Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter XII))

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Note: This is the 31th chapter in my fantasy novel, Legends Lost: Galdin. There are 52 chapters total and I will post 1 chapter every Friday.  But if you wish to read the entire book now, it is available for purchase on Amazon, iBookstore, Kobo, B&N, and Smashwords.  

 Chapter XII

Mira's Home

 Mira smiled broadly as they approached her village.  Her little feet scuffled across the dirt path as she ran for her home.  People going about their business paused to see who raced toward them.

"Mira!" cried a man as he charged for the girl.

"Papa!"  Mira ran into the man's outstretched arms.

"Mira."  The man hugged the girl tightly.

Nylana and Galdin grinned at each other as they walked up to the man.

"They saved me," said Mira pointing at Galdin and Nylana.

"I cannot thank you enough," said the man.  "My name is Clovis.  Please, stay and share a meal with me."

"We can't," said Galdin.  "We must be on our way."

"Please," said Clovis, "I insist."

"Seeing you two united is thanks enough," said Galdin.

"Very well," said Clovis, "Then let me get supplies for you for your journey." 

Before Galdin could protest, Clovis had called people over to gather water and food for them.  Within minutes bags of supplies were shoved into Galdin's hands.

Magi meowed impatiently.  Mira swooped down and hugged the cat tightly squeezing out a screech.  Instantly, Tabs laughed uncontrollably earning him a glare from Magi.  Within seconds, Mira squeezed him too.

"Serves you right," said Magi as she stalked off.

Within the hour they had continued their journey leaving the little village behind and Mira.  Galdin's gait had an extra bounce to it indicating the euphoria he felt inside.

*                  *                  *

Lord Belznyc stormed through the door to his quarters.  He halted midstride at what greeted him.  Instead of his room, he stood in the midst of a battlefield surrounded by the corpses of dwarves.  Fires burned everywhere filling the area with smoke as behind him stood the archway leading into D'arr. 

Horror struck, Lord Belznyc spun on his heels looking all about him.  The scene vanished as his room filled the area once more.

"This is what will happen if you refuse Nylana's request."  Quesha materialized from the shadows as she stepped into the firelight.  Strands of graying hair framed her features.

"Who are you?" demanded Lord Belznyc.  "How did you get in here?"

"Doors cannot keep me out," said Quesha.

"What do you want?"

"To give you a warning," said Quesha, "Heed Nylana's request or suffer death."

"You do not frighten me," said Lord Belznyc.

"No?  Then fear the wrath of Vasagius, for he will stop at nothing until all are dead.  Fear the wrath of the phoenix who will demand an explanation for your actions."

"The phoenix is gone."

"I would not be so certain of that."  Quesha picked up a small object bearing the crest of MurDair.  She tossed it to Lord Belznyc who caught it.  "If you cherish MurDair, head for the Black Mountains.  This is your only warning."  Quesha disappeared. 

Lord Belznyc stared at the place where she had been, fiddling with the thing she had given him.

  Tune back Next Friday for the next chapter.

You can buy this book and the rest of the Legends Lost series at Amazon, B&N, Kobo, iBooks, and Smashwords. You can follow me on Twitter (JMRUL), or like my Facebook page. For more information, see www.legendslosttrilogy.com. Your support is appreciated. Thanks for reading!

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