Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.

*Jackie's POV*

I woke up and it was early in the morning. I sat up and hit my head on the top of whatever I was in.

What was I in? A cage?!?

That was not ok. I started panicking and calling for help. No one came so I just gave up. I could barely see anything through the cracks on the side.

I realized I was hanging from the air. And did I mention I have a fear of heights?!? I told myself 'Just breathe and everything will be fine'.

Suddenly, I was being lowered down. 'Thank god someone found me' I was so excited to see who it was. The cage door was opened.

A tall boy about my age, possibly older, was reaching his hand out to me. For some reason, I trusted him so I took it. I looked up into his eyes, they were such a beautiful green. I don't know what came over me, but I hugged him and said, "Thank you for saving me!"

He hugged me back shortly and pulled away. I must have sounded stupid because he started chuckling. He then got this evil smirk on his face. And trust me, I have seen that look plenty of times.

"What?" I slowly started to step back.

"I didn't save you, girl, I put you in there."

I stepped back. Two thoughts were running through my head.

1. His accent totally caught me off guard.
2. I think I should run.

I looked at him but he wouldn't look at me.

I then decided to sprint for it.

*Peter's POV*

I walked outside my tent. I glanced towards the cages. Felix saw me and walked up to me.

"What are you thinking, Pan?"

I didn't know how to answer, so I had to think fast.

"I think we should have a little fun." I smirked.

While walking to the cages, I saw the girl's cage moving around. She must have started panicking. That made me feel REALLY guilty.

I then decided to lower down her cage. I opened the door and offered my hand. She grabbed it right away which surprised me. I pulled her up to her feet

The next thing she did surprised me even more. She hugged me and said, "Thank you for saving me!"

I have never been hugged by anyone, especially a girl. It felt...nice. I then hugged her back, but I realized this would make myself look weak in front of the boys. I pulled away and made one of my famous evil smirks.

"What?" she started to step away from me.

This hurt me a lot to say...

"I didn't save you, girl, I put you in there."

She stepped back even more. Well that hurt even more, but I wasn't going to show it. She looked like she was thinking a million different thoughts. The look she gave me just killed me on the inside. I looked down at the ground. I couldn't take it anymore. I was going to say something and I looked up. The next thing I know she was gone.

Felix stepped forward towards me.

He asked, "Do you want me to go get-"

"No... Let her go."

I turned away and walked into my tent.

*Jackie's POV*

I ran as fast as I could. I guess you can say I'm pretty good at running away from my problems. I ran until I got pretty far away. It felt like I got to the other side of the island. I just stopped and looked around at my surroundings. Wow, this place was beautiful. I looked down at myself. Man, I looked like a total mess. I found a stream nearby and washed my clothes. I set them out to dry while I bathed myself. Ow, my head really hurt. I tried to wash out all of the dried blood, but that was not easy. Ugh my hair is going to be all tangled and wavy. Also, I noticed when I was washing myself, I have a huge bruise on my side. Ugh 'Thanks Mike'. I got out of the water and looked at my reflection. The skin on my face was irritated from where he slapped me. Great, just great. I probably look like a freak.

I got up off of the ground and put my clothes on. I put my hair into a messy bun on top of my head.

I heard some rustling behind me. I froze.

"I see Pan got to you."

I turned to see an adult man dressed up in all leather and was missing a hand.

What does he mean 'got to me'? Has this 'Pan' done this to other girls?

"Is Pan that boy who wears all green, is tall, has light brown hair, and green eyes?" I asked, just making sure we were talking about the same person.

"Wow, you seem very observant. It seems you think very fondly of him." He stepped toward me.

"No I don't. I don't even know him. Get away from me." I said.

"Oh, do you think I'm going to let you go off and tell Pan I'm here? How do I know if you are not working for him, like that Wendy girl?" He stepped closer.

Wendy? Who was he talking about?

I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Grab her!" he commanded.

Two men grabbed me. I screamed really loudly.

"Keep her quiet."

They put a cloth in my mouth, I looked down with tears building up in my eyes. He came up to me and lifted my head with his hook.

"It's ok dearie, you seem like you would be a good pirate to me... Now, lets get on the Jolly Rodger."


Where am I?

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