Dirty Money

By ThomasBerryman

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In a corrupted world, whom can you trust? The family and the business is shrinking under the strain of the fa... More

Prologue - The Families
Chapter 1 - The Brenalli Crew
Chapter 2 - Mario
Chapter 3 - Retaliation
Chapter 5 - Harold
Chapter 6 - Progression
Chapter 7 - Crackdown
Chapter 8 - Alonzo
Chapter 9 - Celebrations
Chapter 10 - Chuck
Chapter 11 - Hiding
Chapter 12 - Discoveries
Chapter 13 - Donny
Chapter 14 - Business
Chapter 15 - Cherry
Chapter 16 - Pardon
Chapter 17 - Philip
Chapter 18 - Rai
Chapter 19 - Gambling
Chapter 20 - Farewell
Chapter 21 - Rags
Chapter 22 - Expansion
Chapter 23 - John
Chapter 24 - Delivery
Chapter 25 - Thomas
Chapter 26 - Meetings
Chapter 27 - Homecoming
Chapter 28 - Massage
Chapter 29 - Blood
Chapter 30 - Michael
Chapter 31 - Property
Chapter 32 - Sammy
Chapter 33 - Information
Chapter 34 - Crumbling
Chapter 35 - Dirty Money - R.I.P

Chapter 4 - Willows

2K 33 9
By ThomasBerryman

Outside Willow’s Donny stood talking to his two new security guards whilst Sin and Alonzo Junior leaned up against two cars in the parking lot. Inside Mike was seated outside the door titled Manager’s Office. He sipped on a coke as he read the Contro news.

“I’m worried Mike,” Tanya had come around from behind the bar.

 Mike laughed, “You got nothing to worry about you think we’re going to let anything happen to you or your pub?”

Tanya gave him a stern look, “I’m not worried about me, I mean him,” she nodded to her closed office door.

“And do you think I’m going to let anything happen to him? We got Sin with us at all times now to.”

Tanya gave a faint nod, she was beautiful and ten years younger than Albert; she met him before he was the boss and worked her ass off to go halves in a pub with Albert. Albert insisted in having no income from the pub he wanted it to be hers, and although they were together she lived in an apartment upstairs. It was never an issue for the family that Albert was catholic and not married, because his whole life was dedicated to the family. Crime was his true love.

 Donny came in looking distressed, “Can I have a word Mike?”

 “Of course.”

 Tanya knew this was her cue to go back behind the bar, once out of earshot; Donny sat down next to Mike.

 "Just saw that Asian fellow again Mike, he’s been hanging around nonstop.”

 “Fuck, they’ve been hitting all the liquor establishments they can in the city, just walking in and taking over by getting the owners to sign over the businesses at gunpoint. They killed Lenny Brown three weeks ago and took over his nightclub. Three security dead and no more investigation into the matter.”

“Crooked cops,” Donny shook his head.

 “They’re taking over everything,” Mike sighed.

 “I take it that’s why Al’s got me looking after Tanya here.”

 Mike did not answer he just nodded.

 “Well I’ll tell you now Mikey boy I’m not scared of any of those Asians, or that imbecile Chuck.” 

 Mike made certain no one else could hear a word, “And now with this Leonardo thing we’re for sure fighting three wars,” he whispered.


 “The Koreans will be inevitable at some point; Kim is setting up his own monopoly with the pubs and clubs, Chuck, and our natural enemy law enforcement”

Albert sat in Tanya’s chair opposite Benny and his cousin Carlos; the remaining generals. The room was small and contained only a desk, safe, and paper work; the pub was a legitimate business.  

Benny was the youngest general he had only just turned thirty-seven and dressed in the typical gangster attire; slick black hair, a tracksuit, and white sneakers. He was popular with all the young soldiers and associates; everyone respected Benny.  

 “Chuck’s going to know we did it,” Benny said, attempting to wipe the sleep out of his eyes.

 “Fuck him, what was I supposed to do? Let him keep poaching my family? Where’s the fucking loyalty?”

“I know…but what do we do now? The guy has an army,” Carlos tried to diffuse what Benny’s comment that just pissed off Albert; like he did not already know that Chuck will go to war over it.

“I don’t want either of you two going anywhere alone at all from now on alright?” Albert ordered, genuinely concerned.

“I always got Alonzo Junior with me,” Carlos reminded him.

“I’m not usually alone, my number two is sick,” Benny quickly defended himself. 

 “Find a replacement for the time being, we need to have eyes on the back of our heads. With a little bit of luck the recent disappearance will bring some police attention on everyone.” 

 Carlos and Benny looked at each other confused. Benny was not game to say anything else while Albert was in a mood, so Carlos had to ask, “Wha-“

 “It will give us a little more protection, they won’t find nothing, and they will most likely think Chuck took out our guys.”

 The two generals smiled at the cunning plan; Albert always knew what to do.

 “Brilliant,” Benny laughed.

 “Harold’s Idea,” Albert smiled for the first time during their meeting, “Alonzo will be getting out sometime soon, and when he does I’m going to have him running things at Giuseppe trucking.”

 “He’ll like that,” Benny agreed.

 “We’re done here,” Albert stood up from his chair. 

 Carlos opened the door and stepped outside to see Mike still reading.

 “Oh, Benny, wait here a sec will you?”

 Albert slowly shut the door again; “I got something for you that you’re going to like.”


 “How would you like to come and be a partner in Giuseppe concreting?”

 Benny could not believe it; a smile spread across his entire face, “You serious?”

 “Yeah, you come in for twenty-percent of my business,” Albert held out his hand.

 Benny shook it, “Of course, It’d be an honour.”  

“Alright, now get out of here, get Sin to drop you off. And stop getting around without a driver, I don’t want to be losing my new business partner.”

“No problem Al,” Benny kissed the boss on both cheeks respectfully.

Mike got to his feet, “Where to now Al?”

“I’m going to take Tanya shopping,” Albert walked behind the bar and wrapped his arms around her whilst she was drying a glass with a tea towel.

 “Al!” she laughed trying to place the glass carefully on the counter as he tickled her.

 Mike could not help but smile and admire how Albert could torture someone with a golf club, and follow it up by being the most charming and happy person in the room.

 "Sin, Al said you need to give me a ride,” Benny patted the young soldier on the back.

 Sin looked over at Albert who was too busy fooling around with Tanya to notice, but Mike gave him the approving nod.

“How am I supposed to get back?” Sin waved his hands at Mike.

 Albert finally stopped what he was doing, “Get Samuele to meet you, don’t take too long we’re going shopping.”

 “Alright,” Sin called back, as he chased after Benny.

Mike walked behind Albert and Tanya as they browsed through the different shops in the shopping centre. Sin had called and was on his way via bus.

 “What the fuck is taking him so long?” Albert whispered to Mike, when Tanya was eyeing a piece of jewelry.

 “I don’t know he said he’d be here.”

 “Call him.”

 Mike spotted something behind Albert, “No need.”

 The boss turned around to see Sin briskly walking toward them with an apologetic look on his face.

 “What happened to you? I rely on you now, you know?”

 “I know, Samuele’s phone was off, I couldn’t get a hold of him anywhere.”

 Mike and Albert exchanged concerned glances and Al put his hand on Sin’s shoulder, “Don’t worry about it, let’s just enjoy the day,” he rejoined Tanya and motioned for the shopkeeper to wrap up the shiny necklace Tanya was looking at.

 “Thank you,” she kissed him on the cheek. 

A/N: Where is Samuele? 

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