beauty behind the madness | t...

By highinkissland

143K 5.3K 3.9K

Rose becomes infafuated with her new teacher, Abel. More



2K 80 125
By highinkissland


"Do you really have to leave?" I ask Jordan, pouting. It's currently one o'clock and Jordan has to catch a flight from New York to Seattle to see his parents.

Jordan intertwines our hands and smiles. "Yeah," he says. "I'll be back in two days, baby." He pecks my cheeks.

"Sure there's nothing I can do to change your mind?" I ask hopefully.

Jordan laughs, his dimples appearing. I bite my lip. Damn, he's cute. "I don't think so," he tells me.

I raise my eyebrows. "You sure about that?" I question, running my hands down his body to massage his little friend. I lean up and kiss him eagerly. He responds by slipping in his tongue. I pull away and raise my eyebrows.

"As much as I'd like to, I can't," Jordan tells me and I groan and pout. He kisses me again. "I have to go."

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" I ask. I know I'm acting a little too clingy but I can't even go about a day without seeing him. How am I meant to survive two whole days?

"No!" Jordan says quickly now. He licks his lips. "Uh, I mean, it's fine. Don't worry, baby, I'll be back before you know it." He leans in to kiss me again and I kiss him back.

I don't bother to question him about why he reacted so weirdly and panicky. He's been acting really secretive lately, making all these private calls and whatnot. Some people will say that he's cheating on me, but I know Jordan - he'd never do that to me. And I trust him.

"Okay," I say now, rubbing his shoulders. "Make sure you text me when you get to the airport okay? And when you get to Seattle."

"Will do, baby," Jordan says. He starts walking down the stairs to the front door with his bags. When he puts them down, I wrap my arms around him tightly and squeeze him, breathing in his musky scent. I laugh when he starts kissing me all over my face. "Hey," Jordan says softly. I look up at him to see that he has a serious expression across his face. "If you go out, please make sure you be careful. And don't drink too much."

I smile at him. "I won't," I assure him. Jordan knows about my past addiction and drinking problem - I even told him about the whole Jeremy situation. I remember when I first told him about it - it was after our fifth date where he told me that he wanted our relationship to be serious. At first, I didn't want to tell him, but then I decided against it since I didn't want to enter a serious relationship with secrets.

After I told him, Jordan would always keep an eye on me. He made sure that I didn't make it past four drinks and he would always tell me to text him so that he could pick me up. He took care of me. And I loved him for it - I still do.

Now, Jordan kisses me again and leaves. I sigh and turn back to the empty apartment, feeling lonely.

I grab my phone from the table and group message my friends, Zoe and Sasha. Wanna go out to a club?

Sasha instantly replies: Yes! There's a new one that's opened tonight, let's check it out!

A couple of hours later, we're lining up outside a club called Kissland, waiting to be let inside. It sounds more like a sex club than a night club.

I shiver as the cold creeps up my bare legs. I'm wearing a short black dress and skyscraper heels that I can hardly walk in. Sasha and Zoe stand on either side of me. They're already slightly buzzed since they did a couple of shots before we came.

We're finally let in and Sasha and Zoe immediately order drinks. When we get our drinks, we walk over to a table and sit down.

"Rose, why didn't you go with Jordan to Seattle?" Sasha asks, sipping her drink.

"He didn't want me to," I answer. Sasha raises her eyebrows and I just shrug. "I don't know. He's been acting very strange recently."

"What do you mean?" Zoe pipes up.

"He keeps making these phone calls. The other night I caught whispering in the phone," I explain. "When I asked him who he was talking to he said it was no one."

"Do you think he's cheating on you?" Sasha asks.

"Definitely not!" I say defensively. "Jordan loves me. He'd never do that to me." I know that for a fact.

"You're right," Zoe says and I smile to myself and sip my drink.

Four drinks later, I end up on the dancefloor with Sasha and Zoe. My head starts to pound and the world starts spinning. I think it's time for me to leave.

"Hey!" I call over to Sasha and Zoe. "I think I'm gonna leave!"

"What? Why?"

"I don't feel so great," I reply. "I'll see you tomorrow?" They both nod and I hug them.

I start to walk towards the exit, until I hear someone calling my name. I turn around to find Sasha running after me, waving something in her hand. She almost trips over and I stifle a laugh. "You forgot your phone!" she says, handing it over.

"Oh crap! Thanks!" I say over the loud music. I hug her again and say goodbye. When I turn around, I end up hitting someone's firm chest. "Shit," I curse to myself, massaging my head. "I'm sor-" I freeze when I take in the familiar features. My throat goes dry. "Abel?"

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