The Shifter

بواسطة teamseth97

72.7K 3.1K 269

Myra Evans is a sixteen year old. At her first shift in front of the whole pack with everyone else, she shift... المزيد

The Shifter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 6

3.8K 162 13
بواسطة teamseth97

Almost done! My wolf giggled. Now, he just needs to claim you. 

Damen leaned over me and touched his lips to my collarbone. "You sure?" He asked.

I nodded eagerly.

He proceeded cautiously pressing his teeth into my skin, slowly adding more pressure. Eventually, he bit down all of the way, sinking his teeth down into my tissue, leaving a permanant mark. He released and backed up. "This is all so strange, but it's my wolf's instinct. Why? I mean, I'm a Hunter but a wolf. I still have the strength and abilities of a Hunter, plus the ability to shift." He laughed softly. "And I have a mate."

I sat up and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, pulling him to me. "I know," I whispered, hungrily pushing my lips into his. "And I wouldn't want anybody different," I said as I pulled away from him.

"It's near dark. We should prepare to leave soon," He stated, plainly. "And we need to find some clothes because let's face it! Walking around like this-" He motioned to our bodies, "-is going to draw some serious attention to us. And we don't want that."

I laughed as we both jumped up to our feet. He grasped my hand as if I was going somewhere. He was still very wary. "I'm not leaving you," I said, reassuringly. "I would have rejected you long ago if I was going to leave. I wouldn't be here now- with you."

He started to walk northeast and he gently pulled me along. "I saw a house up on the other side of that hill when I went off course to see what your scent was. It's kind of cold here so I think that they will just hand us the clothes. The owners seem pretty wealthy." He explained. "Come on! Let's hurry! We need to start moving along soon."

A chilly breeze blew, causing me to shiver a little. "Okay. It is getting colder and winter is coming so, yeah." I rambled on, "I really hope that these people are nice and don't call the police or something because that would be really bad -" Damen cut me off by kissing me.

He laughed at me. "Come on!"

We slowly walked up the trail to the house. My stomach clenched nervously as Damen knocked on the door. "Act really sad and tired," He whipered. 

The door openned slowly, revealing a young girl. She must've been only five. "Uh-what?" She asked.

I bent down to her. "Is your mommy or daddy home?"

"No. They're at work. I'm alone," She said.

I looked over at Damen, unsure of what to do.

He took over. "Can we come in for a minute, sweetie? We are very poor and need some clothes. And next time, don't open the door. You are very luck that we are nice people," He said sweetly.

She pushed her hair out of her face and pursed her lips, as if in deep thought. "Okay, but hurry! Mommy gonna be home soon."

"We will only be a minute or two. Keep a look out, okay?" Damen said.

She openned the door a little wider to let us in. You could tell that they were wealthy just by the amount of decorations that littered the entrance of the house. We quickly located the master bedroom and went through their drawers. Damen put on a pair of pants and a comfy t-shirt. He threw on a winter coat and snatched an extra pair of long Levi's and another shirt.

I put on a long-sleeved black shirt and a pair of jeans, being sure to put on a bra as well. I searched through the closet and found a faux-fur coat to wear when it gets colder outside. I hung another shirt and pair of pants over my shoulder. "Done!" I told Damen, "Lets go before her parents get home."

On cue, a car pulled up to the driveway. "Go out the back!" The little girl yelled. "Hurry!"

I instinctively grabbed the handbag that was hanging on the door handle and put our extra clothes in it. We ran out of the back door and down the hill, towards the woods. Adrenaline coarse through our bodies. Shifting would have been more convenient, but we didnt shift because we just got clothe to wear.

We doubled over, laughing when we reached a concealed place in the woods. I stopped laughing when a wave of nasea came through me. I glanced at Damen before thowing up bile, since I haven't eaten in a while. "Oh, yeah," I sighed. "Did I forget to mention that I would become pregnant when we mated?"

Damen looked at me as if I had two heads. "Oh, shit! Really?" His legs were shaking.

I looked down, tearing up. "Yeah. And being a werewolf, it all happens much faster. Conception, pregnancy, and birth often only last three months." I bit my lip waiting for a reaction. "But it can be as short as six weeks or as long as a normal human pregnancy. But I'm not sure because- you're a Hunter. Kinda." I turned my back to him and sat down. I expected him to freak out and be mad that I didnt tell him.

But instead, he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his hands on my stomach. "What a wonderful surprise. We will just have to be careful," He smiled into my neck and planted a kiss. "Once we leave the country, your pack can't do anything about it, and my leaders wont bother finding me," He said shakily. He was still trembling a little.

I smiled. "So we'll go to Canada and then fly to Italy or Japan or anywhere we want to! Right?" I spun around to face him. "And then we'll raise our child there."

"Thats quite a journey on foot. You can ride on my back but I'm not letting you shift unless it's an emergency, okay?" His voice was filled with concern.

He's more afraid than you are. Console him. I kissed Damen, "Everything will work itself out. Stop  worrying so much. I know that a straight northern course will take us about a week if we don't run into problems. That is not that long. We have time." I kissed him, again.

He popped his jaw, obviously frustrated. He has grown used to Hunter customs and hasn't learned much about werewolves. Being enemies, Hunter's only had to know what a wolves weakness is. They were never prepared for mates. Hunter's don't typically have children unless they are arranged to do so. And they often don't get to raise their children. "I just don't know what to do, or how to act or prepare for a child, especially a hybrid child," Damen sighed.

I nuzzled into him. "I know," I said, sympathetically. I was trying to understand where he was coming from, but in werewolf schools our classes are arranged by gender and age. Elementary school was focused on language. Middle school was focused on Pack Rules and high school was focused on mating, your first shift and raising a family. College was ussually off pack grounds unless you wanted to be a part of a specific pack job.

"I don't know much about children. Maya didn't explain this to me."

"Who's Maya?" I asked. My wolf started getting jealous, causing me to tense up and tighten my grip on Damen's arm.

He laughed. "Calm down! She was my foster mom. She's probably dead now, since the Company knows I'm gone," He lowered his head. "I told her everything from what I learned to how my wolf came to be. The Leaders knew that I had a good relationship with her."

My stomach growled, loudly, reminding us that we needed to eat. "Uh- I don't have any money. Do you?" Damen smiled, holding up a small wad of money.

"It was one the dresser," He shrugged, "We need it more than they do, obviously. Come on. There is a small city, not far from here!" He started to take off his clothes and he put them in the bag. I watched as he shifted into his grey-white wolf. He bent to the ground to let me climb on.

I laughed as I used his fur to pull myself up. "You're smaller than my wolf!" I exclaimed as I got myself settled. He snarled, rising to his paws. "Calm down! It's only because I'm an Alpha!"

Damen continued to run at a semi-slow pace until we saw city lights. He bent down again, behind some bushes to let me off and shift. I stared in awe. "Why is your shift so pain-free?" I asked as he finished shifting. I openned the bag and handed him back his clothes and shoes.

He smiled and muttered a thanks to me. He quickly pulled on his pants and t-shirt then slid his shoes on. "Okay! Let's go!" He exclaimed, grabbing hold of my hand. We walked down the street at a steady pace into a small diner called 'The Silver Chain.' The manger laughed when we asked why it was called that. 

"To keep those damn werewolves away!" He chuckled, rolling his eyes. "The Big Boss needs to be sent to the looney bin!"

We laughed along with him. "What a wacko!" I laughed.

He nodded, smiling. "Hey! I got some orders to take. We're a little short on staff tonight. Nice talking to you!" He walked away, chuckling still.

Damen shook his head and picked up the paper menu. "Seems to be a nice little burger joint. Should I just order one of everything?" He asked, sarcastically. 

I was practically drooling over the items on the menu. "Yes!" I exclaimed desperately. Damen look a little shocked by my reaction to his joke.

He shook his head. "Of course you do!" He said to himself, shaking his head.

Our waitress finally arrived with an annoyed look on her face. She was wearing a too-short skirt and a really-low-cut-tight-ass shirt. She pulled out her notebook. "I'm Angela and I'll be your waitress tonight or this morning. Whatever," She said popping her bubble gum. "What can I get you to drink?" Her long blond hair was streaming behind her in loose curls.

Damen answered quickly, "Just water."

She scribbled it in her notebook. "Are you ready to order, yet?" She faked a smile, putting the hand that held her pen on her hip.

I laughed as Damen proceeded to answer. "Yeah - um - we have a big order. One of everything, please," He said seriously.

Angela smile turned in too a frown. "Is this some kind of joke?" She yelled. "Cuz it ain't funny!"

Damen was laughing, now. "No," He giggled. "We're serious!"

"Yeah! I have a large appetite and didn't know what to choose, so we're ordering everthing. How much will that amount to?" I asked seriously. Damen pulled out the wad of cash and showed her.

She scribbled in her notebook and stomped off.

She returned with our drinks and slowly the plates of food came out. After we had gone through about twelve burgers and sixteen sides, we just told them to put the rest in boxes. Werewolves have big apetites so they would get eaten.

"Can we have the bill?" I asked. "I want to leave as soon as our food is ready."

The manager smiled at me. "Are you pregnant or something?" He laughed. "That's the most I've seen anyone eat or even order all year!" 

I smiled sweetly at him. "Yeah. I'm pregnant."

Damen smiled widely showing all teeth.

The manager reached his arm up and started scratching his head. "How old are you guys?" He mumbled. "If you don't mind me asking?"

We started laughing. He didn't see what was so funny. "Sixteen," Damen and I said simultaneously. The manager was speechess. He just stood there with his mouth wide open.

The waitress walked beside the manager and placed the bill on the table. Cooks and waitresses had put about twenty leftover boxes in a couple bags then just a big cardboard box. "Rick! Your tables are waiting on you!" Angela snarled. Rick, apparently, left to go serve tables and take orders. He was barely fifteen and he didn't want to be here.

Damen looked at the bill and started counting out cash. "How much of a tip should we give them? Twenty percent?"

I nodded.

"Okay! Our bill amounts to about three hundred twenty dollars, give or take." He just put the cash on the table and pulled me to my feet by my hands.

"Bye guys!" Rick called. "Hope to see you guys again!" He smiled as we walked out of the double doors.

We realized that the moon was high in the sky. We had spent at least four hours there. I was stuffed and we walked back to our hiding area, near the house in the woods to take a break before we set off. I pat my tummy gently and sat down. "That was good!" 

Damen laughed and cuddled up next to me. We sat, cuddled up, in a comfortable silence for a few hours before anyone started to talk.


I sighed, sadly. "I miss my family already but- they'll kill me." 

All was silent. Damen didn't respond for a while and I was starting to think that he was second guessing all of this. He seemed deep in thought. "Myra?" He finally said.

I looked up at him. We were both tired even though we slept through most of the day and we weren't far into the night. It was maybe midnight. The pack would be getting anxious about now. Almost everyone would be back with their mate, everyone except me. I could feel the pack getting tense. They weren't able to comunicate with me until I returned, for the sake of bonding with my mate. Or until they were pretty sure that I've gone AWOL. It was a pack law.

"Maybe-" He paused, pursing his lips, "Maybe we should go back to your- our pack. They may accept us. You never know."

Damen's P.O.V.

Their was something odd about that waiter, but I didn't want to ruin Myra's night. He seemed too odd to be human. Maybe he was a Hunter outside of my clan.  That would make sense. He kept eyeing me and then Myra. It made me anxious to get out of there. When, she told him her age, that confirmed his suspicion. Once we did, I kept checking behind us. I knew that Myra didn't notice because she was really calm.

We sat down, all cuddled up, and that got me to thinking. For the sake of our family, maybe we should go back to the pack.

NO! My wolf answered. We must protect her!

But protecting her is exactly whats going to get her killed- get us killed.

My wolf didn't answer back.

I looked at the top of her head and frowned. "Myra?" 

She looked up at me, her eyes missing their usual glow. She was exhausted.

I took in a deep shaky breath. "Maybe-" I paused, pursing my lips. I didn't want to say the wrong thing. "Maybe we should go back to your- our pack. They may accept us. You never know."

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