Legends Lost: Galdin

By JanetMcNulty

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When darkness looms And all is gloom Two will rise Bearing the mark combined. One, the phoenix dwells within ... More

Legends Lost: Galdin (Prologue)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter 1)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter II)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter III)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter IV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter V)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter VI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter VII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book1, Chapter VIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter IX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book1, Chapter X)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XIII)
Legends Lost: Gladin (Book 1, Chapter XI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter IV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XVI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XVII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XVIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XIX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter 1)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter II)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter III)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter IV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter V)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter VI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter VII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter VIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter IX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter X)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapte XI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter XII))
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter XIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book3, Chapter I)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book3, Chapter II)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter III)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter IV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter V)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter VI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book, Chapter VII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter VIII))
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book, Chapter IX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter X)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XIV)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XVI)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XVII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XVIII)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book, Chapter XIX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XX)
Legends Lost: Galdin (Epilogue)

Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XV)

75 5 0
By JanetMcNulty

Note: This is the 47th chapter in my fantasy novel, Legends Lost: Galdin. There are 52 chapters total and I will post 1 chapter every Friday.  But if you wish to read the entire book now, it is available for purchase on Amazon, iBookstore, Kobo, B&N, and Smashwords.  

Chapter XV


Nylana carefully wrapped a bandage around the cut in Ryk's arm.  Her nimble fingers unraveled the cloth with each pass she made. 

Ryk watched each movement of her hands never wincing once.  "You do that well," he said.

"I learned to long ago."  Memories of watching her mother dress wounds after Vasagius' rebellion flashed through her mind.  "You should be more careful."

Ryk lifted Nylana's chin peering into her green eyes.  "This is not like the last time."

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"I know of Vasagius' rebellion and of how he murdered your father.  This is not like before."

"Are you certain?  Whenever Vasagius appears I lose someone I love."

"Well, you will never be rid of me," said Ryk.

Nylana shot him a surprised look.

"You do a poor job of hiding it."

"I suppose I do."

Nylana allowed Ryk to wrap his arms around her for a moment.  She noticed Tami skulking through the encampment away from prying eyes.  Excusing herself, Nylana followed the girl.

Nylana found Tami seated alone in the moonlight; her knees drawn close as she hugged herself.  Curious about the girl's behavior, she moved closer.

"You should not sit so close to me," said Tami, downcast.

"Why not?"  Nylana took a place beside the girl.

"I ran away," said Tami, "I don't know why.  I saw the army of Vasagius and the men sneaking up on us and I got frightened.  I always thought that I was brave, but the sight of those men—I just couldn't face it.

"I am so useless.  My magic nearly always fails.  And now I have let you all down."

Nylana listened carefully.  She understood.  "Tami, you are no coward.  You are not the first to flee at such a sight, nor will you be the last.  You can regain their respect."


"All men feel fear.  You must face it.  When we meet Vasagius again, you will stand on the front lines."

"I don't think I can," whispered Tami.

"You will.  Use the power that I know you have within you."

"But I failed you all," said Tami.

"You will only have failed us if you refuse to face Vasagius' men tomorrow."

"I am a simple girl," said Tami, "I was not raised to be brave and face dangers like you were.  It is difficult."

"And so it is with me," Nylana replied.  "Courage is never taught.  It is something you choose."

Tami turned away hugging her knees even more tightly.

Leaving the young girl to her thoughts, Nylana moved away feeling sorry for Tami.

A commotion caught her attention.  She hadn't realized that Krispyn and Galdin had called a meeting.  Knowing why she wasn't informed, Nylana marched toward the tent.

Tami stared after Nylana as she walked to the tent where the men had chosen to meet.  Perhaps she is right, thought the girl.  Tami hugged her knees even more.  She felt like a failure. 

Fur brushed her leg.  Tami reached down and stroked Magi's soft fur.  "You shouldn't be alone," said the cat.

"I desire solitude for the moment," said Tami.

"In that case I will sit with you."  Magi nestled into Tami's side purring loudly.  "What you need to do, young lady, is decide how you wish to be remembered."

"What do you mean?" asked Tami.

"Well, do you want to be remembered as the girl who ran away, or the girl who faced a charging hoard of barbarians?"

Tami remained silent.

"I know what Nylana said to you and she's right."

"Eavesdropping again?"

"Of course," said Magi as though it should have been obvious.  "Just think about it.  And scratch my ears."

Tami rubbed the cat's ears as purring filled the small space around her.  Perhaps there is hope.

"How did they manage to surround us?" demanded Krispyn.

"Have you forgotten Shelwyk?" said Lord Preston.

"No, I have not.  It is unfortunate that he is the one behind all this.  But the only way they could have snuck up from behind is by climbing the Black Cliffs—impossibly sharp rocks even for a dwarf to climb."

"Magic was at work there," said Petra.

"And you," Krispyn turned on Orrin, "How did you know to come here?"

"I received instructions," replied Orrin.  "Soon after Galdin and I had parted, my father died and I was made king.  And I received this note."  He pulled out the paper that Quesha had sent him.

Petra took it, examining it.  "There is only one person in the world who would have written this.  I'd recognize that witch's handwriting anywhere."

Krispyn reached for the note.  "And you obeyed these instructions from one you did not know?"

"She was very persuasive," answered Orrin.

"She usually is," chuckled Petra.  "My king, you have little to fear from this man.  If Quesha sent him, she had a reason."

"And he saved all our lives," said Galdin.

A cough sounded around them.

"As did you, Lord Belznyc," Galdin added with a slight bow.

"What should we do about Vasagius' offer?" asked Krispyn.

"Surrender," said Lord Preston.  "It is the only way."

"But that would be—" began Lord Ardryn.

"Foolish!"  Nylana burst into the tent.

"My lady," said Lord Preston, "We did not see you standing there."

"Nor would you be expecting me to since I was not informed of this meeting," Nylana said.

"Nylana," began Krispyn, "We were merely discussing—"

"I know what it is you were discussing," interrupted Nylana, "If you give in to Vasagius' demands there will be no hope for the rest of us.  He will kill us all."

"But we have his word," said Lord Preston.

"And you trust the word of a man who burns entire villages and kills without remorse," said Nylana.

"I am always for a good fight," said Lord Belznyc.  "We dwarves refuse to give up our arms."

"I must agree with the dwarf," said Lord Ardryn.

"Lord Stefon?" asked Krispyn.

Stefon looked up for a moment.  He shook his head slightly remaining silent.

"If we fight we will die," said Krispyn.  "I propose a choice.  We will let the men decide if they wish to continue this war or leave."

"Are you—"

Petra squeezed Nylana's arm forcing her into silence.  "What say you, Galdin?"

Galdin unfolded his arms as he pulled himself from his musing.  "You all have valid points.  We cannot win this fight through strength of arms.  But surrendering entirely is unwise.  Vasagius will most likely kill us all despite what we do.

"You can offer the men a choice, Krispyn, but you best hope they make the right one.  I for one believe we should take a stand even if it means annihilation."

"What is your decision?" Petra asked Krispyn.  Something in the back of his mind clawed its way to freedom.

"I cannot order them into annihilation.  If there is a chance we might live, then we should take it.  Let the men choose their own fate."

Krispyn noticed the troubled look on Petra's face.  "Something troubling you, wizard?"

Petra looked directly into Krispyn's eyes keeping his face unreadable.  "What isn't to trouble me when we are facing a madman with an army bent on our destruction?" 

The note in Petra's voice indicated that he had just learned something; but what no one could guess.

The four remaining lords of the five lands saluted and left the tent with Krispyn and the wizard. 

Nylana rounded on Galdin.  "Are you just going to let them sell themselves into slavery?  If we are to die we shall die as men.  Will you not try to convince them?"

Galdin faced his sister.  "If there is one thing I have learned from you, it's that you always find a way of taking a stand and convincing others to follow you.  They will not follow Krispyn."

"He is their king.  How can you be so sure?"

"Because you convinced me not to."  Galdin left Nylana alone to stew in her frustration.

She stormed out of the tent running right into Orrin.

"Never struck by a slave indeed.  If only I had known you were the Princess of Tesnayr."


Orrin cut her off.  "I know why you never told me.  You had no reason to trust me.  I wish to apologize for my father's actions."

"There is no need."

"I beg to differ.  And when this conflict is over, I hope that relations between Pras'quel and Tesnayr can be restored."

"They were never lost," said Nylana. 

"Perhaps not," said Orrin.  "Shall we?"  He motioned for her to follow him.   "We have much to discuss."

  Tune back Next Friday for the next chapter.

You can buy this book and the rest of the Legends Lost series at Amazon, B&N, Kobo, iBooks, and Smashwords. You can follow me on Twitter (JMRUL), or like my Facebook page. For more information, see www.legendslosttrilogy.com. Your support is appreciated. Thanks for reading!

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