She was Lost, but He Found He...

By lost_girl_forever_12

389K 9.4K 2.3K

Jackie has always been a little lost, but thanks to Peter Pan and his crew things will soon change. What unus... More

She was Lost, but He Found Her (Peter Pan OUAT)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Update info
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Update info
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Another Update, sorry

Chapter 33

5.9K 152 24
By lost_girl_forever_12

Chapter 33

*Peter's POV*

I was in Regina's hidden room at the graveyard. I just knocked her with some potion I found. I grabbed the curse and ran as fast as I could. I met Felix in the forrest and we started walking to the enchanted wishing well.

"You never cease to amaze me Pan," said Felix, "out-witting the evil queen in such a short time. It's impressive."

I smirked, "She loves the boy, that makes her weak."

I stopped and looked around, "This is it, this is where I will cast it. Do you have the ingredients?"

He handed me a small pouch, containing everything I needed.

"When its done, will they all be dead?" He asked.

"Worse, they will be slaves to this new land we are making. Death is final, Felix, but their death will be eternal. "

*Jackie's POV*

The group was talking about how Peter was going to set off another curse. They were describing everything when I got an idea.

"Wait!" I yelled. They all looked at me. "Maybe before he casts the spell, I can talk some sense into him. I know he will listen to me, but ONLY me."

"That might work'" said Regina.

"No," said Rumple. "Its too risky for you to go see him."

"Its our only chance," said Snow.

"Please Papa, let me go talk to him. He won't hurt me, I promise." I grabbed his hand.

"Ok fine, go befre I change my mind." He said, pointing in the direction of the well.

I nodded and ran as fast as I could. I spotted the boys and put the same invisibilty spell on myself that I used in the cave. I got really close to them so that I could hear their conversation better.

"What Regina did is nothing close to what I'm planning to do." said Peter, while pouring in more ingredients.  I didn't like how he was talking, this was definately not the Peter I knew and loved.

"Wow Pan, your plan never fails." He smirked and dropped the last ingrediant, or so I thought.

Felix looked down into the well, "Are we missing something?"

"Yes." said Peter.

"What is it?" asked Felix.

"The heart of the thing I love most."

"You mean we need Jackie's heart?" My eyes were huge. I slowly started to back away, hoping not to step on a twig or something.

"No, no, I would never do that. Love can mean many things Felix, it doesn't just come from romance, or family... It can also come from loyalty, friendship. There has always been one person who has believed in Pan..."

"That's me..." He said slowly backing up.

"Don't be afraid, be flattered." 

"No! no-" he yelled. It was too late. Peter already pulled out his heart. He was squeezing really hard until it turned into dust. i saw Felix collapse.

"NO!" I yelled. I made myself visible while running over to Felix. I dropped to my knees and sobbed into his cold chest.

"Jackie, I had to-" he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't touch me, you... you monster!"

"Jackie, Please..." 

I looked at him with hateful eyes.

"How could you? He was like a brother to me, he was so loyal to you and you killed him?!?"

I looked behind Peter and saw the well start to light up.

"Oh Peter, what have you done?"

He looked at the well, then back at me, not knowing what to say.

"You have ruined everything." I said, while holding back tears.

"I'm s-" He stepped toward me.

"I don't wan't to here it!" I sobbed. I wished I was gone and when I opened my eyes, I was in my father's shop. I fell to the floor sobbing. Everyone was there, and they looked concerned when they saw me. My parents came over and gave me a hug.

"What's wrong darling?" asked my mother, wiping away my tears. 

"Did he hurt you?" said Rumple.

"No.... but he killed Felix... and he casted the curse. I couldn't stop him... I -I" I broke down even more.

Neil took me and sat with me on the extra couch in the backroom. I cried really hard until I fell asleep from exhaustion. 

I woke up the next day, still at the shop. Everyone was pacing around while my father was frantically looking through books.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I'm almost done trying to find a way to switch back Henry's body with Pan's." I shuddered at his name.

Tinkerbell entered. 

"I got the wand!" She said.

"And the Blue Fairy is alive again." said Hook.

"Anything else we need?" asked Emma.

"Yes, this." He pulled out a black arm cuff. "When wearing it, it makes that person powerless, and they can't take it off."

I looked down at my cuff. I'm not completely sure why I'm still wearing it.

He put it on Henry.

"I want to make sure that when Pan wakes up, he will be weakened. All of his powers will be blocked. When I cast my spell, you will fall into a deep sleep. "

"When you wake up Henry, come and find us as fast as you can, and don't let go of the scroll."

He sat there and looked down. "When I gave Pan my heart, I thought I was being a hero. I'm sorry."

I went over to him and crouched down. "You don't need to be the sorry one Henry, Peter does."

He nodded at me. Rumple said that it was time, so he laid down. He closed his eyes and my father tapped him with the wand. His body started to shake like crazy and then it just stopped.

"It worked..." I said.

"Let's go find our son." said Emma. The whole group left except for me. I walked over to his body and gave him a kiss on the forehead. I know, I am really pissed at him, but I still love him. I then joined the rest of the group. 

I saw them running around with the owner of Granny's. She was yelling that she had his scent... what ever that meant.

We stopped in front of the clock tower and Henry ran out.

"It's me!" he said. "It worked!"

Everyone ran to give him a big hug. I pulled Neil aside.

"Where's Papa?" I asked.

"I'm not sure... probably back with Pan. They have had a long history with some unfinished business."

Henry pulled a little scroll out of his pocket.

"Here," he said while handing it to Regina.

She grabbed it and tried to open it. There was a huge flash of light and Regina fell to the floor.

"Regina!" We all yelled and went to help her up.

She was lying still for a couple of minutes and then shot up. She stood up very straight and looked terrified.

"What? What happened when you touched it?" asked Snow.

"I saw - I saw what needs to be done." She replied.

"Mom, are you going to be ok?" He grabbed her hands.

"Yes, the important thing is that you will be." She said looking at the scroll. Suddenly it vanished out of her hands.

"No he won't." I recognized that voice, I could recognize it anywhere. 

I tuned and saw Peter. I grabbed Neil's hand and stood by his side.

Hook yelled, "HE HAS THE-"

Pan waved his hand and froze us all. I tried to undo the spell, but his powers were too strong right now.

"Curse!" Peter finished Hook's sentence. "Why yes I do."

He was pacing back and forth.

"Well look at all of you, a captive audience." We walked over in front of Neil, my mother, and me.

"Now which one of you to kill first. Look how adorable you are... especially you." He said, while winking at me. "I think I will kill you first." He pointed at Neil. Why? Why is he doing this?

Rumple grabbed his shoulder and turned him around.

"Stay away from them."

"Aw, are you here to protect your loved ones?" he smirked. 

"I will not let you touch any of them."

"Oh I would like to see that.." Peter raised his eyebrows. 

"Oh you will, because I have a job to finish, and I will do it, no matter what it takes. And what needs to be done has a price, a price I am finally willing to pay."

He looked at Neil.

"I used the curse to find you Bae, to tell you I made a mistake. To make sure you had a chance at happiness, and that happiness is possible, just not with me. I accept that." He said, holding back tears.

"Pretty, pretty words" snarled Peter.

"And, I love you Bae." He looked at my mother. "I love you Belle, you made me stronger. Jackie, I'm sorry I havent been there for you, you don't know how much I love you, and I could never trully express that." I felt a cold, single tear slide down my cheek.

"But you can't defeat me, you don't have any magic." retorted Pan.

"Oh I don't need it. You might have lost your shadow, but so have I. I gave it away so it could have something to hide."

We saw his shadow fly in and hand him something, his dagger. He grabbed Pan and restrained him.

"What are you doing?!?" Pan struggled.

"You see, the only way for you to die, is if we both die. Now, now I'm ready!"

He stabbed the dagger through Peter, into his own body. I felt my heart break into a thousand pieces. He twisted the sword and a lot of light flashed. I saw Peter look at me and say, "Jackie, I love you soo much." And like that, they both vanished. 

We then had the abilitly to move. My mother fell to the floor, sobbing. Neil stood there, trying not to cry. I looked at him and couldn't hold it in. We latched onto each other. I was crying really hard into his jacket. 

They were gone.... they were both gone.

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