Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter 1)

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Note: This is the 20th chapter in my fantasy novel, Legends Lost: Galdin. You will see Book 2 and thn chapter 1 because I split the book into three parts, and we have reached part 2. There are 52 chapters total and I will post 1 chapter every Friday. But if you wish to read the entire book now, it is available for purchase on Amazon, iBookstore, Kobo, B&N, and Smashwords.

Book Two

Shrouded Mist

Masks and illusions surround us

Guiding our will with little to trust,

But their unending maze

Of lies and lust.

Our footsteps buried in a haze

Of vapors and mist. Gaze

Upon the veiled path

Illuminated only by torch's blaze.

Why suffer a shadow's wrath?

What did we commit to hath

Warranted the cloaked puppeteer's

Strings forging our path.

Fog of deception, let us be.

Undo thy shroud of mystery.

Let in the light so that we may see

And forge our own Destiny.

Chapter XIX


The sun bore down upon Trya and Nylana as they trudged through the lower part of the mountains. Galdin had reluctantly agreed to let Nylana go on this mission of hers. She thought back to the conversation they had had that night as La'nar burned.

"You cannot go alone," said Galdin. "You have to take someone with you."

"I will go with her," Ryk had readily volunteered.

Nylana chuckled to herself as she remembered the look on her brother's face. "Trya, you will go with Nylana. In one month's time we will meet you in MurDair."

"But," Nylana had tried to protest.

"One month. That is how long it will take us to reach it. That is how much time you have to find this thing of yours."

They parted that night against Galdin's better judgment. Nylana felt a bit guilty for forcing him into this situation.

She glanced over at Trya as the elf walked tirelessly over the rough terrain. How does she do it? Nylana always marveled at how elves never tired. Or rather, they never displayed fatigue.

"Do you know where you are headed?" asked Trya.

"Yes," lied Nylana.

"How much farther?"

Guiltily, Nylana looked at Trya. "Far."

Trya stopped, facing Nylana. "You have no idea, do you?"

"No," answered Nylana, "I do and I don't. I know that what I must find is in this region but I do not know its exact location. I do not even know what it is exactly."

"What did the wizard tell you?"

"Not much. He said for me to listen. To feel. Listen to the wind. That was what happened that night we fled La'nar. I heard the wind and suddenly everything made sense, but now I cannot hear it anymore."

Trya nodded her head understanding what Nylana meant. She placed her weapons on the ground. "Come here."

Nylana moved closer to the elf.

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