Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I felt her let go of my embrace.

No, this can't be happening.

I looked down at her lifeless body.

"NOO!!!" I began to weep and hold her even closer to me.

It was silent on that ship. Everyone was just staring at me.

I set her down gently and looked around. I pulled the arrow out of her side and help it up in the air.

"Which one of you bastards shot this arrow?" I was pissed.

I saw one of Hooks men slowly step back, he was rather young to be a pirate.

"You," I pointed at him. "What is your name?"


I flew right in front of him. I was about an inch away from him.

"Do you know how much pain and suffering you have caused that girl? Did you know that she came to Neverland to escape from her troubles, but mostly you?"

I got even angrier.

"Did you know, that she was truly happy for once in her whole life?!? And now her death is your fault. Therefore, you must pay." I smirked

I reached into his chest and pulled out his heart. I squeezed it until it turned into dust. He fell on the floor, leaving me with the thrilling sense of a personal victory.

I walked back down to the level where Jackie was. All the pirates backed away. I looked at Hook with evil and hate running through my veins. He dropped his sword, showing that they surrender. I picked up her body, and boarded our ship.

I laid her down in one of the beds and just stared at her.

It's my fault she died.

It's my fault I wasn't there.

It's my fault I didn't walk her to camp that one day.

It's my fault that she arrived in Neverland.

It's my fault I ever created that damned place...

I grabbed her limp hand, it was cold.

I was sitting there, staring at her emotionless face, until I got the idea.

That waterfall! That water can possibly save her but we need at get there as soon as possible.

I ran out to tell Felix my plan.

"I'm going to the waterfall, it's my only hope to get Jackie back."

"Pan, it's going to take us a long time to get back, you'll never make it."

"I'm going to fly back."

"But that could drain you out completely, you might die."

"I might, but that's a risk I'm willing to take. Besides, to die would be an awfully big adventure."

We nodded at each other and I ran back to the beds. I picked her up in my arms and flew up.

I was flying as fast I could. And it was really hard to hold on to someone who isn't holding on to you.

Eventually. I spotted Neverland. My face lit up a bit.

When I close to Neverland, I felt myself start to get weak.

No,no,no. Not yet.

I got to the top of the mountain. I landed right outside of the waterfall. I forgot about all the vines that surrounded it.

I was getting to weak to make them move. I looked down at Jackie and pushed myself really hard to try to move the vines.

They finally moved. I brought her in with what little strength I had. I propped her up against I rock. I collapsed from exhaustion.

I had to get some water in her system.

I dragged my body over to the fountain I used a leaf to scoop up some water.

I weakly crawled over to her and opened her mouth. I poured the water in her mouth.

I was getting so tired very quickly.

I kept staring at her until everything started to get fuzzy. Was I too late?

I held her hand, hoping she would wake up.

Everything got dark and I passed out.

I woke up, not knowing how long I had been up.

I was still by the waterfall.

My head shot up, looking at Jackie.

Her eyes were still closed. Damn.

I felt like I had a lot of energy, now.

I wonder how Jackie's dreamshade wound looked.

I undid the lacing on her vest. I took it off and I lifted up her shirt a little until I saw the wound.

It looked bad.

I placed my hand on it. I still felt so guilty.

I sat next to her and held her in my arms.

I decided that she wasn't coming back, that I would have to learn to live without her. I gave her one last tight hug.

I felt a pair of arms go around my neck and hold on tight.

I looked down at her. Her eyes were slowly fluttering open.

I had tears running down my face.

"J-Jackie?" I smiled down at her.

"Hi Peter." She cupped my face.

"It's good to see you again, love."

"Same to you."

She leaned in and kissed me on the lips. She then buried her head into my chest.



"I want to go home."

My heart sank.

"Oh, it will take us awhile to get back to your-"

She giggled weakly.

"This is my home. I was talking about camp."

I smiled at her.

"Don't do that, you scared me. I thought you wanted to leave me."

"Peter, I would never leave you."

"Well now you can't." I chuckled.

"What do you mean?"

"The water I gave you, once someone drinks it, they can never leave Neverland."

"Well that's ok. I didn't want to leave anyway."

She tried to stand up. She almost fell, but of course I caught her.

"Woah, easy easy." I helped her up. "You are going to be weak for awhile. Here."

I scooped her up in my arms.

"Thanks" she blushed.

"Now," I said. "Let's go home."

He held on tight to me. I kissed her on the forehead.

We flew up into the air and headed back to camp.

Don't worry, I wouldn't kill off the main character. :)

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