Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*Jackie's POV*

Ugh, I seemed to be sailing forever off into the unknown. Which, I mean, is ok but I had no clue where I was going, or what I was going to do when I got to my destination. I noticed that some rain clouds were coming in and the waves started to get bigger every five minutes. Great just my luck! I had no idea how to act during a storm, or even how to steer the boat! Geez I did not think that through. The waves started to scare me so I just hung onto something and shut my eyes. I was screaming and praying that I would be ok. But boat tipped over and I fell into the dark water. The waves were huge! I was terrified. I climbed into what ever was left of my boat and just accepted my fate. I don't remember much. Everything went dark.....

I woke up on a beach, one that I definitely didn't recognize. I was still night time and I couldn't see much in front of me. It hit me after like 2 minutes that I stranded on an island with nothing with me. I started to have a panic attack. I just ran into the jungle terrain in front of me. I had no idea where I was going, just somewhere. All of the sudden I tripped over something, and hit my head pretty hard on a rock. Ouch.

I then realized that I was being swooped up into the air, in some kind of net vine thing. I let out a short scream. I obviously wasn't expecting that. I couldn't think straight. All I knew was that I was not alone. My head was throbbing. I dabbed at it with my fingers and saw the blood. I was loosing a lot if it. I then got very light headed and then blacked out.

*Peter's P.O.V*

I was sitting around the campfire watching the boys dance around to my flute. The boys all of the sudden stopped and looked towards me.

"What?" I shouted

I turned around and saw Felix.

"What do you want?" I asked

"We have a visitor." He said.

I smirked. "Bring him to me"

"Right away Pan". He turned and disappeared into the jungle.

"Now boys, lets have some fun with our new lost boy!"

My grin got even bigger and so did theirs.

After awhile Felix returned, carrying a net trap we made to catch Pirates or Indians.

"Whoever is in here, is knocked out cold." Felix stated.

"That makes our game even better" I declared. "Now, lets see our new 'friend', go on, open it."

Felix took his dagger and cut through the net. He pulled it off of the body and revealed a girl, lying there. All the lost boys gasped, I was shocked too but I wasn't going to show it. She was beautiful. I have never seen someone who looked so innocent just lying there, it made me feel guilty but I had to do this.

"Put her in the cage"

Felix picked her up and carried her away. I didn't want him too, but it was for the best. How did she even get here??? I watched him walk away but I must have stood there for a long time because all of the lost boys were staring at me.

"Time for bed boys... Now!" I commanded.

They all scattered and I just sat there dumb founded.... I had no idea what to do.

She was Lost, but He Found Her (Peter Pan OUAT) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now