
By Tophat

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Esme Dupont's easy and high-class life takes a drastic turn one summer. It begins with her aunt, the Grand Wi... More

Part One: Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Part Two: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Part Three: Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Part Four: Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy

Chapter Twenty-Nine

99 18 0
By Tophat

The sun was setting, casting orange and pink streams across the summer sky. Esme sat on the bed, practicing her spell work as she tried to ignore the small warmth in her chest. Dinner with Fox had been un-expectantly enjoyable. She watched him cook, sometimes even helping out, and he was oddly patient with her for once as she made mistakes. Soon they had made a somewhat edible dinner and sat down to eat. It was in complete silence but Esme didn't mind. She hadn't had a dinner like this in a long time. She felt no pressure to talk, not like in the grand balls Cassandra would drag her to where small talk was a must, and instead brought the same sensation of sitting at the top of the Ivory Tower, sitting beside Cassandra, relaxed and happy. If only the food tasted good, not bland and cheap.

And then Billy came home and announced Warbler needed Fox, ruining the bland meal that Esme was weirdly enjoying. Fox just up and left, armed with some incense, and didn't say goodbye to her or even so much as look at her. He just went. Instantly what bubble of happiness she felt was popped the moment the door slammed shut and she was annoyed at him. She had thought they were building some kind of bridge, a partnership, but obviously not.

You're blackmailing him, you silly woman, of course he'd wouldn't want to connect with you, she thought sharply to herself. He probably only helped her with food because she didn't know how to cook and gave him some kind of perverse sense of superiority to her. He hated her and always had done. She didn't know why that left a small sting in her chest though. It confused her.

So, after welcoming Billy home, she slunk back into her 'room'. Absolon was awake for once, drifting about and whistling to himself. She curled up on the bed as she listened to his aimless song, still feeling the sting at the thought Fox detested her. When did she start thinking of wanting to be his friend? He was a thief and crass and well below her class and only hung about her and took care of her because he had little choice. She held his future in her hands. He didn't want to be her friend and she shouldn't want him to be her friend. It was ridiculous.

To shove the bizarre thought from her head, Esme thought of what she would be doing today if Cassandra were alive. The summer ball. That was it. Esme would be there right now, dancing with a man worthy of her station and money. A man who was taller than her with blond hair and an appreciation for fine arts and food. But then the image of her ideal husband flicker. He shrunk in size, his chiselled features becoming rougher and his well-groomed hair grew wild and red. Fox.

Instantly Esme slapped her face and blushed. Why did she just think of him? She shouldn't be thinking of him at all, let alone daydreaming of dancing at a summer ball with him. Panic began to touch her chest, tightening it and causing her heart to beat awkwardly.

'Vic?' Billy called from the doorway, causing her to jump.

Her face slightly pink, Esme sat up quickly, praying he couldn't read her mind. She barely managed to remember to keep her mouth shut and let out a small 'eep' before pressing her lips together.

'I'm just goin' out.' Billy said.

She noticed he oddly couldn't quite look at her and seemed to favour the floor and when she did catch his eye, something was off. His eyes glimmered with fear yet certainty. Esme nodded and then Billy left quickly. A few steps later and the door closed. She was alone.

'That was odd.' Esme said softly to herself. Usually Billy told her why he was going out and how long he'd be and he was never that shy around. It made her gut twist a little.

She brushed it aside. Being on the run was making her overly paranoid. Fox trusted Billy enough to leave her alone with him so she had to trust Billy too. Besides, he'd given her no reason to think he'd hurt her.

At first she remained still but found her thoughts drifting tentatively to Fox.

'Magic. Let us practice some magic.' She murmured. She desperately needed a distraction.

So Esme practiced, trying to summon a decent light to fill her ever darkening room. Absolon sang encouragingly and twirled in the air as she failed over and over. She grew frustrated. No matter how many times she tried, the light she called forth was nothing but a small marble. It was this glorious blazing orb like it was supposed to be.

Eventually she gave up and tucked her Grimoire away. The sun was now dangerously low and soon she would be a vixen. She could feel the curse tingling about her body, strengthening with the gathering darkness.

With her pack and Grimoire safely tucked beneath the bed and the door locked, Esme sat, humming with Absolon, waiting for her shape to change. Slowly the light seeped away, blinking behind the neighbouring houses weakly, before darkness had completely enveloped her room. Then the spell activated.

Within moments, Esme was a small fox enveloped in a puddle of clothes. She managed to wriggle her snout free and blinked up at Absolon who tumbled through the air, fully awake now the cool night was taking over the world.

'Hello Absolon.'

Absolon wiggled his arms. She sighed as she glanced down at her vulpine body. She was growing too used to the shape now. It didn't feel alien anymore nor felt uncomfortable. It felt natural.

That could be a very bad thing, she noted. The spell, as it was cast by a strong Wizard, could have the capability of completing itself. She had to keep an eye on it. She might not need to be found by Denver to be turned into a full fox of both mind and body.

Esme yawned and curled into a ball, tucking her nose in her fluffy tail as Absolon serenaded a lullaby. At least the foxy nature of being active during night hours hadn't touched her at all.

Just as she drifted off to sleep, she heard the tell-tale noise of the apartment door opening. Her ears twitched and her eyes opened slightly as she listened, becoming tiny light in the dark. By the steps, she knew it wasn't Fox. He was a very light walker. It had to be Billy.

There was a light knock on the door. 'Vic?' Called Billy.

Esme didn't make a sound and intended to let him think she was asleep. She remained still, listening and watchful. The door knocked again, this time louder and with enough conviction to give pause to Absolon. He became silent and still instantly.


She tilted her head in confusion. He tone was louder and more stern. Absolon tittered unhappily. Something was wrong.

The door handle jiggled lightly then grew increasingly insistent. When that didn't work, the door suddenly shuddered as Billy slammed against.

Instantly Esme was on her paws, confused and scared. Why was Billy so determined to get in? Had something happened? Was Fox in trouble? But then why was he so quiet? Why didn't he talk to her?

Her body shook with every creaking shudder from the door. Absolon was hovering close to her, glowing brightly in anger. She needed to hide. She didn't know why but she had the strong urge to hide. She was in danger.

Esme slipped off the bed and scuttled underneath it, curling herself into a tight a ball as possible.

'Absolon, hide.' She commaned.

He did. He turned himself invisible, no longer a glowing orb, and fell silent.

Esme's small body shook as the door groaned, shuddering against the force. Eventually it couldn't take anymore. It creaked and snapped, letting Billy tumble into the bedroom. She stiffened. Her instincts screamed danger. She was in trouble.

She watched Billy's feet as he moved about the room, no doubt wondering why it was empty. The room suddenly grew brightly, splashed with the bulb's feeble orange light.

'Esme Dupont?' He called out.

Her ears flicked up. Her name. He knew her real name.

'Dupont, come out. Stop hiding.' He said.

His voice didn't sound too antagonistic but there was a steely undertone she didn't like.

'Look, I want this to go as smooth as possible. Don't cause a fuss, please.' He began looking under the few bits of furniture. It made her heart sink further. Why was he looking in places no human could fit? Not unless he knew...

As he made his way to the bed, she shuffled into a corner and held her breath. She watched as his thick boots stopped then he stooped. She could see his face, pale and shadowed, and his eyes flickered. He saw her instantly and smiled.

'There you are. Come out now.'

She was frozen to the spot, even as his hand stretched out and groped for her small furry body. How did he know?

His fingers inched closer, scrabbling to grab her soft tail until Absolon popped in front of her. He wailed and glowed violently, erecting a barrier that burnt the tops of Billy's fingers. He cried and reeled back, hugging his hand through hisses of pain. The sounds were enough to drag Esme out of shock and throw her into action.

Swiftly she scrabbled out from the bed and barrelled into the main room. Billy was close behind, chasing her with the fabled swiftness of the Fingers. Before she could dart under his Grandmother's chair, he arrested her tail. The sudden yank was agony, making her cry out in a strangled animalistic yelp. She swiftly turned on his hand with bared teeth and bit in deep, quickly feeling his flesh break beneath her fangs and blood welling in her mouth. Billy was quick to let go as his hand bleed profusely and Esme wasted no time in diving under the sofa at the other end of the room. She curled under there, shaking violently with the metallic taste of blood thick on her tongue.

Esme watched as Billy wrapped up his damaged hand and only then noticed a thick sack he was carrying. Big enough to hold a young vixen. Her heart thudded. He knew. He knew about the curse and was using it to his advantage. It was easier to wrestle with a fox and stuff it into a bag than a grown human with magic at her disposal.

Her shaking grew worse as fear took over. She glanced about as Billy moved to the kitchen, seeking something in the draws, but she spied no easy escape. She was high up with no water to protect her from a fall this time and all the doors were closed. If Absolon opened the front door, she'd have to time her flight to avoid Billy's grasping hands.

She froze, eyes fixated, as Billy made his way over to her. She noticed something glint in his hands. A knife.

'Dupont, come out.' Billy said impatiently. 'I need you to come out. I need that money and like hell am I goin' to leave Fox with your claws in him.'

He reached the sofa and Absolon made his return. He erected a barrier around Esme, preventing Billy from reaching her. Billy wasn't having it though. Raising the knife, he brought it down hard against Absolon's bubble. It screeched at the contact, warping and crying out, as Absolon tried to keep the knife away. He kept at it, hacking and slashing, trying to wear down Absolon. Absolon did his best, giving his all into holding it up and keeping her safe, but his small body emitted pained whines with every hit.

And all Esme could do was huddle in a corner and watch, her small vixen shape shaking and desperately praying with all her heart that Fox would come for her before it was too late.

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