Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

*Peter's POV*

I was looking down at her, wow, she is so pretty.

I brushed back her hair and tucked it behind her ear.

"Why did you do that?" She chuckled.

"Well, there are two answers to that, love. Number one, so that I can see your beautiful face..."

She was blushing a lot, that made her even more adorable.

"And?" she smiled and bit her lip.

"And so that it is easy to do this."

I leaned in gave her a peck on the lips. We both just stood there laughing with our foreheads resting on each other.

"Well, I hate to have to cut the fun short, but I think we should go back to camp."



"How much longer until we can be together, you know, like in front of the boys?"

"Well my dear, you read my mind. I'm ready if you are."

"I am." She had a big grin on her face. "Are we flying or walking?"

"I figured we should walk, because that gives us a little bit more time to be alone together." I grabbed her hand and we began to walk.

Well today was a VERY interesting day.

*Jackie's POV*

We returned back to camp, hand in hand. He must have been nervous because I noticed Peter's hand was getting a little bit damp. I kind of chuckled on the inside, not wanting for him to be embarrassed. We eventually found the lost boys huddled in a small group, probably discussing what happened earlier. Peter cleared his throat and all of them turned towards us. Some of the boys had shocked eyes and were staring at our hands. Others look confused, and the youngest lost boy had the biggest grin on his face.

My cheeks turned pretty red and I think his did too.

"What are you boys looking at?" He seemed very threatening and the boys got scared.

He looked at me and his mood immediately changed.

"Start the fire and cook up our finest meal! For tonight, we celebrate!" He smirked.

All the boys whooped and hollered and ran off.

I turned towards Peter. I put my arms around his neck.

"Well look at you, Mr. Nice guy"

He pulled my in closer to him.

"Why don't you go change into something nicer, and I will meet you by the fire later." He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Ok fine."

I started to walk away when he ran back over to me.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Here, on Neverland, when you want something, think really hard about it and it will happen."

"Oh ok, NOW you tell me."

He walked away and I thought about him really hard. He proofed in front of me with shocked eyes.

"What was that?!?" he stumbled back.

"You said to think of something I wanted, so I thought of you"

He hugged me and did one of those cheesy pick up/spin things. I just laughed and walked away. I blew him a kiss and I saw him 'put it in his pocket'. What a dork, I smirked.

She was Lost, but He Found Her (Peter Pan OUAT) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now