Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter IX)

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Note: This is the 28th chapter in my fantasy novel, Legends Lost: Galdin. There are 52 chapters total and I will post 1 chapter every Friday.  But if you wish to read the entire book now, it is available for purchase on Amazon, iBookstore, Kobo, B&N, and Smashwords.  

 Chapter IX

Burned to the Ground

 Nylana and those with her moved cautiously into the forest that belonged to the unicorns.  She knew they were close to MurDair and hoped to find sanctuary and rest.  The line of people behind her crept slowly with effort; listless as though they spent their last energy just to put one foot in front of the other.  She felt worn as well and looked forward to recuperation.

Nylana glanced at Trya.  The elf walked erect and purposefully as though the last seven days of marching meant nothing to her.  How does she do it?  Nylana always marveled at how the elves could go for weeks without any signs of fatigue.  Her rubbery legs protested each movement she took.  "We'll be there soon," Nylana told herself, "Soon we can rest."

As though knowing her innermost thoughts, a piece of ash fell from the sky landing gracefully on her shoulder.  Nylana picked it up with her fingers and studied it.  She looked up.  Above them all floated bits of ash swaying in the breeze.  Smoke reached her nostrils and the sound of burning flames permeated her ears.

Fearing what atrocity lay ahead; Nylana took off dashing through the trees and the thickets that snatched at her.

"My lady!" yelled Valn.

She ignored the Byleon's pleas.  Panting uncontrollably, Nylana tore through the woods.  She had to see for herself; assure herself that her intuition was not correct.  Ignoring the pain in her side, Nylana continued, leaving the others behind.

The smoke thickened.  The roar of a massive wildfire deafened her.  Unconcerned about her safety, Nylana ignored every warning signal in her mind.

She stopped.

Before her lay the remains of a meadow hidden deep within the forest.  Soot rained upon her as flakes of burnt ash settled around her.  Charred remains were all that was left of the grass.  Vast blackness blocking the sun made a hole that trees once filled.  Intense sadness filled the atmosphere as an anguished wail whirled around her.  It took several moments for Nylana to realize that the scream came from her.


Nylana sank into the blackened earth allowing it to cover her calves.  She remained on her knees while the others caught up to her, placing themselves around her; each with horror painted on their faces.

Amidst the destruction lay the silver bodies of unicorns with blood pouring from terrible wounds.  Scattered were the remains—engulfed by the wrath of destruction.  No birds sang.  No insects buzzed.  Even the wind had stilled.  The home of the unicorns was no more.

A gentle hand rested on Nylana's right shoulder.  She looked up into Trya's soft eyes. 

"I am sorry," said the elf.

"Sorry," said Nylana, "Is that all you can say?"

"There is nothing more that can be said."  Trya glanced out at the devastation and Nylana inwardly scolded herself as she watched a single tear make its way down the elf's cheek.

The slight rise and fall of a unicorn's chest caught Nylana's attention.  She jumped to her feet and ran to the beast falling back onto her knees as she cradled the unicorn's head.

"Lie still," whispered Nylana.

"They came like thieves," wheezed the unicorn.  "Vulgar monsters with weapons and fire."

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