Nothing To Lose (5sos/Luke fa...

By DallyDolls

14.1K 364 41

What if you liked someone but were afraid to tell them? No, scratch that what if that person was your best fr... More

Nothing To Lose
Do I...
Alone Time
That Morning
The Date
A plan
The Band Is Formed
The Confession
Its ME not HIM
The Fight
The Wait
Going Home
Home sweet Home
Morning Hang Out
I Love You
Movie day (part 1)
Movie Day Part 2
One Chance
The Talk and a date
Nothing to Lose

So Much Mystery

505 13 0
By DallyDolls

Monday. The most hated day of the week. I didn’t want to get out of bed. My bed and I have had a serious relationship since I was a baby.

My mom used to say that I slept all day and night, that instead of playing with my toys I would just crawl around with my baby blanket and sleep anywhere if I had the chance. I guess that's why I sleep anywhere at any time.

I decided to get up because I didn’t want Luke to yell at me again. I was looking though my clothe for school uniform. Gosh how I hated that thing.

I don’t even know what we had to wear informs, they looked so ugly. The only thing I like is that on Wednesdays we were able to wear what we liked.

I took a quick shower being careful not to wet my hair. My hair was a baby blue color. Like the color of the sky, so if I washed it every day it would fade and I don’t want that to happen. When I was done I changed into my uniform and straightened my hair.

I don’t really use makeup, but the basics like mascara, eyeliner and some lipstick. That is all I use. I don’t use foundation because I break out bad, no matter what brand it always happens. I don’t go crazy with the mascara, eyeliner or lipstick either, just a dab.

When I was done I grabbed my phone and noticed I had a message from Calum.

 Morning beautiful

I replied with a simple good morning. I walked to the living room and checked that it was 7:15. That’s weird Luke is always here before 7. I tried to call him but he didn’t answer. Great I guess I’m walking to school alone.

When I got to school I headed straight to homeroom to see if Luke was there. He wasn’t. Neither were any of the other boys.

Well this is going to be a great day. They had to decide to not come to school on the same day. The bell rang and I took my seat.

Throughout the day I did not see Luke Ashton Michael or even Calum. It was really werid because from what I know Ashton has never missed a day of school, and Luke always calls me when he is not going to show up.

Right now I was in lunch. It was the same as any other day at lunch.

“Hi your Emma, right?” a tall blond girl came up to me. It looked like she had cut her uniform to make it look shorter. And she had a shit load of makeup on. She seriously looked like a slut clown, if that makes any sense.

“Yeah that’s me” I said, not sure what else to do.

“Ok thats good. Luke told me you would be here” She said harshly as she sat down.

“and you are?” I wanted to tell her to leave me alone. I had only known her for like two minutes and I didn’t like her at all.

“My name is Julie, I’m Luke’s girlfriend” At that moment I froze. Luke never told me he was dating anyone. I didn’t know what to say, I was in complete shock. Good thing that the bell indicating lunch was over rang because I didn’t want to talk to Julie at all.

I zoned out in all of the classes i had after lunch. Why had Luke not told me he had a girlfriend? Why did he have to date someone that looked like a whore? Ugh I was getting mad. Why am I getting mad Luke doesn’t even like me he has a girlfriend and I a boyfriend?

I walked into Spanish class my last class of the day, and there in the table were the four boys talking away. Well at least Luke is talking to Michael. He didn’t completely hate him now, that was a good thing because now we can actually start progressing on our project.

“Where the fuck have you guys been? You cant just not come to any other class and then just show up here!!!” I was kinda mad. They had ditched me and now they just show up to the last class.

“Em calm down we are here now aren’t we?” Luke practically screamed. Well I guess someone’s in a bad mood. Luke never talked to me like that.

“ Babe we were actually here the whole day, we were just excused from all our classes” Cal  said as he pulled the chair next to him out for me to sit down.

“Well what have you been doing? Why didn’t you answer any of my calls in the morning or any of texts? You guys had me fucken worried? You guys need to answer me next time?”  I think they thought I was playing around because all four boys started to laugh. “I’m being serious! You guys had me worried!”

“Em we will show you why we were excused the hole day after class” Luke was in a better mood right now.

The class went by slow the teacher kept on talking and talking about who knows what. I think I had fallen asleep at some point because when class was over Cal woke me up. I didn’t even know I was tired. I had slept at the same time as every other day.

“Are you tired” Calum grabbed my hand and we started walking with the rest of the boys.

“I guess I am, I mean I fell asleep in class and I don’t even know why if I went to sleep at the same time as I always do, nut I guess I am tired”

Before I could say anything else Calum had taken my bag and I gave it to Luke and I was on this back. I didn’t say anything because I was actually comfortable.

“Oh by the way Luke I met your girlfriend during lunch, um she’s… something” I said while Calum carried me through the gates of the school.

“How did you know I had a girlfriend?” Luke asked, pretending to be clueless.

“She came up to me and told me that you told her that she can find be by the tree we always eat at. Shes kind of rude! She kept rolling her eyes at me” I was annoyed that he hadn’t told me that he had a girlfriend but I was more annoyed that she looked like she was the best at everything.

“Well you are going to have to get used to her because she is coming over to your house. I sort of kind of invited her over” Luke rubbed the back of his neck and smirked.

I hopped of Calums back “You what! Why would you do that, its not your house Luke!” I practically screamed at him, I guess it was a habit for the day. I didn’t want to get to know Julie. I already knew I didn’t like her.

“C’mon shes not that bad and can you at least try and be friends with her for me. Is that so hard to do?”

“Why don’t you guys discus this later and we get to Em’s house so we can work on our project and show her why we were absent most of the day” Ashton had finally spoken. It was weird because he didn’t seem like the type to be silent. He seemed like a loud person if you ask me.

“Ash is right c’mon lets race to the house. Last one there is a rotten egg!” Michael started to run before he had even finished what he was saying. We all followed behind Michael until we were at the steps of my house. I unlocked the door and all the boys ran into the living room and turned on the tv.

They decided to watch spongebob while I decided on whether to make something to eat or order something. I decided to order pizza because Michael kept insisting that that was the only thing he was going to eat.

*two hours later*

The pizza was all gone and we were scattered all over the floor and couches. Julie didn’t show up and im shocked that Luke was taking it as calm as he was. He had invited her and she ditched him that was rude of her. Maybe she didn’t want to hang out with us because of me. Maybe she didn’t like me either.

Either way I was happy that she hadn’t show up.

“Its getting late I think I should go already, ill see you guys later” Michael said while putting his jumper on.

“Yeah I think we should go too, lets go Cal” Ashton called out.

“Wait but you guys didn’t explain to me why you were absent the whole day!!” I shouted as the boys got to the door.

“Luke can show you later, and I have to go don’t want the parent t get mad at me for being out to late” Calum walked to over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Fine you should get going so your mom won’t get mad and so she won’t hate me for stealing you from them’ I said while laughing. I let go of him and walked with him outside.

“Ill see you tomorrow babe” he gave me a peck on the lips and hugged me and started to walk down the street with Ashton and Michael.

I closed the door and walked into the living room, I was about to ask Luke why they were absent the whole day but when I saw him on the couch fast asleep. I grabbed a blanket from the hallway closet can covered Luke with it. I cleaned up a little and walked to my room.

I guess I can ask him in the morning.



Hello anyone who reads these things :) Well this is my first authors note and I wanted to say that I am sorry for not updating in like 4 day. Its just been an amazing week like I got to see Endless love and take a picture with Alex Pettyfer!! YES IT  WAS AMAZING! I recommend the movie for when it comes out.


Well I just wanted to say thank you for reading this! Its my first fanfic so yeah..

Laters peps love you all!!

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