Unexpected Love - an intercul...

By LeonieHerrgesell

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There was a fine line between love and hate, you heard that cliche all the time. But no one told you that the... More

How it all started:
New assignments and more hate
the assignment with the devil
A agreement between enemies and a bridal breakdown
Bridal dresses and other sparkling things
Parental pressure and other desasters
A pleasant dinner and other revelations
From enemies to best friends - A sisterly bond
The happy bride and the torn sister
The problematic situation of being judged by your sister
The silent promise made by a brother
The unexpected knight in casual attire
The aftermath of being a hero and a fight between best friends
The unconvincing statement of my best friend
The denial of a hint of attraction
The unwanted butterflies in my stomache
The concerned and worrying best friend
The start of the horrendous project
The start of a friendship and the usual fight between enemies
The reconciliation between best friends
Can this be the start of a romance?
The indecisive best friend and the consequences
The threat from a best friend and the proposition of a sister
A talk between friends and the failure of the knight to act..
Is this the end of a possible friendship?
The realization and the betrayal of a best friend
The threats of the Queen Bee and the discussion between friends
The silence between best friends and the happiness of the bully
The courage of the outsider and the announcement of a teacher
The start of the play and the reunition of best friends
The chemistry between two and the jealousy of the third wheel
The moment that changed everything
A heated argument turned romantic and intensive
The girl that came between best friends and the fallout of them
The unwanted audience and the bonding of enemies
The dance between almost lovers and the suggestion of the teacher
The unwanted feelings and the talk between siblings
A cherished moment and the usual banter of enemies
The fight between buddies and the curiosity of the enemy
The estrangement of friends and a surprising proposal
The confusing question and the quality time between siblings
The almost fight between best friends and the unexpected turn of events
The first date and the moment of truth
The Happiness of two and the start of a new friendship
The start of a new friendship and a sweet moment between almost lovers
The wanted almost confession and the distraction
The unexpected turn of events and the swoon worthy statement
The start of a relationship and the evidence of a hidden connection
The feeling of jealousy and the increasing confusion
First confrontation between lovers and the decision of the third wheel
A sweet moment between two persons and cultural differences
The start of something and the comforting warmth of a sibling
A fateful dream
The observing friend And A Magical Moment
A night out and unwanted feelings
57. Denial and other confusing feelings
58. An understanding between friends and the almost confession
The Aftermath Of The Almost Confession
The realization and the promise

38. The meeting between nearly lovers and a wordless confession

190 6 5
By LeonieHerrgesell

My lovely readers,
I am so happy that now I am able to post the next chapter of my story unexpected love. I can assure you that you will love this chapter and the picture shows Enzo and Jasmeet and their coffees. Read the WHOLE chapter as something really interesting will happen in the end..


Don't find love. Let love find you. That's why it is called falling in love because you do not force yourself to fall, you just fall. - Unknown

Jasmeet's POV:

Finally, I could go home, I decided spontaneously, that I wanted to go to Gurdwara Sahib ji. The two incidents with the two boys made me feel lost and I went over the moments repeatedly. Shawn seemed so different, despite acting so mean after school. I felt so confused, as I never experienced something like this before, and I needed some peace of mind to sort out myself and to clear my head. I knew that the temple would give me this solace and calmness which I so desperately needed. What happened to my life? It used to be so calm and without any troubles, and now everything was changing.

I parked my car and walked towards the building, which promised me some peace of mind. I took off my shoes and washed my hands. I had not been there for a while, which I regretted as it was beautiful there and helped me whenever something confused me. The whole atmosphere made me feel at home instantly.
Afterwards, I went into the praying hall towards the holy book, which was also a guru for us, Sikhs. I threw some pounds into the box and bowed in front of the consecrated guru. I made my round around it, bowed one last time, and sat down, listening to the reciting of the teachings of the Sikh gurus. I felt instantly better as it gave me a soothing feeling and I breathed deeply in, inhaling the usual scent of this place. My confusion vanished immediately and I felt gratitude that I was able to go to the place where I could find consolation and support. Suddenly I felt the urge not to give these two boys too much power over me and made a mental note not to give them too much importance. After all, the end of school was only a few months away and then I would not see them again, ever.

Once I was back home, my sister greeted me with a smile. It was surprising that she was at home. It became a routine for her to spend most of the time planning and organising stuff for the wedding. However, it became then clear to me that she would leave soon for her wellness tip so it was necessary for her to be at home to pack her things. I checked the time and noticed that it was already late, which was another reason why she was at home. She realized very fast that something was off with me as I seemed confused and distressed.
"Where did you go? Were you not supposed to be home an hour ago?" she wanted to know, sounding very curious as I was always coming back on time and refrained from coming too late. I replied her, trying to conceal my state of mind: "I needed to go to the Gurdwara sahib ji. I just felt the urge to go there and seek some peace of mind!"

This statement sparked her interest, shown by the look of curiosity on her face. I knew immediately that I needed to spill the beans without her even requesting it. "I had my first kiss...!" I started to speak, but Samara interrupted me instantly, not attempting to hide her nosiness: "Who was it? Your first kiss? Was it not supposed to be the most romantic moment of your life at your wedding?" Her tone was little bit mocking, as she knew of my fantasy to have my first one at my wedding. I could also detect that she wanted to know more. She always teased me that this will not be the case as it was clear to her that this would not be the case as the first kiss normally happened before your big day.
I shot her a disapproving look and she just chuckled, annoying in the process of doing so. I was very traditional and I realized that the last days I had not acted like me at all, getting cozy with two boys and even kissing one of them. It was as if I became this person with no limits and objections, who just let boys in her heart, similar to Nathalie. I could never turn into those type of girls as I despised this so much.

All my limits were gone, so I decided that I should change this immediately. I could not become that person who acted like most of the girls in my school. I had a reputation of being this girl who did not let anybody close to her. Despite being hated, by all my classmates, I was aware that they knew of my culture and my upbringing. I was Indian and traditional, I had to return to my usual self. The first step was in making sure that the kiss scene would not happen again, only on the day of the actual performance.I was already dreading the conversation with Mrs. Stevenson as I was positive that she would not approve of this.

"Well, it did not happen in front of an audience...It happened in the janitor's closet!" My sister raised her eyebrow, a request from her to continue to speak: "I told him that it is my first one, as I did not want to do it in front of my classmates...I did not even had to tell him, he figured it out on his own when I pulled him into the small room!"
My sister practically screamed into my ears: "You...You pulled him into the small room! Why would you do this?" This screaming attracted the attention of my brother who just entered the house. I was so thankful that my parents were still at work and did not hear a word of our conversation.

Immediately he took a seat next to us and urged me to go on with my story, to which I complied: "I pulled him into a small room to give him the hint that I have not been kissed before. Surprisingly he understood it immediately and did exactly that. It was magical and I got lost in the kiss!" Both of the mouths of my siblings hang wide open, showing that they were surprised that this occurred. I was the one who was the prude and closed. I never had any contact with any boy so it was clear that this shocked them as it seemed as if I was not myself. The old me would have never let those things happen.
I continued to speak, trying to continue with my story: "You all know Shawn Bradley right? Well, he and Enzo had a huge fight about me, which Aryan overheard and then after Enzo left, he punched the wall. Suddenly I felt the need to help him; I came up to him and took care of his wound. We looked in each other's eyes then which was also magical. I am so confused!"

My sister pinched herself, to check if all these things were true. I know that this was not my usual self and I was aware that they were stunned. My brother was the first one who found his voice, sounding very strict and fatherly: "Jassy, what is the meaning of this? Why did you help the boy who tortured you? You can never see him in another way. He always bullied you!" I replied him, attempting to defend myself and my actions: "Harvinder, I do not know what made me help him. The moment I touched him, I felt a spark and I cannot describe what I felt this moment... We just stared in each other eyes. His facade was suddenly gone and I just saw a boy who was hurt...I got scared by the intensity, so I left immediately. After school, Shawn told me then that I should forget this moment and that he has nothing nice in him. I saw something in his eyes, which was not so evil or mean. He just seemed lost...!"

"Jassy, do not think like this. He is the boy who tormented you. So please do not consider these thoughts!" my sister scolded me, shooting me a glance full of disbelief and disgust, that I even considered this thought. I knew that Shawn was not the boy he pretended to be. Despite acting so mean, it was clear to me that beneath his attitude a completely different boy lay, waiting to be released and discovered. I felt the disre of trying to see beyond his mean attitude and to find out who he really was.

However, I could understand Samarpreet where she was coming from as she witnessed my breakdowns often enough when I was bullied once again by him. She knew how painful it was for me to be treated like this and wanted me to avoid pain. I could only fathom what it must be like watching your younger sister getting bullied and treated badly. It was as if I did not have any worth and I was a useless girl who did not deserve any good in her life.
Harvinder nodded in agreement and I knew that this conversation was over. When I was on the verge of leaving the room, my sister told me, reminding me not to soften: "Jassy, one more thing. Enzo seems like a nice boy. But still be careful around him...!" I moved my head to show that I approved and went up to my room. I plopped down onto my bed and felt instantly very tired which resulted in me taking a nap. I felt at ease and all the troubles of the last days were gone.

The ring tone of phone awoke me and I groggily responded to the call: "Hi, who is this?" "Jassy!" screamed the voice on the other end of the line. It was my best friend Aryan who was waiting for my report. He told me that I should tell him everything that happened. I narrated everything to him and he was as stunned as my siblings had been. He also advised me not to give too much thought into the behaviour of Shawn, as he assumed that there was nothing good in him, and told me to concentrate on the assignments and the play.Moreover he also told me not to think too much about Enzo Morales. I sighed at the thought of this mess and I wondered when I would finally get peaceful days again.

The moment I arrived at school, everything seemed calm and I was relieved that for once nothing happened. There was no sight of Shawn or Nathalie near the entrance. Aryan also breathed in, visibly relaxed, casting me a small smile. The whole day passed away very fast and I was happy that today there was no rehearsal, and I could not wait to get home. I saw Shawn only one time and he just shot me a look full of disgust and anger. I immediately lowered my gaze and continued to walk to my next class. His nice side of him seemed now far away and I doubted that this moment really happened yesterday.

Enzo, on the other hand, smiled at me, not fearing the responses of my classmates. It was as if the fear slipped away and was replaced by a boy who liked a girl and was not afraid of showing this. This sparked the interest of my classmates who shot me curious looks but did not approach me. This made me content as I did not desire to elaborate on the reasons why he was suddenly showing his interest in me. Moreover, I was happy that the fight of the two most popular boys did not become public, as this would have resulted in me getting bullied or worse. As a result, it would have attracted the attention of Nathalie, which was never good as she had always evil things in her wicked mind. So it was a good day for me, giving me the chance to concentrate fully on the assignments and things the teachers said.

I was nearly at my car, when a soft hand motioned me to stop. I looked up and saw into Enzo's eyes. " I believe that we have somewhere to go to today? Am I not right?" he teased me, reminding me of our coffee meeting or date. I did not know how to call it, as it seemed still very strange that I was going to be alone with Enzo Morales. After Mrs. Stevenson advised us to meet up, we had agreed to comply with her wishes. I was nervous and somehow happy at the same time. I replied him: "Yeah let us go there!" He smiled at me, showing me his happiness at my response. "But how do we go there?" I wanted to know from him. He just replied me: "Let us take mine...!"
Aryan, who suddenly stood next to me, offered to take mine home as I got a ride from Enzo, giving me no excuse to escape this meeting with the boy who managed to confuse me and who took my first kiss. He just assumed that he would take me home. I shot Aryan a desperate and angry look, requesting him not to abandon me, and he just smiled reassuring me that everything was going to be fine, pulling out of the parking lot, leaving me alone with Enzo Morales. I was in deep thought when the boy next to me asked me: "Jasmeet, where are you?" He waved his hand in front of my face and I just laughed, hiding my obvious embarassment. Like a true gentleman, he opened the door of the vehicle for me, motioning me to get into it.

His car smelled very nice, just like him. The scent was made of coffee and some cologne, which relaxed me immediately. It brought me back to the moment where I was in his arms and I felt for the first his fragnance. Something about him was making me feel at ease and relaxed. Enzo Morales, I would not have believed it if someone told me that I'd sit next to him in his car. I shot him from time to time a look. His profile showed his obvious attractiveness. His hair was tousled and made him look even more handsome. He wore today a simple jeans with a blue tight shirt which showed his muscles and abs.
It still seemed so unreal; just one week ago, I did not exchange any word with him. In one week everything changed and I was suddenly talking with him and kissing him. This thought made my cheeks turn red immediately. I hoped that he did not witness this, however my luck was not on my side and he shot me a knowing glance. The whole ride was silent, only the radio ran in the background, preventing the moment to turn strange or akhward.

It took us only a few minutes to reach our destination and the boy beside me parked the car. Our hands brushed against each other, and I avoided meeting his gaze. After we entered the coffeeshop, we sat down on a table in a corner, and he asked me, sounding nervous: "What do you want? I will order it for us!"  I answered him casually, trying to conceal my excitement: "I would like to have a soy latte!" It was clear to me that he was really a nice and caring guy.
He nodded and he strolled casually to the counter, ordering our drinks. I stared at his back, he was really handsome as he was tall and lean. It was also visible that he was sporty. Suddenly he turned around, showing me that he noticed my stare, and looked at me, I immediately blushed lowering my gaze and he just chuckled, clearly happy that he was able to affect me.

I was deep in thoughts when I suddenly felt a soft touch on my hand and I looked up, just to meet the brown eyes of the boy who confused me. Enzo apparently returned with our drinks, he laid his hand on mind, to make me acknowledge his presence. His touch somehow seemed magical, making me blush. He took a seat and carefully placed his hand over mine again. I did not know what made him do this. I immediately blushed again and asked myself what was happening to me.  Why were my cheeks so often red? The last days just were too much for me. I cast him a questioning look, which he returned after various moments, confusion and insecurity painted across his face, clearly being not sure if he could speak up. He stammered then: "Jasmeet, I cannot begin...It is hard, I am not sure what I am feeling at the moment...!"

I searched in his eyes for some clarity what he meant with this statement, but his look hid his true emotions. I could see a glimpse of something, which I saw for the first time, when I fell into his arms the day he saved me. It resembled the glance in Karan's eyes whenever he spotted Samarpreet, whose stare was always amazed and in love. Was Enzo falling in love with me? "Enzo, please be more clear. I know that we should get to know each other...But you cannot start something this serious and not finish it!" I told him in a strict tone. He responded to my stare, and his eyes sparkled, making my knees turning weak and I was positive that if I had not been sitting on a chair, I would have fainted. Something about this boy was truly special and I really felt the urge to get to know him better.

His voice pulled me out my deep thoughts and he said, sounding sincere and suddenly secure: "I feel like I cannot say these words aloud. I can only say that something about you is special!" His statement made me immediately lowering my gaze and covering my flushed face with my hands. His soft laugh made me look up and he continued to talk, his hand still covering mine: "Jasmeet, I do not know why we were chosen to play in the school's drama but I feel as if destiny is talking to us!" Destiny? What did he mean with this? Was he hinting at that we were meant to be? One glance in his eyes told me then everything I needed to know.


My dears, what did he mean with this? Please let me know what you think.. I am so excited to hear your opinions.. this time I will not provide you with a teaser but the next update will come soon...
Happy reading and happy writing.
Sarah He.

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