How I Ended Up In Middle Eart...

By MsElijahWood

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18 year old Alice Graham is an avid Lord of The Rings fan. She saw every midnight showing, ripped every artic... More

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)
Chapter 2 HIEUIME (How I ended up in Middle Earth)
Chapter 3 HIUEIME
Chapter 4 HIEUIME
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18 The Two Towers!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
The Return of the King (Chapter 35)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 (The Final Chapter
A Memoir

Chapter 17

1K 21 7
By MsElijahWood

When we reached the boat, everyone slowly piled in, this time, I was in the back with Boromir Next to me. That made me a tad nervous. He was a devious man. Not to be trusted with the Ring around. I avoided eye contact at all costs. 

"Hey, so umm about everything that happened so far during the quest, I'm sorry."  A deep voice uttered inbeilveable words next to me. I turned my head slightly to look at Boromir. Personally, I was shocked he even talked to me in such a kind tone. 

"'s okay. The Ring does that to people." I told him. He nodded his head.

"Yes. I thought I had control over myself when we came here, but I think that once I saw the Ring, I became powerless. That is what lead to my foul behavior. I hope that you can accept my  apology." Boromir asked me. I looked at him as a different man. He seemed much kinder and more thougthful. Maybe even some courage. 

"It is accpeted." I told him. He gave a nice hearty laugh and for the next couple hours on that boat or so, we talked about our homelands. Mainly his though. I learned that he is the son of the Steward of Gondor, Denethor. Seems like a nice guy. Boromir usually goes out to fight in the wars and battles that take place near Gondor with his younger brother Faramir. Faramir sounds like a nice young lad. I also learned that Boromir had a girl that was awaiting his arrival back at Gondor. They had met on the battle field, which was a surprising story to hear. He said that the war was done and over and they were seeing if there was any living among the piles of dead people out on the battle field. When they were looking through the mounds of death, a girl had caught his eye. She was breathing very heavily and was being crushed by the countless dead that were piled on top of her. Now Boromir said that it was very odd and that he had never seen a woman on the battlefield. So after a long thought, he went over to help her. He later found out that she had taken the place of her father so that he wouldn't die in the war. After that, they fell in love. "And that's why I love seeing you and Pippin together all the time. It reminds me of me and my girl. Ah, I do miss her." Boromir reminisced on his love life. I smiled and knew that Boromir had a heart. "Tell me about your land." He asked. First, I was confused. "Which land? Because Boromir, I have come from so many different places that I do not know what to talk about." 

"Oh, may you talk about all of them. If you remember?" He asked.

"I'll give it a shot. Let's start out with the one I know most. The Shire. It's actually where I landed when I came down from the Old World. It's such a peaceful and quaint place. The best place to just relax and unwind. That's were I met Pippin, Merry, Frodo and Sam. First, I thought that I was in love with Frodo. He did propose to me. But after a long thought and him leaving me, I knew that deep down in my hearts desire, I wanted Pippin. But putting that stuff aside, I really enjoy the Shire. As for the Old World, I do not remember much. I knew that I lived somewhere near mountains and lakes. They were very pretty and I enjoyed them." I sighed as I struggled to remember the Old World. 

"What do you remember about Mirkwood?" he asked. He put his elbows on his knees and leaned forward, listening intently.

"Mirkwood, hmm. I do not remember much. I was a baby then, so I think that I wouldn't remember a lot. I wish I did though...." Boromir listened to every word that I spoke. He was quite keen on getting to know me better, since we had started off on a sour note. Although, I think that Merry and Pippin were getting jealous at the attention and thought I was giving Boromir. 

"Ah. I've always wanted to leave the boundaries of Gondor and Minas Tirith, but my father says that horrible creatures lurk outside the walls. He also implied that the Elves were no good people and that we should not trust them. Sometimes I think that my father is just keeping me there so I can be like him. But truth is, I don't want to be like my father. I want to explore Middle Earth and learn about the different lands and people there." As Boromir talked about his wishes, I realized that Boromir isn't a bad person. He wants to explore and do great things. It's just the Ring that has ruined him.

Near the end of the trip, I dozed off and fell asleep. I'm not even sure how I managed to fall asleep in the sitting up position. But I was comfortable and that was all that mattered. 

      In my sleep, I had more visions. This time more graphic. I was running towards or away from something with Merry and Pippin by my side. I'm not sure what, but it was something worthwhile our time. We ran down the rocky hills and brambly trees slapping us in the face and stubbing our toes on the stumps of dead trees. I could sense that something was behind us, though I was too afraid to look back. Eager though, to find out what was causing this, I did. I saw a heard of Orcs and newly bred Uruk Hai. They were much more devious and well trained then the original orcs that Saruman had. Pip, Merry and I reached the bottom of a hill and stopped to catch out breath. Uruk Hai was still following us. Scared out of our wits, we turned to keep running, but saw that we were delayed by the many Uruk Hai teams that had come up behind us, baracading us in. I knew that this was the end. I held Merry and Pippin's hand and said an elvish prayer. The Uruk Hai advanced slowly towards us, as if they were teasing us. I closed my eyes shut and waited. As the seconds passed, nothing came. I opened my eyes and saw that Boromir had arrived to save us. He was killing and slaughtering Uruk Hai by the dozen. We cheered and knew that we were going to be saved. That victory did not last long. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lurtz. The Uruk Hai leader. Standing above all, he took out his own bow and arrow. Setting the arrow into the bow and pulling back, he aimed for Boromir. I watched in horror as he let go and the arrow went flying. It hit Boromir and he hit the ground with shock, but what surprised us all was that he got back up and began to brings down more Uruk Hai. Lurtz flung another arrow and another. By the third or fourth arrow, he sank down, dying slowly....

I flung up, scared from the freaky vision I had. I looked beside me at Boromir. He was peering out at the wonderous sights of the river that we were traveling on. I looked out too. I felt something evil out beyond the forests. A chill rose up my spine and back down. 

While sitting in the boat, I felt a crash. I jolted up to see what had happened. I peered over Merry and PIppin, who were looking to see where we were. I recognized this place. We had arrived at Parth Galen. I watched as Aragorn, Frodo and Sam got out of their boat first. I examined Frodo closely. He looked paler, weaker and much more quite. He was the Frodo I didn't know. I watched him as he tripped and landed on the rocks. The One Ring came out from underneath his shirt. Beside me, I felt Boromir tensen up. I looked to see is Boromir was going to be alright. He wasn't. It was like a dark veil of pure hatred and evil had covered him. He looked at the Ring and longed to have it in his hands. I was going to say something to stop him, but He jumped out of the boat and watched Frodo from the side. He set his shield down and sat down, admiring the scenery. Pippin came up behind. 

"What's wrong, Ali?" He asked. I snapped out of my stage

"Oh, nothing. Nothing's wrong. Come on, let's sit down." I went over to where we had begun to set up our things. I sat down and watched as Aragorn set up camp and Legolas and Gimli sat down. Gimli took a seat next to us and began babbling on about the path we would be taking. He talked about razor toothed things that stuck out of the ground and the bogs that would stand between us and Mordor. Pip and I looked at him with fear. The baby kicked as if to agree.

"oof!" I said as the baby stopped. I held my stomach and made sure to not draw any attention. Pippin noticed and watched me carefully. He knew that I could handle myself now. While we were waiting for Merry to come back with the wood for fire, I kept a careful eye on Boromir. He seemed to be in a conflict with his self. Pippin was playing with some sticks he had found lying near the bank of the river. 

"Pippin, do you miss the Shire?" I asked him, knowing the answer already.

"Yes. I do miss the shire very much. But this is a fun adventure." He said with faux joy.

"don't worry. I hope to be near the Shire soon." I told him. He nodded.

Merry came back with the wood and set it down near the campfire. 

"Took you long enough." Gimli grumbled. Merry shrugged and wiped his hands on his trousers.

"Where's Frodo?" He asked. Everyone sat up, even Sam who had been dozing off. All of us looked toward where Frodo had been lying. He was gone and missing! I looked near the tree that Boromir had sat down near. He was gone too! Oh no.....I stood up.

"We have to find him. The Uruk Hai are here somehwere. Lurking around waiting to take the Hobbits!" I alarmed everyone. The group stood up and picked up their weapons.

"Then we haven't a moment to waste!" Aragorn said. All of us took of into the forest. Merry, Pippin and I took up the rear.

"Where do you think he is?" Merry asked me as we were running through the underbrush of the trees.

"i think he might at some old ruins. Aragorn will find him. I trust that he will. Come on!" I urged the boys to run faster, as we were slowing down and losing gain with the others. I worried about Boromir. I had made a promise to myself that I was going to help Boromir through and I was going to watch him and make sure the Ring didn't hurt him. I couldn't break that. The three of us ran blindly through the trees, hitting rocks and stone. jumping over things, until, we did not realize where we were. 

"Wait! Where are we?" Pippin asked. He stopped and did a 360 around the area we had ended up in

"I think we're lost." Merry whimpered. I stood still. For, as I listened closely, I could hear the Uruk Hai, tumbling and trodding down the hill. 

"Merry, Pippin, Under that log! Quick. Before the Uruk Hai see us!" I pointed to a fallen log that made a makeshift cave. Small enough to hide the three of us out of the unruly sight of the deadly Uruk Hai. Merry and Pippin pushed and shoved to get to the cave. I herded them in. 

Once we were in the cave, I huddled close to them. I could hear the group swarming and comign down the hill. Loud thuds echoed off the top of the log as the group jumped onto the fallen tree and back off. They knew were Frodo was. 

"Guys, if we don't make through this, I just want to say. I love you both. And you both have been really great to me from the start. You guys are what keeps me in check." I said shakily. Should I tell them about the baby?

"Aw, thanks. We enjoyed your company at the Shire. It was quite amusing seeing you adjust to the people there. Especially when you told your stories to the little kids. And, remember when you almost fell off that cliff and died, but Sam helped you. that was frightening." Merry looekd back on teh wonderous memories of the past. 

"I remembered when I first met you. Merry and I were fishing along the lake side when we heard this horrible ans scary scream. We got up and ran over to it to see what it was. Then we saw it was you. A mortal girl. That's what we thought. And then we brought you to the Hobbit Hole and I found that gum you had in your pocket. Sam watched you and then when you woke up, he started to ask you all the questions... and-" I stopped Pippin in mid sentence. 

"Yeah, that was fun." I reachede out for his hand. "Listen, Pip, Merrry, I need to tell you something...." They looked at me like the little hobbit children had when I was about to begin my story. "I-I-I, Pippin, you am...Pre-"

"Look! Frodo!" Merry stopped me and pointed out that Frodo had just dashed down the hill to evade the Uruk Hai. "Frodo, come here!" Merry waved toward us, signalling that he should join us in hiding.  "Frodo, come on! Hurry." Merry called again. Frodo just looked at us with sorry eyes and shook his head. 

"What is he doing?" Pippin asked.

"He's leavin' us....He leavin' us..." merry told us. Then he looked up and jumped out of the cave. Pip and I followed.

"Aye!!! AYE!!! Over here, yoooo hooooo!!!!!" Merry called for the attention of the Uruk Hai. They stood at the top of the hill and looked down at us, then they rushed through the trees and began to chase us. 

"It's working! Merry, they're following us!!! It's working!" Pippin cried out.

"I know come on!"

The threee of us dashed down the hill and zig zagged through the maze of a forest. Taking as many twists and turns to through the Uruk Hai off us, we landed our selves in the bottom of the hill, a flat surface with many trees. The Uruk Hai took this and rounded us in. We were being circled. Each one of them pulled out their odd assorments of weapons and came close to us. Raising their knives and swords ans other things, they gave a battle cry and slung down. But before we were cut to pieces, someone intercepted and cut the Uruk Hai's head off. Boromir! I was giddy with happiness. But then I realized that fate to come. The three of us just stood there, not knowing what to do, but watch Boromir slay the Uruk Hai! I was so happy....but then, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Lurtz!!! He was going to kill Boromir!

"Merry, Pippin. Stay here, I need to take care of something." I whispered to them. They both nodded and I crept away, behind teh giant mess that was going on. I walked among the trees, trying to be as careful as I could. Lurtz was at least a couple feet away. He would see me....but what if....I climbed the tree and attacked him then!? I looked up the tall giant tree nex to me. I jumped up and grabbed a limb and began to scale up the trunk. I jumped from branch to branch, leaping with grace. As Soon as I got high enough, I looked down. Lurtz had taken out his bow and arrow. Place the arrow in the bow and aimed. It was now or never. I took out my sword and leaped from the tree. The wind rushed past me and my hair flew up. I was falling quickly. I tried and poised my sword down. Then I landed on Lurtz with a bone crushing noise. He fell and let go of the Bow and Arrow. But, the arrow was realeased to early. It hit Bormir near the chest. He fell and looked around. He saw me and Lurtz and smiled. Pippin and Merry noticed and began attacked thi uruk Hai with their weapons. I brought my attettion back to Lurtz. I raised my sword and stabbed him. He yowled out with anger and threw me off of him and to the ground. He took out his own sword and pressed it against my face, cutting in slowly. The blood oozed out and dirt entered. It was like no pain before! Lurtz slashed me and then came back to finish me off. Just then, I heard Aragorn bounding through the forest. He attacked Lurtz and left me free. I jumped up and Looked for Merry and Pippin. I turned to my right and saw them leaping onto a pair of Uruk Hai. Hitting them with the hilts of their swords. The Uruk Hai saw the Hobbits and grabbed them up. Taking them and leaving us. 

"Merry, Pippin!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOO!!!! Come back!! YOU LET THEM GO!" I screamed loudly. I saw them running away with the Hobbits and I took off after them. I can't let them leave. 

"ALICE!!" Merry and Pippin both screamed. Flailing away at the grip of the Uruk Hai. Their faces were going pale and I was running out of breath. Just as I was about to make it and possibly save Merry and Pippin, something grabbed me and held me against me running will.

"Let go!" I screamed. I flung my arms and scratched and then gave a nive good punch to what ever was holding me back.

"Alice, alice, calm down......." I knew that voice...I stopped fighting and turned to see who had me. Legolas had stopped me. His face was all bloodied and bruised from me hit and scratching. But he seemed calm.

"Legolas,...they took my Merry and Pippin. We need to get them! The Uruk Hai think they have the Ring! Legolas, we can't let them leave!!" I whined and pouted. He looked down unto me calmly.

"Alice, I think that you have some other buisness to attend to. I promise you, we will talk about saving Merry and Pippin. Just....err, you have something to do." Legolas hesitated before he pointed over to Boromir, who was lying on the ground, breathing heavily. I let him die! I got up and rushed over to see if I could save him. I scrambled up and quickly dashed over to his side, dropping down to my knees. 


"Y-y-you're a good person. You l-l-let Frodo go....I couldn't." He gasped between words. The arrow in his chest was hurting him. Impaling his insides and leading to a slow and painful death.

"Shh. I know I know. But don't worry. I'm going to help you." I looked at Boromir, worried. He looked horrible. I was terrified that he wouldn't make it. I looked at Legolas for help. 

"Just do what yout think would be natural." He told me. I looked back down at the arrow. So just go with my gut...."Boromir, this might hurt, but I promise I am going to make it better." I told him. I reached over with both hands and placed them on the arrow. I counted to 3 in my head. 1...2...3! At three, I pulled out the arrow and quickly threw it on the ground. Boromir yelled with pain and I quickly placed my hands over the gaping wound. Blood oozed out over my fingers, sliding down onto his horn of Gondor. I panicked and began to re think my strategy. Gimli, Legolas, and Aragorn all watched me. As I held his wound, I began to utter words that I didn't even know! "Tanka harwar,  Poika tuulo'  'kshapsae, Vara tel' Seldarine, Ama poldora, Aman tel' Seldarine." I murmered under my breath. Beneath my hands, the wound began to glow a golden color, then it faded away. I took my hands away. I looked at where the hole used to be. There was no arrow puncture. I smiled! I did it! 

"What was that?" Boromir sat up and looked down at his chest.

"I think that Alice here learned the Elvish healing phrases." Legolas said. "Good job little sister." he grinned and was already smiling so widely. I had saved Boromir. Without knowing it, Boromir had grabbed me in a bear hug. I could feel his smiling about me saving him. I hugged him back.

"Thank you for saving my life, friend." Boromir looked at me with pure kindness.

"Of course, friend." I hugged him once more and knew I had a good friend. We both got up and looked at the others. 

"We can't let Merry and Pippin perish in the hands of the Orcs. We must go save them. now who wants to hunt some ORc!!" Aragorn cried out. All of us cheered and ran into the forest.....

The End of The Fellowship of the Ring. NExt: The Two Towers 

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