Babel's Magic-Khadgar FanFic

By threeandthirteen

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A very rare find indeed, a Khadgar fan fic. Based a year after the movie a nightmare has plagued our poor mag... More

Nightmare Journal
Throne Room Torrents
Behind Barrack Doors
Drunken Distraction
Night's Babel
King's Command
Fledglings First Flight
Cliffside Arrival
Big Mouth
Blood Letting
Up In Smoke
World's Apart
Demons in Stormwind
Pretty Soap?
Girl Talk
Trust Effigies
Torn Between
Lock Tears Blood
Crushing Magic
A Magi's Virginity
Lothar's Solution
Go To Bed
Good Night My Magi
Startled Before Noon
Old Gods, Find Me
Our Misunderstanding
Spring Night Nightmare
Voodoo Magic
Fel Gore
No Potions, Only Swabs
Little Talks
The Prince and Princess
Lost In Thoughts and Apprehension
Don't Leave Before Dawn
Surpassed Calling
Equilibrium Amongst Factions

Growing Together

134 3 0
By threeandthirteen

Cascading right into her, Taria was in fact stunned her brother made it to Fain before she had. Enfolding Fain's torso tightly against his, Lothar grabbed for Fain without hesitation into a firm embrace.

"You did it little monster, see I told you-" remission about the turn out of the Alliance's meeting left the King with a pleasant smile of easement hinting on his face. Lothar's green eyes sparking down as he looked on at Fain he held an arms length away from him.

"You did so well dear," Taria breaking in for her turn with Fain as the gentle touch of the Queen's hand caressed Fain's pale cheek. Closing her slate eyes Fain gave into the tender touch Taria laid against her cheek and couldn't help smile childishly to the woman.

"I don't understand what they asked of me though?" Casting a concerned look from King back to the Queen, Fain wavered in her assurance as she felt Khadgar linger behind her, "These trails what if I-"

"You can and you will," Lothar informed Fain sternly, giving her a slight shake of the head discarding her worrisome thoughts, "What they ask of you is to prove yourself. That is it little monster."

"Which we know you can do, you've done it already for us. For Stormwind," Beckoning with her hand a little Taria insured Fain there was no worry. Little of it seemed to be making its way to the woman though as her brows pinched in the middle of her forehead and grey blue eyes fell down to the floor.

Displeased with Fain's reluctance to take assurance that the difficult part was done and over with, Lothar stepped in front of the woman. A benign touch as Lothar lifted Fain's chin up to see her clear eyes focus up to him.

"Listen to me, you're stubborn. Strong, passionate and have the resolve of a natural born soldier," Caught up in his dutiful thoughts on the woman, Lothar smirked a little and closed his eyes briefly before resuming, "You need to stop doubting yourself. Look how far you've made it now. Did you expect to even make it to this world to see that fool?"

The gesture was over at Khadgar who foundered a little bit of a disgruntled looked but didn't interrupt his King's speech. Fain took a deep breath that sunk in her belly and she reached up to move Lothar's hands away from her chin, "After this...all of this, I would like to swear my allegiance to you, to the entire Alliance. I want to like how you would in this world, be it in a crowd or however your kind does it."

"A swearing ceremony, like a solider?" Khadgar interjected, looking to understand what his fellow spellcaster meant.

Fain nodded, "I want to be a solider for the alliance."

"You're a spellcasters we don't-" starting his obtuse denial of her request Khadgar frowned at Fain.

Lothar cut the mage off , "Is this what you wish little monster?" Flicking his starred on at his female friend.

"I want to serve you both King of Stormwind and Queen of Stormwind," Trading both of them a look Fain proceeded to kneel down before them both, head bent down, "I've asked of you before to spare me, to hear me out. Now I want to return the favor for your kindness and fight along side you both as well as the rest of Azeroth."

A second longer and Khadgar was going to counter what Fain spoke. But Taria's glance darted over to her world's guardian cutting him short. Lothar on the other hand looked down at Fain recalling how his feelings had changed since the last time she knelt before him asking for him to hear her voice out. If he hadn't the chance of his sister's life lost as well as Stormwind's downfall may have been eminent. This woman was a key against Gul'dan he so desperately needed. Keeping her beside him in and out of battle, Lothar starred at the curls of her dark blonde hair until his attention drew back to the present.

"Stand up," Fain looked to his voice, Lothar's placid expression glowering down on her. Doing as he asked the woman slowly rose from the ground back to erect before the warrior King, "You would be useful studying and working in a library than out on the battle field."

To that a small victory Khadgar eager to hear his King agree with his protests. What Lothar said only made Fain's spirits sink visibly on her face.

Fain began dissent over Lothar's words, "My King I can-"

"But," Lothar stopped Fain's rebuttal, "I can teach you how to fight so you don't freeze up in a battle." Now Khadgar's hopes drained from his face at the moment Fain's lit up. Opening her mouth to speak Lothar postponed what Fain felt she needed to be said, "If all goes well meeting the other factions. You will come back to Stormwind and I will teach you to fight like a solider on one condition."

"Yes! Yes anything, anything at all Lothar," intent on any bargain he had Fain was ready to agree.

Darting his gaze over to the fretting mage who began worrying his chapped bottom lip, Lothar knew he had better in him than to take the woman away completely from the pining young man, "You will work with our Guardian to record, further and study fel magic. If in fact it is naturally harnessed, I want you to know as much about your fel as Gul'dan knows about his. You fight both fields, magic and sword. Understood little monster?"

Zealous about her response, Fain lurked forward and wrapped her arms around Lothar's shoulders without question if she was out of line or not. Taking that as a yes the King laid his arms around her waist and hugged the woman back trying to hide a small smile Lothar grew when feeling Fain squeeze him tighter.

"My abilities are at your disposal, both of you," Sparing Taria a look as Fain stepped away from Lothar, giddiness relevant to her being as Fain's trouble over the other factions diminished with the promise of combat training and expanding on her abilities.

"Does that suit the Guardian?" The King studied his magi counter part. Who had at least ceased tugging on his bottom lip with nerves.

Mulling it about there was little Khadgar knew he could persuade Fain from not doing. The aspect that Fain would stay safe in Dalaran under his and the Kirin Tor's protection fading. The warlocks tenacious personality and powers something he begrudgingly acknowledged Azeroth needed if Gul'dan's horde was to return.

"....Yes," Khadgar's brown eyes closed and he nodded to Lothar, "The Kirin Tor will want to have access to this knowledge as well, but I agree she needs to know how to fight."

Fain popped off suddenly, "Why don't you join us Khadgar?"

"Huh?" bewildered by at the suggestion, Khadgar's eyebrows furrowed a bit much.

"Actually," Taria chewed on the thought with a slight nod, "That's not a bad idea Fain."

"What?" Both men of the room echoed one another, glancing over at each other taken back.

"Khadgar needs to know how to fight as much as any solider should, if we're to ever fight Gul'dan. We cannot have a guardian who can't maneuver out of a physical assailant," Taria nodded in agreement to Fain's motion to bring Khadgar into her training.

Khadgar began opposing the idea without thought, "Mage's don't-"

"And why not?" Fain bluntly posed to him, point driven home when she crossed her arms over her chest, "Why can't a mage wield a sword as well?"

"That's just simply things mages have not done," Lothar, as stunned by his sister's and Fain's proposal, shook his head at the mere idea.

"And when has anything we've faced with this threat been what 'was done' by our enemies?" Offering the retort to her brother, Taria knew there was little to be argued about a well rounded soldier fighting the front lines in a battle.

Pursing his lips together, Lothar finding this escapade to ease Khadgar's worry over Fain escalated into far more than he wanted, "Training the Guardian, that's just- I mean not even by-"

"What if in can't protect myself," Fain tossing the bitter thought out to Lothar and Khadgar. It was nothing she wish to admit but knowing the recollection of the trolls was still too raw in her mind to dismiss. A quick pucker of her lips and Fain swallowed the lump wanting to grow in her throat, "...what if the trolls happen again."

"Fain-" swooping in to comfort her, Khadgar's palm pressed into the small of the woman's back. Wishing to get her to look up at her, Fain remained reclusive in the thought. Folding into herself with hermetic intent.

"Little monster that was-" Even Lothar reserved over the ordeal being brought up. The King saw the sobering fact that Fain was still weak in some sense of the word. Not outwardly or even weak spirited. The run in with the trolls dismal to the already fretting warlock.

An obstinate mood settling over the four of them, the men spared each other a look. Having to admit the idea was in the best interest of everyone. Giving a nod Lothar and Khadgar agreed in short. The mage's hand moving from her back and dropping to his sides, "A little combat training isn't something the Kirin Tor focus on, but it does make sense."

"Spell chuckers are useless until they learn to administer without incantations," Rolling his shoulders back Lothar let out a slow breath, "Azeroth will need all it can get before Gul'dan returns."

Regarding the amity with a small smile, Queen Taria stepped forth and took Fain's hands clasped in her own, "This is a lot of work. But steps to be taken after you visit the other races. Let us worry not of that, but of the wonder of seeing Azeroth."

"But these trials-" Fain distinguished the foreseen trip not as a jolly jaunt to the other kingdoms as Taria did. Worriment plain on her face when Fain looked at her queen before her.

"Meeting the other races," Taria did not allot her the time to word in her woe. Pressing a smile to her and squeezing Fain's hands, Taria let them go gingerly and eyes shifting to Khadgar, "Perhaps our guardian would do better to show you to better residence here in Stormwind."

Muddled over what his Queen meant, Khadgar's eyebrows furrowed with the nonverbal confusion. Not a thought he'd spared about where Fain would put her meager amount of items now that she was stationed in Stormwind fairly permanently now.

A low sough when Taria could not help the eye roll given to the clueless man, "Fain is now apart of Stormwind, not to sit in an old, cold, ragged barracks."

Lothar reserved to himself over the attempt to redirect the attention for the time being. He shook his head bemused over the lost mage, "I bet this little monster would love a room where she can see the gardens. Perhaps help her with her items to the northern side of the mage quarter."

"Oh no no no," denying any bid to abide her with luxury, Fain raised her hands shaking her head, "I cannot, I won't except such a set up that is far too much for me. Where I am is-"

"None sense little monster," Lothar blocked Fain's endeavor to undercut her importance, slinging an arm over her shoulder the King pulled the woman close under his arm with a coy smile, "Unless you prefer being baby sat nighty in my quarters."

Stirring the pot with the playful jest, Lothar laughed a bit loud when Fain elbowed him in the side and the look on Khadgar's face surpassing the quip from the three of them. His smile earned a subtle yet shy grin from Fain who pulled away after elbowing him. Crossing her arms Fain disregarded him curtly, "I am just fine in the quarters given me. I have not much need for space, it fits and is practical."

"Space?" Lothar announced with a smirk, "If thats the case, Khadgar move he belongings in with yours. Gives me city back one room at least to a paying citizen. Those barracks are in high demand I'll have you know."

Flummoxed at what was suggested, it left mage and warlock giving one another demure glances at one another. Both unable to form a response to the announcement.

"Perfect, it's settle. Little monster move your belongings into the boys room. Khadgar make sure Fain has everything to feel at home, problem solved." Lothar gaily clasped his hands together and flashing everyone a joyous smile, "Now, who's hungry?"

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