Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

*Hook's POV*

Regina kept yelling about nonsense. It was giving me a headache.

"How could you miss him? You had a clear shot!" Her voice is sooo annoying.

"Regina, I will not shot a boy!" Snow yelled back.

They kept arguing and getting louder and louder.

"HEY!" I shouted. "Pan probably knows we are here already, and if not, he probably has heard us by now, thanks to you two."

Regina rolled her eyes.

David stepped forward, "He is right, we should all just make a plan and work together."

Rumple started to walk away from our group.

"Where are you going?" asked Emma.

"Well," he smirked. "Its been nice standing around here chatting, but I have some unfinished business to do, alone."

He disappeared into the jungle terrain.

"Well, that was strange." Emma stated.

"So Hook," Regina stepped towards me. "Neil already told us what he knows about Pan on your ship. What do you know?"

"We have had a long past, but all I know is that if he sees my face, he is going to want to kill us all."

"Um, why?" Snow looked confused.

"Lets just say one of my crew members killed his girlfriend."

They all looked shocked.

"Pan had a girlfriend?" Neil was not expecting me to say that.

"Hah, that's funny. No one could ever love Pan." Regina crossed her arms.

"See? That's what you would think. they way they looked at each other," I looked at Emma. she was looking at me strange, "You could just tell that there was a spark between them."

"Well this just means that he is going to want revenge. We have to watch out for each other." Said Charming, always trying to be the leader.

This is going to be a long couple of days.

Emma stepped forward.

"Ok, lets start planning and go save my son."

*Jackie's POV*

Peter told me to stay at camp while he and a couple of boys went to go spy on that group of adults, he said that it was too dangerous for me to go with them.

But, there are so many things I wanted to know, like why are fairy tale characters here and what do they want with us?

I snuck out of my tent, my face still covered with my dark brown cloak.

I made sure no one was watching, and I ran into the jungle. It was easy to stay hidden because it was pretty dark, well accept for the moonlight shining through the trees.

I was walking pretty fast until I heard some voices. I hid behind a thick tree. I was listening as best as I could.

A heard a woman's voice say, "Oh Mr. Gold," she sounded nervous, "I-"

She stopped talking and was gasping for air.

"Where is my grandson?" he yelled at her.

"I - don't- know" she said in between breaths.

I peeked my head from behind the tree, seeing her fall to the ground. Ugh, why must my instincts to help always come in at the wrong time.

"Let her go!" I yelled, and ran down to her, my back to this so called "Mr. Gold". She then fell completely to the ground, hearing a dust/dirt-like substance fall to the ground.

"What did you go to her?" I turned to face the man, I must show I'm not scared

"Well, well, well, looks like Pan sent one of his lost boys to come spy on me."

He stepped toward me.

"I'm not afraid of you." I stated.

"If you are so brave, then why don't you show your face?" he asked while circling me.

"Because Pan ordered us not to." I smirked.

Before I knew it, he pulled off my hood and turned me toward him.

He looked like he was going to hurt me, but then he looked at me in amazement.

"It can't be..."

He stumbled back even further.

"B-Belle? Is that you?"

Who the hell was Belle?

I turned and ran when I had the chance.

I heard him yell off in the distance, "Belle!!!!!"

I ran back into camp as fast as I could. While running, I put my hood back on and pulled out my dagger, just for safety precautions.

I ran straight back into my tent.

Peter was standing there, with his arms crossed.

I slowly took off my hood and put my dagger back.

"Well, dear, where have you been?"

"I met Mr. Gold."

His eyes widened.

"You talked to the dark one?"

"Yes, but why didn't you let me-"

He interrupted in a furious rage.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE COULD HAVE DONE? DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE CAN DO TO YOU? you could have ruined everything!"

"Peter, calm dow-"

"Why don't you ever listen to me?!? you could have been killed. That man, THAT creature could have separated us forever. Do you understand me?"

I looked down, ashamed of what I did.

"Did you hear me?"

"Yes, Peter, I did." He is being WAY too overprotective right now.

"Good, don't you ever do something like that ever again. Now I think it's best if you stay in here for the rest of the night."

"Ok, fine."

He started to walk away.

"I know something's up, and when you are mature enough to tell me, then I won't be making this 'stupid' decisions!"

He walked out pretty upset.

I sat on the bed and looked through all of the pictures I have taken.

I came across the first picture we have ever taken.

I miss THAT Peter.

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