through the dark ➳ malik a.u

By bradfvrds

1.9M 52.1K 18.7K

❝You drive me absolutely insane, you know that angel?❞ // © bradfvrds More

prologue - getaway
one - reading signs
two - sketching apologies
three - invitations
four - twenty questions
five - "yeah, she is mate."
six - field trip
authors note
seven - borrowing clothes
eight - relatives
nine - heroics
ten - almost but not quite
eleven - "shut up and kiss me."
note of the author persuasion
twelve / part one - dressed up
twelve / part two - ghosts of the past
fourteen - surprise
fifteen - de ja vu
i hate posting these
sixteen - giving in
seventeen - adventure time
eighteen - lost
nineteen - open book
twenty - party girl
twenty one - giving up
guess what this isn't? an update.
twenty two - searching
putting this on hold
twenty three - ups and downs
i'm a complete idiot
twenty four - technology
i owe an explanation
:) sorry for the long update i had school

thirteen - listing insecurities

60.3K 1.7K 555
By bradfvrds

When I woke the next morning, I felt disoriented and panicked for a second because I couldn't remember where I was. Then the events of last night came rushing back to me. Zayn kissing my neck before the party, then meeting Lilly, then Zayn kissing me again. Then me blocking him out again in the space of literally two seconds. God, Lauren was going to get a real kick out of this.

Due to my still half asleep state, it wasn't until I attempted to sit up that I realised there was a weight across my stomach holding me in place, and also on my left shoulder. My teeth pulled at my bottom lip as I realised it was Zayn. He couldn't have come back to the room much longer after I'd fallen asleep. I felt guilty; about falling asleep when he was out. The guilt disappeared and was replaced with embarrassment when it became apparent to me that Zayn was shirtless and most likely in only his boxers. His body was heavy against mine as I tried to struggle from him. As much as I would have loved to stay like that, it would have been weird if Zayn knew I'd purposely chose to lay with him and no doubt he'd tease me like fuck.

Carefully, I pushed the sheets down and started to carefully move his arm from across my stomach, then started to slide slowly away from his sleeping body. My body froze as he shifted, but luckily he never woke up. Instead he let out a sleepy groan and grabbed a pillow in my place and started hugging it to his body. He looked so adorable and peaceful, and I took a moment to look down and smile at him before I pushed myself from the bed. I stopped myself from turning to look at Zayn again as I walked to the shower since I knew I wouldn't be able to look away.

With the events of the night before still playing through my mind - mostly about Zayn making a move on me - I locked the bathroom door and stripped down. Was that even a move? Or was he just more drunk than he appeared? I didn't want to get my own hopes up; I knew that if I did it would probably end with me getting hurt. Maybe I just wanted Zayn to make a move on me. As much as I'd been denying it lately, my feelings for Zayn had considerably grown. Honestly, I didn't think that they were romantic in anyway and it was probably just because of the fact we'd became better friends recently.

There was still some tension to be felt in my bones, and the hot water began to relax me. Minutes later, I was stepping out of the shower and drying my body off. There wasn't a hair dryer in the room so I was left to brush through my hair with my fingers and let it dry naturally. My underwear was pulled on followed by Zayn's clothes again, and I left the steamy bathroom while pulling my wet hair over one shoulder.

A small smile appearing on my lips, I paused to admire Zayn in his angelic sleeping state. His lip pouted out slightly as he slept, and his hair was tousled across his forehead.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." He murmured all of a sudden, causing me to jump.

"Shit, Zayn!"

I watched as he smirked at my reaction, his eyes still closed and his arms still holding the pillow tightly against his body. "What time is it?"

"About ten thirty."

"I'm awake at ten thirty on a fucking Sunday? Are you fucking kidding me?" He groaned, rolling onto his back so that his full - topless - torso was on display for me to admire. I had to bite my lip to stop myself from moaning at the sight of his tattoos. I'd always found them attractive, but they looked so amazing on Zayn's perfect, olive skin tone.

"You're not a morning person are you?"

"Gee, I never noticed."

My eyes narrowed at his attitude, but I proceeded to smirk a little. "Don't sass me, Malik."

"Oh shit, guess what? I just did." Zayn opened his eyes at this, his familiar smirk making its way to his lips. Shaking my head at his comment, I didn't even realise my eyes were wandering down his body to his bare chest until Zayn cleared his throat. "See something you like, angel?"

Quickly moving my eyes back up to his face I gave him a dirty look. "No."

Zayn scoffed, "Yeah, sure."

I felt comforted at the fact we weren't talking about my almost break-down in front of Zayn last night. When I first got here, I'd never even imagined about anyone finding out about my past. But I really wasn't doing a great job of hiding it. Zayn always seemed to trip me up without even trying to, or even realising that he had. If I wanted to keep my private life private, I'd have to try and stay away from him. The thought of staying away from him caused my stomach to twist uncomfortably. He was a pin in the ass most of the time, but I liked having him in my life.

But that didn't matter, did it? It wouldn't last. Nothing good ever did for me. So maybe it was better to pull away for a while; stop myself from getting too attached. From everyone - not just Zayn. It would be selfish of me too keep them in my life knowing that I would probably mess things up. But I liked the thought of being selfish for once. Maybe I deserved it, and maybe I was willing to take the risk of something bad happening just for the sake of feeling good about my life for once.

"What are you thinking about?"

My eyes shot to Zayn as he spoke up, and I realised he was now sitting up in the bed with his arms as support, and looking at me with curious eyes. "Nothing, just daydreaming." I replied, running a hand through my still wet hair. He continued to look at my face intently which had me feeling suddenly feel self-conscious. "What?" I almost snapped, feeling annoyed at his lack of speech.

"I've never seen you without make-up before." He added quietly.

I narrowed my eyes at him in confusion, "Um, okay? And this is a big deal because?"

He simply shrugged in response. "You look different. That's all. Still beautiful as ever, angel." Zayn added a wink at the end which caused me to blush. Zayn let out a low chuckle before pushing the sheets from his body and throwing his legs over the edge of the bed. I tried my absolute best not to stare at him as he stood up, but my eyes deceived my and proceeded to scan up and down his body which was only wearing boxers. "I'm going to go get ready in the bathroom - y'know, to save you from not being able to stop staring at me. Yeah, I notice."

My blush deepened as he disappeared into the bathroom, no doubt with that stupid smirk on his face. It really bugged me that he knew exactly how to make me blush. I'd never been the kind of girl to blush a lot - especially when it came to guys. Apparently, though, Zayn brought out that side of me and I really didn't know how I felt about that. While Zayn was in the shower, I had nothing to do except sit around and wait. Clicking my tongue, I reached into my bag which was hanging over the door handle, and pulled out my phone. Once I unlocked it, I saw that I had five missed calls and numerous text messages from my friends. Mostly Niall and Lauren - only one text from Niamh and a call from Harry. Jessica hadn't even made a single attempt. Go figure.

Feeling guilty that I hadn't told them we had to stay out, I quickly text Lauren what had happened, knowing she would tell everyone else that cared. Almost a full minute after I'd hit send, my phone buzzed with a reply. A smile spread across my lips and I shook my head at the message from Lauren:

Oh, okay. We were worried as fuck about you, but I'm glad you're fine! Fill me in properly when you get back. Did you and Zayn have any, y'know, fun? ;)x

The lock on the bathroom clicked, and I looked up to see Zayn step out with a towel around his waist and rubbing his hair with a separate one. He glanced at me and raised his eyebrow, "What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing. Just texting Lauren since I forgot to last night. She was worried."

"Oh, shit. I should probably get a hold of Liam or Louis." He said, rubbing his face with his hand.

I laughed dryly, "Yeah, you probably should." I moved back over to the bed and pushed myself onto it so that I was sitting with my legs crossed. "So when do you think we'll be headed out of here?"

"I'll be ready in twenty minutes probably."

"Cool, I'm ready whenever. Just need to get dressed - I'm so excited to do my walk of shame in last night’s clothes!" I exclaimed sarcastically. Zayn laughed and ruffled his hair with his hands. "Thanks for inviting me last night, I had a good time." I added after a few moments of silence.

"I had a good time too." Zayn replied, meeting my eyes and smiling softly. We stood in silence for a few moments before Zayn cleared his throat. "I got to um; I'm going to get changed." He hooked his thumb back to the bathroom while his eyes were pinned to the floor. He quickly grabbed his clothes which were placed on the chair next to the window and enclosed himself in the bathroom again. As quickly as I could, I got changed out of Zayn's clothes and into my dress. A groan left my lips once I realised that I couldn't get the zip on my own. Just after, Zayn left the bathroom wearing his suit trousers and nothing else, and reached down to pick his shirt that I'd previously been wearing and started to pull it over his head. He stopped after glancing at me.

"Need my help, angel?" He said smugly, a joking pout on his lips.

Smiling sheepishly, I held up the front of my dress. "Wouldn't mind." I could tell he was trying not to smile as he pulled the shirt over his head and walked behind me to zip up my dress. "What?"

"Nothing." He replied, but I didn't believe him considering I could hear the smirk in his voice. I was about to make a comment but was stopped when I felt him brush my hair over my shoulder, his fingers hot against my skin. A small chill ran through me as they brushed my skin again while pulling the zip up. The feeling I got whenever he touched me was indescribable. "You still look beautiful in this dress." He hadn't moved from behind me but he's positioned is head so that he was murmuring in my ear.

"You've called me beautiful at least five times since last night. It loses its substance after a while." I pointed out, suddenly gaining confidence to make the comment. I'd never been good at accepting compliments, it felt like some kind of joke most of the time - no matter who it was from.

"It doesn't with you." Zayns hand trailed up my arms. "And I plan on telling you as much as it takes for you to finally believe it."

"How do you know I don't believe it?"

"Do you?" Zayn stepped in front of me so that we were face to face, and he seemed to accept my silence as an answer by the way his eyebrows were raised. "We should get going."

The silence continued as we gathered everything else that was ours and put our shoes on. After we were set with everything, we made our way downstairs and I waited by the main door as Zayn checked us out. My head hung low, trying to avoid the judgemental stares that I was most likely receiving from the few people in the lobby. God knows what they thought, two teenagers in a room on their own and leaving with the same clothes from the night before. I probably shouldn't have been worrying so much, we didn't even do anything. This caused me to wonder if anything would have happened if nothing had stopped Zayn from continuing, or if he was just trying to play around with my emotions. Five minutes later, we were climbing into Zayn's car and I felt relief that we were finally going back to the school.

Not really wanting to be the one to break the silence, I opted for staring out the window and watching the world rush by. I started to feel uncomfortable after a while as I felt Zayn's lingering gaze move towards me every so often. Eventually, it got to me and I had to say something.

"You should stop that." I stated harshly, feeling annoyed.

"Stop what?"

"Staring at me. Focus on the road."

"I am."

"No you're not, I can tell when you're looking at me jackass."

"What's so wrong with me looking at you?"

I huffed and looked out the window again. "The look you have when you do it." I muttered under my breath.

"What look?"

"You heard that?"

"We're in an enclosed space, it's not hard."

"Come on, like you don't know what look I'm talking about." I gave him a dry looked but he looked clueless.

"No idea."

"That smoulder thing you do. The one you give girls that makes them cry over the fact you're not their boyfriend."

"You're not crying."

"I'm not one of those girls."

Zayn gasped over-dramatically. "Angel, are you playing hard to get?"

"Not playing. Just - I'm not going to be one of those girls who drop their panties because some hot guy looks at them."

"You called me hot again."

"I know, I was there."

"Don't sass me, Henley." He mimicked my voice earlier when I'd said the same thing to him.

Suddenly something clicked that Zayn had said. "You really think I'm playing hard to get?" The smile was wiped from my face and it was all serious for me now. Was that all I was? A game - a chase?

"You really think you're just a game to me?

My jaw clenched as how easily he'd seen through me. "I never said that."

Zayn licked his lips as he stared ahead at the road. "You were thinking it. You wear your emotions on your sleeve, Georgia."

I almost scoffed at this. "You don't know anything about me."

"That so? You're stubborn, you don't take shit from anyone, you're insecure - "

"So basically you've noticed all my bad traits." Although I had to admit, he really was attentive.

" - I'm not done; you're outspoken, you don't like hurting people, you're smart, interesting, funny and most importantly you're different, you're not like anyone I've ever met. That's why I - that's what I like about you." Zayn stuttered over the last sentence, but I was still left speechless by what he'd said. I wanted to say something, anything, but I couldn’t form words. "And I know something happened back in New York. No-one just decides to hop off and move to another continent just for the sake of it. I'm not going to push it, I just wanted you to know that I pay more attention than you think I do."

Biting my lip, my eyes moved down to my hands on my lap. "Thanks." was all I could think of to respond with. Zayn looked at me thoughtfully, and I knew that he understood. He smiled at me before turning his eyes back to the road.


I'd been back up to my room to change my clothes and put some make-up on and eventually I was walking down the stairs of the dorms and out the door towards the cafeteria. Nothing much had happened in the rest of the car journey with Zayn, we'd just really talked and joked around about nothing in particular. My doubts disappeared to the back of my mind, and I hoped they would stay there.

It was lunch time, so the cafeteria was busy with students (some with hangovers). Lauren hadn't been in our room and no one was in the game room, so I guessed my friends would be in here.

"Hey!" I chirped as I sat down between Lauren and Niall. The group was quiet, and I could feel Jessica’s stare burning into me.

Lauren gave them all dry looks, and I became aware of Niall staring intently at his food in front of him. She rolled her eyes and turned to me. "Hey, Georgia! Missed you, babe."

"I was only gone a night." I replied, nudging her shoulder with my own. Jessica and Niall scoffed simultaneously. My nostrils flared as I tried my best not to snap at the two, but I proved myself unsuccessful. "Are you kidding me? We had no way of getting home. I didn't do anything - not that it's either of your fucking business."

Niall glanced up at me with a shocked expression and looked like he was about to say something, but I was already pushing away from the table.

"Georgia, wait, stay - " Lauren begged but I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, I want to. I just can't be fucked with this." I was probably over reacting, but it pissed me off that they'd just judge me without knowing what happened. Well, I expected it from Jessica but definitely not Niall.

Before anyone could say anything else I was already walking towards the exit of the cafeteria. Once outside the door, I froze for a second to calm down a little only to hear someone call my name. My head snapped up to see Riley on the pathway and confusion consumed me. Was he allowed to just walk around school grounds?

"Uh, hey." I said awkwardly as he walked towards me - our last meeting hadn't gone so well.

He smiled a little at me but I didn't return it. "How've you been?"

"Good, I guess."

An awkward silence filled the air as he scratched the back of his neck. "Look, I-I'm really sorry about what happened at the club. I was drunk and I wasn't thinking properly. God, I was such a douche."

"Yeah, you were."

"I'm here to see Jess and I have to be somewhere so I can't talk for long. Can we meet sometime this week? For coffee or dinner or something - I'd really like to apologise properly and it's all on me."

"I don't know, Riley." I replied, biting my lip. The feeling in my stomach told me that it wouldn't be a good idea. His lack of surprise at seeing me told me that he wasn't just here to see Jessica.

"Please?" He begged, and when I searched his eyes he looked genuinely sorry. "I really want to make this up to you - at least make a start anyway."

I thought for a minute while I clicked my tongue. "Okay." I sighed.



"Awesome! Is Friday okay?"

"Actually I'm spending time with Lauren on Friday. It's uh, it's my birthday so..."

"Oh okay. Saturday?"

"Yeah, Saturday's good."

"Great, awesome! Thank you! I really am sorry, Georgia." As he spoked I felt the presence of someone approaching the cafeteria, but I ignored it and passed it off as another student going to lunch. "Pick you up at five?"

"Five's good. See you then."

"See you. I got to go and get my visitors pass from the office - don't want to get caught without one." Riley smiled before turning and walking down the pathway again.

I was about to follow behind him but I suddenly realised who had been walking up to the cafeteria.

"Riley? You're going out with Riley?" Zayn snapped at me, his gaze intense.

"Zayn - "

"Are you fucking shitting me, Georgia? After what happened with him at the club?"

"Yes, Zayn. He wants to apologise."

Zayn scoffed. "Yeah, I'm sure he does."

"It's my business. I can take care of myself." I snapped at him and his jaw clenched.

"Are we really having this - " He rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. "I don't have time for this." He turned and pushed through the doors of the cafeteria but I was right behind him.

"We're not done! Don't have time for what?" I was nearly shouting at him.

He quickly turned back around looking pissed as ever. "This! You being so fucking stubborn all the time. How many times do I have to say this - I'm trying to help you!"

"Help me? By doing what - trying to tell me what to do? It's my decision, Zayn. And how many times do I have to say this - you are not my fucking boyfriend, you don't need to protect or help me. I can look after myself!"

"Why is it so hard for you to see that he's lying? You think I'm lying to you - when I'm not - but you believe him. I know his type. He uses girls for sex, Georgia - he's a fucking dick and a player."

My nostrils flared with anger and my breathing was heavy. "Takes one to know one." The words left my mouth without me even having to thinking about it. 

Zayn looked taken aback my comment and didn't reply, instead he just stood there looking at me with his face filled with anger. He shook his head and looked away. "Have fun on your date, Georgia." 

"It's not a date." 

"Like I give a fuck." With that, he turned and walked towards where Louis and Liam were seated. Suddenly, I noticed that my group of friends were staring at where we'd been standing, along with more than half of the other students in the cafeteria. I didn't even feel embarrassed that they'd probably heard our entire argument; I was still so mad at Zayn. Well, not just Zayn. Jessica and Niall were still a lot of the reason behind my anger. Without another thought, I turned around and walked back out of the cafeteria. 


My earphones were in and I was lying on my bed with a book when I saw Lauren enter the room. She gave me a sheepish smile as I pulled the buds from my ears. 

"I brought you a veggie burger." She said as she handed it to me. 

I smiled at her and muttered a 'thank you' as I opened the wrapper and took a bite. When I'd got back to my room I'd realised how hungry I was but had too much pride to go back into that cafeteria again after my argument with Zayn.

"That was quite the argument back there. Want to talk about it?" She sat down in front of me with her legs crossed. 

"Just... Zayn being Zayn."

"Care to elaborate?"

I sighed and told Lauren about what had happened at the club, and everything that had happened with Zayn since - even including our almost kisses and the hotel the night before. Her eyebrows shot up when I told her about that. 

"Wait - so he was just like, kissing your neck and then just... stopped?" 

"Yeah, I don't know why." I felt bad lying, but I didn't feel like explaining my whole history to Lauren just yet. 

"Wow. Sounds like a lot has been going on between you guys."

"There has been. He's such a handful."

Lauren paused and tilted her head at me curiously. "Do you like him?"

"When he's not being a total pain in the ass, yeah."

"No - I mean like like him."

"Like like? What are you, eight?"

Lauren rolled her eyes at me. "Answer the question."

"I-I don't know. I don't think so." 

"Sure." She said sarcastically - but I meant it. Zayn confused the crap out of me most of the time. "I got you something - an early birthday present, I guess. You should wear it when we go out on Saturday." Lauren pushed herself off the bed and towards her wardrobe.

As she pulled out a hanger, I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "You got me a present?"

"Yeah, of course I did. I was going to give it to you on Friday but I feel like you need cheering up."

"Thanks, Lauren." I replied, genuinely thankful that I had her as a friend. She hadn't even felt annoyed that I was only telling her about everything with Zayn just now. She turned around and held out the dress in front of me. It was a skater-style dark grey dress. "This is beautiful, Lauren. Thank you! I'll definitely wearing this on Saturday for, um, what are we doing on Friday?"

"It's a surprise."

A/N - So this is kind of a setting the scene chapter idk?? I don't feel like a lot happened but it's got some important stuff in it n that

Also I felt like I've been lacking in the Georgia/Lauren content so I threw some of that in... The main plot is starting to kick in a little too ooooohhhhhhhhh

Nearly 50k reads how inSANE is that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?

Vote, Comment, Follow n that ily all!xxx

P.S ~ new cover?!?!?!? Opinions? Idk how I feel about it yet I'm probably gonna change it back...

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