how to kiss," Lauren mumbled when she pulled away.

"I don't think I could ever forget how to kiss you," Camila hushed and Lauren wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

"That was smooth," She whispered into her ear and Camila scrunched up her neck as Lauren's breath tickled her ear.

"I'm getting better at this," Camila laughed quietly.

"At dancing or being in a relationship?" Lauren asked and Camila giggled.

"Both," She leant up onto her tiptoes to place a delicate kiss on Lauren's collar bone.

The green-eyed girl shivered at the touch, a laugh falling from her lips.

"He's gone," She muttered and Camila furrowed her eyebrows questioningly.

"I wasn't aware anyone was here," She smiled at her own joke, a habit she'd mastered since she was the only one who thought they were amusing.

"Ed's gone," Lauren elaborated and Camila caught on to the silence of the room as the pair of them fell stopped talking.

"The dance is over green eyes," She kinked an eyebrow in amusement.

"Well Ed has a lot more songs we could dance to.." Lauren trailed off in suggestion and Camila shook her head.

"That'd ruin the last dance, it'd loose its meaning," She pointed out.

"You're certainly something, Camila Cabello," Lauren shook her head affectionately.

"Something good?" The younger girl was quieter and Lauren scrunched up her nose.

"Something extraordinary," She confirmed.

Camila's smile returned, bigger than before which only caused her eyes to sparkle even more.

And Lauren wished she could stay in the moment forever because the way Camila's eyes were shining reminded her of stars and her smile lit up the room.

But there was no chance they'd be there tomorrow.

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