Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

*Jackie's POV*

"What do you want with me?" I asked in complete shock.

He pulled me up on my feet and forced me into his arms. I think he learned from last time to restrict my arms even more now because I couldn't move.

"Oh you will see, love" he gave me an evil grin.

"Don't call me that." I hissed. Only Peter called me that.

"Hmm, you seem to have more fire in you. I like that." He backed me up against a tree.

"Mike, let me go. You don't know what you are getting yourself into."

If Peter finds out, all hell would break loose.

I saw Mike looking at my body.

"My eyes are up here you asshole." I glared at him.

"Oh," he looked at my wrist, "what's this?"

He pulled my hand up in front of him.

"It's just a bracelet." I looked away from him.

He turned it over.

"Aw, look, it's your initials and who's this?"

"I will never tell you his name." I spat at him.

"Aww looks like someone got a little boy toy. What's his name? Peter Pan, right? "

My eyes widened and he chuckled.

He then tore the arm cuff off my wrist and turned around.

I was free to run but what he did next made me want to kill him.

He ran a couple of feet and chucked the bracelet as far as he could.

"Now that's better."

"You bastard."

I grabbed a dagger that I always carry in my boot and threw it at him.

I hit him in the leg.

He fell in pain and looked toward me.

"Well it's been fun, but I got to go. And watch out for Pan. because you just started a war." I hissed.

I turned to run but then I ran into someone's chest. I ran pretty hard into it and I stumbled back, down onto the ground.

"Hello dearie. Get her, and don't scream." He had his sword pointed toward me.

Two pirates grabbed me. I looked toward Mike. He pulled the knife out of his leg and dropped it. He was bleeding everywhere. I felt bad, but yet I didn't at all.

Hook helped Mike up.

"Good job, boy."

"Thanks, boss." He smirked.

"Boss? You're working for him?" I asked, dumb-founded.

Two other pirates came and supported him up.

"Now, we better get going, before Pan realizes you are gone."

He tied my mouth up, also my arms and legs.

One big pirate hoisted my over his shoulder.

We eventually got to the ship and the set my down and tied me up to the post that was supporting the main sail.

Mike came over and squatted on his knees next to me.

"Get comfy, it's a long way back."

I looked at him confused, then realizing that he is taking back to the one place I did not want to go back to.


*Peter's POV*

It's been a long time since I have seen Jackie. Felix looked over at me and noticed I seemed troubled.

"What's wrong Pan?"

"Jackie left a couple of hours ago, she wasn't feeling well, but she was supposed to return by now."

"Maybe she is taking a nap or a hike to clear her head."

"Perhaps, do you mind looking for her?"

Felix nodded.

"Ok I will searched the cave and the south side if the island."

Felix put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sure she is fine." He said.

I nodded at him and flew up into the sky.

I flew to the cave as fast as I could. I looked around. No sight of her. Crap.

I then flew over the part of the island I was supposed to cover. Still not sight of her. Ok, now I'm panicking. I then tried to find Felix.

I saw him walking around looking up, as if looking for me. He spotted me and I flew down to him. He was holding something.

"What's that?" I asked him, looking at his hands.

He revealed what it was.

The bracelet I gave to Jackie.

"Wh- where did you find that?" I asked.

"I found it on the ground just lying there."

"Did you find anything else?"

"Not yet, I haven't scanned the whole area yet."

"Let's go."

We walked all around that area. Looking up and down.


He found her! I smiled and ran over to him.

"Where is sh-"

I saw the knife on the ground covered in blood.

"Oh my god."

Felix pointed out a small trail of blood.

We followed it until we reached a beach.

"She's gone." Felix stated.

I stared out into the ocean.

The one and only thing I loved....

Is gone.

She was Lost, but He Found Her (Peter Pan OUAT) COMPLETEDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя