Chapter 36

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*Jackie's POV*

MY mother went into one of her cupboards and pulled out a little porcelain teacup. She looked at the bottom of it and found a small folded paper. She read it and looked at me sadly.

"Only the person who possesses the Dark One's power can cast this spell.' she sadly looked down.

"I can do it! I inherited his powers! Let me try." I grabbed the paper and ran out of the palace. I ran to the clearing in my night dress and with no shoes on. I didn't care taht my feet were hurting a lot, i NEEDED to have my family back.

I set the teacup down in the middle of the field. I saw Neil and Belle finally catch up. I turned and faced them.

"Jackie..." said Belle.

"Yes Mother?"

"Be careful, and don't get your hopes up, ok?"

I nodded and turned back around. I repeated the words inscribed on the paper. I put my hands out over the cup and chanted louder. A beam of light shot up, as if coming out of the cup. The stream got bigger, as if it were about to explode. Just then, it was light a firework went off, but a very powerful one. It sent me flying back, landing on the ground with a thud.

My ears were ringing and my vision slowly came back to normal. I looked around and saw Neil and Belle on the floor too. Woah, what just happened.? I stood up a little dizzy.

Did it work?

I saw two figures getting up off the ground in the distance... it was hard to see because it was the middle of the night.

"Peter?!?" I yelled desperately.

"Jackie!!!" I hear someone yell back with a beautiful accent. It's him.

I sprinted as fast as I could, my heart pounding. He was running to. We met in the middle and I embraced him.

"Oh Peter! Don't you ever leave me again." I started to cry.

He cupped my face and gave me a huge kiss.

"I won't, I promise." He hugged me again, not wanting to let go. I feel like he was crying, but he didn't want me to see. I looked over his shoulder and saw my mother and brother reuniting with my dad.

"Papa?" i said.

He opened his arms. I ran right into them.

"You did it Annabelle, you did it!" He kissed the top of my head.

I walked back over to Peter, and grabbed both of his hands.

"I love you sooo much." He said.

"I love you more." I smiled.

My parents started to walk back.

"Wait can Peter come?" I called.

Belle looked horrified.

"Of course not! He is the reason this all happened."

"Please, I have changed..." He looked desperate.

"Please mother, papa....."

Rumple stepped forward.

"Fine, but if I catch you trying to do anything out of the ordinary, you don't even want to know what I would do."

Peter actually looked a little scared. He just nodded.

We walked back to the castle. I escorted Peter to our room.

I decorated it awhile ago so that it looked a little bit like Neverland. A lot of green and plants.

"Wow, this is homie." He chuckled.

"Yeah, lets just say I missed Neverland, so this made me feel better."

"I like it." He said while picking me up bridal style. He gently placed me down and got under the covers with me. He wrapped his arms around me and held me until I fell asleep.

I woke up facing Peter and he was already awake, just staring at me.

"Good morning lass." He said.

I just smiled, not fully awake. I kissed the tip of his nose.

"Well, I'm going to go make everyone breakfast, to show how I have changed for the better." He got up and kissed me.

"Just go ask Neil, who is the next door over, to lead you to the kitchen..." I said.

"Thanks honey." He walked out of the room.

I decided to get up after awhile to go see if Peter needed help. I was too lazy to change, so I just put on one of my nicer robes and slippers. I started walking down the hall when I felt a sharp pain. I stopped at the top of the staircase. I hunched over a little until another wave of pain shot through me. I dropped to the floor, clutching the side railing.

"Peter!" I screamed. "Peter help!"

I saw him enter the main room, he looked up at me and his mood changed. He sprinted up the stairs. The rest of my family enetered the room, but they gave me some space.

"What's wrong?" He asked, not sure what to do.

I looked down.

"It's..... it's the baby...." I said clutching my stomach.

I looked into Peter's eyes. He was not expecting that...

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