wrongfully convicted

By cnichols8726

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One tragic day changes the life for 16 year old April Summers. Just when she thought nothing could change her... More

Wrongfully convicted
Chapter 1 my life is over
Chapter 2 The beginning of the end
Chapter 3. The Asylum
Chapter 4 Nightmares
Chapter 5 You got mail
Chapter 6 Confused
chapter 7 stricking again
Chapter 8 Safe
chapter 9 Home
Chapter 10 A new beginning
chapter 11 done deal
Authours note
Chapter 12 Confirmed.
chapter 13 holding together
Chapter 14 What A Blast
Chapter 15 Party
Chapter 16 Davids POV
Chapter 17 Dead End
Chapter 18 A sign
Chapter 19 confession
chapter 20. David POV
Chapter 21 Almost Normal
Chapter 22 back to school
Chapter 23 after school.
Chapter 24 David POV.
chapter 25 Results
Chapter 26 Injury
Chapter 27 The talk
Chapter 28 Accepted
Chapter 29 Repercussions
Chapter 30 Hes back
Chapter 31 Suspect
Chapter 32 Released
Chapter 33 New information
Chapter 34 A clue
Chapter 35 Surprise
Chapter 36 Trying to understand
Chapter 37 Over
Authors note/Question/ Thank you
Chapter 39 Reaper revealed
Authors Note
Chapter 40 (Part 2)
Authors note
chapter 41 Johns Pov
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 This ends now
Chapter 44 Ending it all

Chapter 38 Everything happens for a reason

198 13 6
By cnichols8726

It has been 2 weeks since John was taken into custody. He has not yet had a trial but the judge did  deem that the evidence they had on his was enough to hold him until further investigating has been done.  David was pissed when he found out and very hurt he just didn't understand why or how his best friend could do that to him. I really don't know what I was feeling I had mixed feelings I guess you could say. I was relieved that this was finally over and I didn't have to live in fear but something was nagging at me but I didn't know what so I ignored the feeling. I was content that things where starting to go back to normal and I could finally move on with life.

School started back up after thanksgiving break and of course rumors where flying around about what happened. Mia was very upset and didn't really talk to me. I'm not sure what was running through her mind, I don't know if she was mad at me for John going to jail or if she was mad at him for what he has done. Either way I haven't talked to her I figured I would give her some space. I ended up passing down my position as captain to Julie and took her place. Right now with everything going on I could not handle trying to hold a squad together. Shit I couldn't even control or hold my own life together. The doctor released me to return to all activity but if i start to have pain to cut back. They said I healed nicely and quickly.

David still was always with me but now he started staying back home, his parents where relieved that he was cleared but upset because of john, they had no idea. They attend thanksgiving at my house and his mother and my aunt became pretty good friends. So like I said life is slowly getting back to normal and I more then glad.


Ugh, my alarm sounded pulling me out of my very nice dream. I slapped the alarm off and laid in bed for a few more minutes. I finally forced myself up and out of my bed and dragged my butt to the shower. We where back to the routine of school for me and work for my aunt and uncle. After my shower I did my hair and got dressed for school. After I took a second look at myself in the mirror and determined I was happy with how I looked I merrily walked down stairs. My bags under my eyes have faded away and the light came back into my eyes. I was not always so tired actual looked forward to the days ahead of me. I vowed to myself that what has happened in my life is my past and will stay there. I have taken back all control and I will not lose it again.

"good morning." I sang as I walked into the kitchen. "someone is chipper this morning." My aunt teased

 "it is so nice to see the old April again."she said handing me a cup of her famous latte that I oh so loved.

 "it is nice to be back." I smiled at her.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket, only one person text me this early. ~Good morning beautiful, be over soon~ David sent

~ ok stud u better hurry b4 i drink all the coffee.~

~save me some, plz :(~

I went back to my cup and my talking to my aunt. It felt so nice to be able to talk to her. She was always a good listener and she gave good advice to. She was like a mother and sister all wrapped in one.

"so wanna go shopping this weekend?" She asked

"um' sure but I think I own everything already."  We both laughed" April you can never own everything."

 Just as I was about to reply David walked in."hey beautiful." He placed a soft kiss on my cheek

I really don't know how I got so lucky to have a guy like David want to be with me, to love me for who I am. I am just pure lucky. "good morning" I smiled up at him. My aunt handed him a cup and he about removed her arm." man Jenni these things are to die for I swear." he complimented.

"Good morning everyone." My uncle said walking into the kitchen to join us. "Morning." We all replied back at once.

We all sat at the table drinking my aunts lattes and chit chatting, something we haven't done in a while, and something I truly missed.

"well we got to get going or we will be late." I said standing up. "Same here." My aunt replied eyeing the clock.

 "See you later." David and I said leaving the kitchen

We headed for his dads car to go to school. We pulled into the usual spot and parked. We made our way to the court yard where we would always meet up with our friends. As we got closer I spotted Mia standing there. I wanted to run to her but I decided against it I still was not sure how she felt. As we approached everyone, She eyed me, the look was a little between I'm sorry and why. I gave her a small smile back.

"Can we talk?" She asked

"of course." I replied I released David's and walked with Mia. She stayed quiet and stared at the ground. "so what do you wanna talk about?" I asked her

She looked up at me and I could see her eyes where glossed over like she was fighting back tears." I'm sorry" she managed to choke out

"Why are you sorry?" I questioned" It wasn't your fault."

" I know, but he was my boyfriend and you are my best friend, I should have known something was wrong."

"Mia, you couldn't have known no one did, He didn't want anyone to know and he was good at it. It is the past now and I am moving on. I am not mad at you for anything. You are my best friend." I reassured her.

She wiped a stray tear that rolled down her cheek "Piece of pie?"

"Piece of cake."  I pulled her into a hug. "you will always be my best friend." I told her

We walked back to the rest of the group just as the bell rang to tell us all to get to our classes. David took my hand and Mia walked be side me. As we entered the school I had a huge smile on my face and for the first time I walked down the hallway with confidence I never had before. All the students moved to the side to clear a path like i was Moses parting the red sea. I was back to myself, I had my best friend and the hottest sweetest guy in all of California as my boy friend.  Even though my life has been hell I would not change it.

                 Sometimes people come into your life 

               and you know right away that they were meant to be there,

               to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, 

               or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. 

              You never know who these people may be.  Possibly your roommate or neighbour, 

               professor or long lost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger.

            but when you lock eyes with them,  you know at that very moment

             they will affect your life in some profound way.

            And sometimes things happen to you

            that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, 

          but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles.

          you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart.


A/N This is a poem I found online there is more to it but this is the only part I wanted. Also I hope you liked. Please comment,vote and share. Also this chapter is dedicated to Suebeardsley5.

I bet you thought this was over didn't you?  It is not over until the fat lady sings and right now she has laryngitis and is unavailable.

~MUAH~  ~C~

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