Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter XIII)

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Note: This is the 32th chapter in my fantasy novel, Legends Lost: Galdin. There are 52 chapters total and I will post 1 chapter every Friday.  But if you wish to read the entire book now, it is available for purchase on Amazon, iBookstore, Kobo, B&N, and Smashwords.  

 Chapter XIII

Galdin's Death

 They trudged along a rocky trail in the light of the low hanging sun as they neared where they hoped to make camp for the night.    Nylana tripped over an upturned rock losing her balance.  Ryk caught her and steadied her.  Nylana looked into his eyes as though noticing him for the first time.

"Watch your step," said Ryk.

Nylana smiled slightly.

The sound of Galdin clearing his throat broke up the moment.  Hastily, Ryk put Nylana back on her feet and walked away.

Eerie silence surrounded them.  Magi's fur stood on end; something bothered her.  She felt a presence as though they were not alone. 

The cat's slowed paced caught Nylana's attention.  "What is it?"

"Something is wrong," said Magi.

"I feel it too," said Tabs.

"I don't hear anything," said Galdin.

Trya paused and listened to the silence as she scanned the surrounding area.  She didn't pick anything up, but even she began to feel uneasy.  "I think it would be best if we leave this place immediately." 

As a measure of caution, Trya took her bow and broke it in half revealing the two swords within.  She held it protectively ready for whatever might attack them.

Goose pimples dotted Nylana's skin as she sensed the same uneasiness that the others experienced.  Slowly, she moved forward.  The soft whiz of an arrow filled the air.  Trya shoved Nylana to the ground out of the way of the arrow.  The elf whirled around bringing her swords up before her and blocking an attacking barbarian as he released a yell of triumph.  She wrenched his weapon from him before slicing off his head.  Another appeared from the shadows.  Trya twisted around and brought her left arm up dodging his blow while simultaneously using her right arm to stab the man in the stomach.

"It's a trap!" yelled the elf.

Galdin dodged an oncoming spear.  He picked it up and thrust it into the man that charged him.  Swiftly, he freed his weapon and allowed the clang of metal to fill the silence as he blocked an attack.  Galdin rammed his heel into the knee of his opponent using the opportunity to plunge his sword into the now crippled man's chest.

Screeching cats drowned out all other noise as both Magi and Tabs jumped on a barbarian aiming an arrow for Trya.  The man dropped his bow loosing the arrow straight into the sky.  He kicked at the two cats in an effort to get rid of them.  Tabs and Magi darted away while Nylana rammed her blade into him.

"We need to get out of here," she yelled.

Valn noticed a savage heading straight for Nylana.  He ran for the man falling onto his side and tripping the man.  Wasting no time, the Byleon seized the man's weapon and finished him.

He surveyed the scene.  "This way," he said.

 Ryk brought his sword blocking a charging barbarian.  The force of the attack knocked him off balance.  He braced himself, unlocked their swords and plunged his into the barbarian's chest.

Another barbarian struck Ryk in the back with a blunt object forcing the air out of his lungs.  Ryk whirled around; his sword clashing with the barbarian's.  Another man attacked from the side striking Ryk on the head and forcing him to drop to his knees.  Dazed, Ryk dropped his weapon.  Two pairs of hands grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged him away.

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